L9 U4 健康与安全

Module 1. 解释规则和规定

1. 规定、规则和法律

  • barbecue 烧烤
  • regulations 规定
  • balconies 阳台
  • allowed 允许的
  • law 法律
  • safety concerns 安全考虑
  • prohibited 禁止的
  • fine 罚款
  • put out 扑灭
  • rules 规则

我们在日常生活中受到 laws、rules 和 regulations 的影响。

  • One of the rules is that nobody can be in the office after 8 p.m. 其中一条规则是晚上8点后谁都不能在办公室
  • There are so many government regulations for driving a car. 政府对于开车有诸多规定。
  • It's important to understand the laws of a country that you're visiting. 务必了解所访问国家的法律。

用此类词语和短语来谈论 laws:

  • In my country, it's still legal to talk on the phone while driving. 在我们国家,开车时打电话是合法的。
  • Smoking in bars and restaurants is illegal in my city. 在我们城市,在酒吧和餐厅里吸烟是违法的。
  • Driving over 30 miles per hour downtown is against the law. 在市区开车时速超过 30 英里是违法的。
  • He had to pay a fine for driving without his seatbelt on. 由于开车没系安全带,他必须缴纳罚金。


  • Swimming is not allowed here because of safety concerns. 出于安全原因,此处禁止游泳。
  • Riding a motorcycle without a helmet is prohibited by law. 法律禁止骑摩托车时不戴头盔。
  • Use of cellphones during the flight is not permitted. 飞行中不得使用手机。

2. 谈论规章制度

  • It's been brought to my attention ... 我一直注意到……
  • Did you not get our email? 你没有收到我们的电子邮件?
  • There's now a regulation against ... 现在有规定禁止……
  • It's a city law. 这是本市的一条法律。
  • There's actually a $200 fine. 实际有 200 美元罚款。
  • Rules are there to keep people safe. 规则的作用是保障人的安全。
  • You can't just go starting fires. 你不能随意点火。


  • It's been brought to my attention that you've been smoking on the balcony. 我注意到你一直在阳台上吸烟。
  • Did you not receive the new office rules? 你没有收到新的办公室规定吗?
  • There's now a regulation against smoking anywhere in the building. 现在有规定禁止在楼内的任何地点吸烟。
  • It's a new city law. 这是新的州法律。

用 must 来表达强烈的义务,用 mustn't 表示不允许做某事:

  • You must follow the new office rules. 你必须遵守新的办公室规则。
  • You mustn't smoke on the balcony. 你不可以在阳台上吸烟。


  • There's a $50 fine for not wearing a seatbelt. 不系安全带会罚款 50 美元。
  • The rules are there to protect people. 规则的目的是保护大家。
  • You can't just smoke anywhere you want. 你不能随心所欲地到处抽烟。
  • I'm sorry, but it's not allowed. 抱歉,这样做是不允许的。

3. 礼貌地拒绝请求

  • Yes, I'm afraid there is. 是的,恐怕有。
  • I'm sorry. 我很抱歉。
  • I'd really like to help you, but ... 我非常希望帮你,但……


  • A: That's crazy! Why can't I smoke here? 真是疯了!我为什么不能在这抽烟?
  • B: I'm sorry, but that's the law. 抱歉,这是法律规定。


  • I'm afraid that's just not possible. 恐怕不行。

  • I'd really like to help you, but I don't make the rules. 我非常希望帮你,但规则不是我制定的。

  • Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do. 很遗憾,我爱莫能助。

  • I'm sorry, but that's not allowed. 不好意思,不允许这样。

  • I'd really like to help you, but I can't. 我很想帮忙,可帮不了。

  • It's due to safety concerns. 这是出于安全考虑。

  • I'm afraid that's impossible. 恐怕不可能。

  • Everyone must shower before going into the pool. 所有人必须冲洗干净才能进游泳池。

  • Everyone must follow the rules. 人人都得遵守规则。

Module 2. 报告受伤

1. 受伤和急救

  • first-aid kit 急救箱
  • antiseptic 消毒剂
  • sting 刺痛
  • blood 血液
  • bandage 绷带
  • sore 疼痛
  • company policy 公司政策
  • infected 被感染的
  • a bandage 一条绷带
  • a burn 一块烧伤
  • a bruise 一块瘀伤
  • a cut 一处刀伤
  • scissors 剪刀
  • an ice pack 一个冰袋
  • a first-aid kit 急救工具
  • antiseptic 抗菌剂
  • a splinter 一块碎片
  • blood 血

2. 复习:反身代词

  • I just cut myself! 我刚割伤了自己!
  • She cut herself. 她割伤了自己。

用反身代词谈论主语和宾语相同时的动作。反身代词通过给代词添加 -self 或 -selves 等后缀构成。

  • I cut myself making a bagel. 我做百吉饼时割伤了自己。
  • He cut himself in the kitchen. 他在厨房切伤了自己。
  • They bandaged themselves after the accident. 他们在事故后自行用绷带包扎。
  • How did you hurt yourself? 你怎么伤到自己的?


