


最喜欢碧瑶的清晨,小麻雀早早的在窗前把我叫醒,阳光已透过窗帘铺在地板上。喜欢清晨是因为从6点到8点,公园里的广场舞一直在跳,很是劲爆,从白发老人到2岁孩童,美女帅哥很抢镜,大妈级的也养眼,无论身材好坏,音乐的节奏和身体的律动真是和中国的广场舞不一样呢。他们可以扭动身体的每个部位每个关节,尤其是腰,臀,灵活,充满力量,不得不佩服菲人的乐感和舞蹈细胞。音乐无处不在,舞蹈无处不在。每个人都沉浸在自己舞蹈的世界里,从不在乎有多少旁人驻足欣赏拍照录像。朋友说,晨练几乎是这里的全民运动,即使没有跳舞的,也常常在跑步健身或是散步。这里几乎没有麻将和扑克牌,我想不只是皮肤黝黑的缘故,菲国的人看起来都很健美呢。在看了许多次后,沉寂多年的舞蹈细胞在这样的环境下终于按捺不住了,无论刮风下雨,或者是特殊的日子,清晨去公园跳舞是早起的最大动力,舞蹈和画画便成了生活中最快乐的事。这一年这样过下去,该是多么幸福的事。 绘画不分国界,音乐更是世界语言,舞蹈也把舞者以这样或那样的方式聚集在一起。菲国的广场舞不仅碧瑶有,这个公园有,大致菲国人民处处都在舞,舞蹈细胞也是天生的。








一个领舞者跳舞的场景,我至今记忆犹新。菲国7点钟的太阳已经很烈了,紫外线也很强。一次我去得晚了,路过公园的时候,看见一个舞队,肌肉健美的男士,穿了一个背心,在烈日下,汗顺着他隆起的肌肉流淌,又瞬间蒸发,热气环绕着他,像超人一样,我被这一幕感动了。365天,准时准点的领舞,坚持着,是一种什么样的信仰? 我们对的领舞,是一对年轻的男女,动作干净利落到位,不同风格的音乐,有探戈,恰恰,伦巴,或是中国风的武术音乐,也有芭蕾的节奏,还有的像是新疆舞的感觉,或者是黑人音乐和乡村民谣,有的我叫不出名字,各种节奏柔和在一起,展现不同的韵味。用身体去演绎音乐的魅力,激情四射,一个小时的舞,总觉得时间过的太快。菲国的女子多长发,且都披肩,黑亮的头发和着音乐甩起来,是另一种美。不需要言语,快乐的节奏就是最好的交流。




                                      Step up

I love the morning of Baguio, the little sparrow woke me up before my window in the early morning, the sun spread its shining on the floor through the curtain, I love morning for the morning dancing exercises are always continuing and very energetic from 6:00—8:00 a.m. the  members of the morning exercises are old men and women with white hair to the children who are at the age of two, beauty can catch your eyes, so did the aunt. No matter what the body is, the rhythm of the music and the move of the body is really different from China. They twist each part of their bodies, especially the waist, the hips, flexible and full of energy, I have to admire the sense of music and dancing cells of the Philippines. Music is everywhere, dance is everywhere too. Everybody steeped in the dancing world of their own, they never notice how many people stop to watch and take photos and record video for them. A friend told me that morning exercise is almost for everybody. If there is no dancer, he/she will be jogging and running. There are no Mahjiang and cards here, I thought all the Filipinos look healthy not for the reason that their skins are tan. After watching so many times, I cannot control my dancing cells under such circumstances, no matter there is wind or rain, or special date, the most motive power to make me get up is the morning dance in the park, dance and drawing became the happiest things in my life. I will live like this year. How happy I will be. Drawing has no boundary, the music is the language of the world, dance can let the dances get together. The square dance in Philippines is not only in Baguio city, in this park, but also in everywhere, the dance cells are born by nature.

I passed by the national high school of Baguio in the morning, a group of children are playing drum in a line jumping and running, another children are singing with the minority music instruments under the tree, such joy is natural and original, it looks like the local dance somewhat, I cannot control my body cells and dance with the rhythm. When I turn on the music in the classroom in my kindergarten, this group of children cannot sit, they must stand up dancing, they twist their bodies with the rhythm. They won’t sit down quietly until turning off the music. Naturally, I teach them to do exercise and sing, they can learn fast even if they are China’s. More times, the children will hum the English or Philippines’ songs when they are writing or drawing, Although I can’t understand, I also enjoy such children’s folk rhymes.

I paid a visit to a restaurant with a friend, which looks like a castle. There is a big rainbow in an oil painting at the door. In the warm light of the restaurant, I can’t help thinking a lot. The friend said, there is a special place in this restaurant, I asked her, but she just smiles and says nothing, you would know at the certain time.

