What are some major Hollywood misconceptions about shootouts (like police shootouts or military firefights)?
People die immediately when they are hit
This is something that almost never happens. There are instances of people getting shot more than ten times and not noticing because of the adrenaline. People get shot in movies and immediately die, something that almost never happens in real life.
这在现实生活中几乎不会发生。现实生活中曾有过在肾上腺素的作用下,受到了超过 10 次的枪击而没有发觉的案例。在电影中人们受到枪击后马上死亡的情况几乎不会发生。It's easy to hit moving targets
This is another movie myth. It's almost impossible to hit a moving target in one shot, especially when the shooter is relatively inexperience. In The Walking Dead, Carl, who hasn't had that much experience with guns, hit a moving target from 50-60 yards away, something that even an experienced shooter would find difficult. As well as that, there are also many instances where relatively inexperienced survivors hit walkers from a moving vehicle, something almost impossible to actually do.
这也是电影的谎言。通过一次射击击中移动目标几乎是不可能的,尤其是当射手还没有什么经验的时候。在行尸走肉中,没有什么枪械使用经验的卡尔在 50-60 码的距离上击中移动目标,这即使是对于专业射手也是很难做到的事情。与此类似的,也有一些新手在行使中的交通工具上击中行尸,这几乎是不可能实现的。Magazines hold 40-50 bullets
弹夹中有 40-50 发子弹
In many movies, when people are shooting handguns reloadable with magazines, the rounds never seem to stop. In reality, magazines only hold about 8-20 rounds, not nearly as many as what are shot. In movies, the shooting never ceases until it is necessary for a plot point, even when the rounds should've ended far before. It seems that every character has a magical infinite magazine that never runs out.
在一些电影中,当人们使用可装弹的手枪射击时,子弹似乎是无穷无尽的。在现实中,弹夹一般有 8-20 发子弹,完全不够他们使用的。在电影中,射击的镜头不停直到剧情需要,而不论子弹其实早就应该用尽。看起来主角似乎是拥有了无尽的弹夹。Guns have very little recoil
This is definitely not true. Sometimes, you see young people, even in their teens, shooting handguns or revolvers and they aren't even getting pushed back. They stand firm, something that would never really happen. Ecen grown men usually get a little push. One of the few movies that recognized recoil is the Coen brothers' True Grit (2010).
这绝对不是真的。有时你可以看见一些年轻人甚至是青少年,使用手枪或者左轮而几乎没有后坐力。他们稳稳地站着,这也是不可能发生的。即使是成年人也会感受到一些后坐力。为数不多的一些电影表现出了后坐力是科恩兄弟拍摄的大地惊雷(2010)。Nobody's ears are ringing after a shootout
Guns are very loud, especially when up close. In movies, people's ears never seem to ring after a huge shootout that should have left them temporarily deaf. In a related topic, it seems that people can talk normally during shootouts, something that would never happen, for two reasons; first, it's inconvenient. It's better to focus on the fight itself. Second, everything said would have to be shouted, as it's nearly impossible to speak over the sound of rounds firing.