  • I'm not going to help you. Do it yourself. 我不会帮你的。自己动手吧。
  • The boss asked to speak to me himself. It was then I knew I was in trouble. 老板要亲自跟我谈。那时候我才知道自己惹麻烦了。

3. 坚持

  • Actually, it's company policy. 其实这是公司的政策。
  • Company policy is very clear on this. 公司政策对此非常明确。
  • What if it becomes infected? 假如感染了怎么办?
  • I think it'll be okay. 我认为没事。
  • Let's not take any chances. 不要心存侥幸。
  • I suppose you're right. 我想你是对的。


  • Don't worry. I'm fine. 别担心。我没事。
  • It's not that serious. I don't need to see a doctor. 没有那么严重。我不用看医生。
  • Honestly, I can take care of myself. 真的,我能照顾好自己。


  • It's company policy that you go to the emergency room. 公司政策规定你应该去急诊室。
  • I really must insist that you see a doctor. 我真的认为你必须去看医生。
  • Don't be foolish. You have to take care of that. 不要犯傻。你必须去治疗。


  • I suppose you're right. 我想你是对的。
  • It's better to be safe than sorry. 与其后悔,不如安全一点。
  • I suppose you're right. 我想你是对的。
  • I can take care of it myself. 我自己能够搞定。
  • It's really not that serious. 真的没有那么严重。
  • Let's not take any chances. 不要心存侥幸。
  • It's company policy that you see a doctor. 公司政策规定你应该去看医生。

Module 3. 讨论工作场所安全

1. 工作场所健康词汇

  • safety expert 安全专家
  • compile a report 编写一份报告
  • workplace safety 工作场所安全
  • avoid 避免
  • injuries 受伤
  • evacuation drills 疏散演习
  • carpet 地毯
  • fire extinguishers 灭火器
  • ergonomic 人体工学
  • You'll be hearing from my lawyer. 我的律师会与你联系。
  • ergonomic chair /ˌɜːrɡəˈnɑːmɪk tʃer/ 人体工学座椅
  • workplace 工作场所
  • safety expert 安全专家
  • lawyer 律师
  • fire extinguisher /ˈfaɪər ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃər/ 灭火器
  • carpet 地毯
  • emergency exit 紧急出口
  • We have compiled a report on workplace safety. 我们编写了一份有关工作场所安全的报告。
  • Ergonomic chairs can help to avoid back injuries. 人体工学座椅有助于避免背部受伤。
  • The safety expert recommended new carpet. 安全专家推荐了新的地毯。
  • The boss insists on evacuation drills every month. 老板坚持每个月都要开展疏散演习。
  • It's illegal to not have fire extinguishers. 不配备灭火器是违法的。
  • She contacted a lawyer after her injury at work. 因工受伤后,她联系了一名律师。

2. 职业健康与安全

Health and safety at work

No place is completely safe, and that includes the workplace. Here are a few things you can do at work to stay safe and healthy.

  • Don't go to work sick. If a colleague is sick at work, avoid contact with them. Perhaps you can even ask them to go home.
  • In case of fire, know where the fire extinguishers are and how to use them. Also, know where the emergency exits are, and how to safely evacuate the building.
  • Make sure there are first-aid kits in the workplace. If someone is injured, they might need immediate care.
  • Use ergonomic equipment. This can help avoid injuries from typing or sitting too long.
  • If something at work makes you feel unsafe or unhealthy, report it to your manager.

3. 讨论推荐

  • What were the recommendations? 有什么建议?
  • She said we needed ... 她说我们需要……
  • She strongly advised ... 她强烈建议……
  • She also recommended ... 她还建议……
  • She demanded safer procedures for ... 她要求针对……制定更安全的程序


  • What were the final recommendations? 最终建议是什么?
  • Have they demanded new workplace regulations? 他们有没有要求制定新的工作场所规定?