Okay, then you enjoy yourself.. First spotlight and rotating lights lit, and melodious low music turned on, the dance song started, the dinners got up and danced into central restaurant, and they dance with the music, the dinners continue to eat, they only have more of a visual feast. I was surprised, friend partner came to invite her to the dance floor, as if the whole restaurant become fantasy trip because of the dancers. Different from the dancer's skirt, fragrance and hair, brushed my nose, adding a new sauce for dinner. I am immersed in the rhythm of the dance, a handsome man, wearing a shirt and tie, with 90 degree bow come to invite me to dance, I want to say no, friends come and persuade me dance, he said he will teach you. Well, I can not refuse the invitation. He slowly led me carefully into the dance of the world, without borders, without words. Well, relax, and the body goes along with the music.. A song and a rotation, on the dance floor, as if I were the only dancer in the whole world, I am dancing freely.

In the second half, the toastmaster came, and my friend translated it to me. It was probably that we were lucky. Today, I had the performance of the members, professional level.. The opportunity is good, we must not miss!

The first song is a young man in a cowboy suits who dances and tells a beautiful story.. Second is a couple who dance Latin dance. I do not know what time, they have changed the professional clothing, and instantly took us to the Latin dance. The third is a fat dancer, the dancer is dancing with a song, if I just look at her fat body, I absolutely can not think of such a wonderful dance she can dance, inside and outside of the dance floor, continuous applause, cheers continued, continuous laughter, I really hope that time can stop at the moment, in the dance world. This reminds me of the first time I saw a street dance team in the SM supermarket, where it is said that they won the first prize in the international competition.. A team have black people and white people including seven boys and three girls, the thin little girl broke out from the body power, its amazing. She can do somersault, one hand support, head rotation, a lot of actions need super difficulty. I don't know the terminology, I only feel the music, the stage is in the dance, live for the first time to watch such a world-class hip-hop performances, which are much more better than on TV. Dance always infect people.. After the show they also have the scene to teach the people how to dance, many young people on the stage dance with them. As the foreigner who came here first, but also I have been a Mum, I did not dare go on stage. If it's now, I don't think I should miss this opportunity..

In the early morning of the square dance ignited my passion, in the park a team which at least has five or more dancers, dance music and style of each group are not identical, the lead dancers carry a speaker, U disk is inserted, on Broad Street, it opens the dance tour, volunteered to join, the end of the day you can also give freely 20 pesos or directly leave. No matter you recognize each other or not, the dancers are very warm and you say hello.

Jump in a circle, I choose the a pair of young men and women team, because I like their dance style, like their music, enjoy their happy smiles, like every day they different color team apparel. Dance together, really enjoy myself, and the joy can go into the body, the feelings of the release of the body can’t express with the words, each cell is like a new. Jumped a month, I am basic to keep up with the rhythm, but the action is not in place, and about moving waist and top hip, I am afraid it is temporarily unable to achieve, but I have confidence to take back the dance here, teach dancers in his hometown. Dance together, dance, and all your life!

Baguio weather seasons such as spring, we need the quilt at night, only the morning dance, I can be in a sweat. My whole body is sweating, I thought this will produce happy cells, eliminate toxins, health body, fine physique, dance soul, good.

A dancer danced when dancing, I still memorized as the new. The seven o'clock sun was already very strong, which has very strong ultraviolet rays. Once I went too late, walking through the park, I saw a dance team, there was a muscular man, wearing a vest, in the hot sun, his sweat is flowing along the muscles of his eminence, and instantly evaporation, the hot air is around him, he just look like a Superman, I was moved by this scene. He is insisting on supervising the dance team for 365 days on time, what kind of faith? The lead dancer, is a pair of young men and women, skillful action is always in place, different styles of music, tango, Cha Cha Cha, rumba, or Chinese style of martial music, ballet rhythm, and there is a kind of music which sounds like the feeling of Xinjiang dance, or black music and township village folk, I don’t know the name of the music, all gentle beat together show different flavor. Use the body to deduce the charm of music, passion, an hour of dance, I always feel the time too fast. The women's long hair shawl, and black hair, and a music thrown up, is another kind of beauty. No language, happy rhythm is the best exchange.

A black mother, her daughter in my class, every time when dancing, I met her, she will enthusiastically and embrace me, and she said hello to me with unskilled Chinese. There are also the first sight of the partner, smiling greetings. In a foreign country, it's like a big family, and the body and mind are slowly quiet in the music and dance world. once a time  there was a 60 years old woman jumped tired, sitting on the roadside rest, when the end and I greet, always for my thumbs, this gesture, the Philippines is the highest award. I am also happy.

Music in the park all day playing, surrounded by music, and wind blowing, Yang Liu Yiyi, flowers in full bloom, blue sky can see the clouds and the music, the transformation of different posture. Swim in the blue sky, the lake from morning to night there were tourists leisurely paddled all kinds of boats, the strange face all smiles, Baguio City, it is life in Wonderland. Dance around the Park Lake walking a week, Lala ligament, a beautiful day starting from dancing, happiness, will continue until the next morning!


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