  • First, the expert said we needed to improve the workplace environment. 首先,专家认为我们需要改善工作场所的环境。
  • He said we have to do something about the bathroom floor. It's too slippery. 他说浴室地板太滑了,我们得采取一点措施。
  • He also recommended that we purchase new first-aid kits. 他还建议我们购买新的急救箱。
  • He strongly advised that we have regular evacuation drills. 他强烈建议我们开展定期的疏散演习。
  • He said the floor was too slippery. 他说地板太滑了。
  • It's better to be safe than sorry. 与其后悔,不如安全一点。
  • What other advice did she have? 她还提出了哪些其他建议?
  • Have they demanded safer procedures? 他们是否要求提供更安全的程序?
  • What were the final recommendations? 最终建议是什么?
  • I think that's a pretty good recommendation. 我认为这个建议非常不错。

Module 4. 就安全法律提供意见

1. 规则词汇

  • tenant 承租人
  • furthermore 此外
  • permit 许可证
  • outrageous 过高的
  • health inspector 卫生检查员
  • protect 保护
  • procedure 程序
  • mentor 导师
  • observing 观察

Rules, rules, rules

To: healthandsafety@govmt.org
Dear Health Inspector,

I just read your report on our coffee shop.
I think it's outrageous.
You must only have spent maybe 30 minutes observing us, and then you compile a terrible report.
A score of six? Really? I'll probably lose my job for this, you know.

You even claimed one of my employees, Karen, was using dirty cups.
Untrue! She's a new employee.
I am her mentor, I observe everything she does, and she does NOT use dirty cups.
Furthermore, you stated that we do nothing to protect the customers from coffee that's too hot.
We always ask our customers how hot they want their coffee.
I really don't understand why you were so critical.

I demand a review.
Our coffee shop is not a six.
Our coffee shop is a 10! And we have hundreds of happy customers who would agree with that.

Dan Heath

Manager, Downtown Coffee

  • There's a procedure for everything these days. 如今一切都有一套程序。
  • The rules are there to protect the tenants. 规则的作用是保护承租人
  • Fifty dollars for a parking permit? That's outrageous! 停车许可证要五十美元?太离谱了!
  • Furthermore, you will need to purchase a key. 此外,你需要购买一把钥匙。
  • The health inspector put warnings all around the pool. 卫生检查员在水池周围放满了警告标志。
  • Health and safety procedures are there to protect us. 卫生和安全程序的目的是保护我们。

2. 现在完成时的被动语态


  • New regulations have been announced by the government. 新规定已经被政府宣布。
  • The report has been compiled by a safety expert. 这份报告是由一名安全专家编写的。
  • A decision has been made by the local council. 一项决定已在当地议会做出。


  • New regulations have been announced. 新规定已经被宣布。
  • The report has been compiled. 报告已编写完成。
  • A decision has been made. 决定已经做出。

3. 批评和抱怨

  • That's outrageous! 太离谱了!
  • I'm sick and tired of ... 我真是烦透了……
  • It's a waste of time and energy. 完全是浪费时间和精力。
  • I've had it up to here. 我忍无可忍了。
  • My mentor's always correcting me. 我的导师总是在纠正我。
  • I'm fed up with it. 我受够了。
  • I just had to let off some steam. 我必须发泄一下。
  • It's a waste of time and energy. 完全是浪费时间和精力。
  • He is always correcting me. 他总是在纠正我。
  • I'm sick and tired of it. 我真是烦透了。
  • That's outrageous! 太离谱了!
  • I'm fed up with it. 我受够了。
  • I've had it up to here. 我忍无可忍了。
  • I have to let off some steam. 我必须发泄一下。

4. 全球各地的法律

Australia has some of the strictest laws in the world regarding the use of cellphones while driving. It is prohibited to talk, text, play games, or take photos or videos. In general, you can't use your phone at all while driving. It's also illegal to use your phone when the car is stopped, unless you are in a parking space. What that means is, for example, you can't use your phone at a red light. Drivers who break these laws have to pay an expensive fine, and they also have to pay more for their car insurance.

  • Some people abuse privileges. 一些人滥用特权。
  • I think some of the new policies are excessive. 我认为有些新的政策过分。
  • We shouldn't all be punished. 我们所有人不应该都被惩罚。
  • I don't think there's much we can do. 我不认为有很多是我们能做的。
  • I don't think that's fair. I feel powerless. 我不认为那是公平的。我感到无能为力。
  • I'm really disappointed with the new policy. 我对新政策感到很失望。
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