在Mac OS X 上搭建Python和Django开发环境


在Mac OS X Lion 上搭建Python和Django开发环境



Lion系统默认去掉了“Sites”文件夹,但很容易加回去 - 自定义图标甚至会自动弹出来。使用Find查找工具,或者在命令行终端输入如下命令:


chflags nohidden ~/Library/

由于Lion是全64位系统,我们得让编译器知道所有的编译工作都需要指定为64位,这会让我们之后省点头痛的麻烦。打开 ~/.bash_profile

vim ~/.bash_profile


# Set architecture flags

export ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64"


Installing development-related software usually requires the compiler tool-chain that comes with Xcode. There is at least one alternative GCC installer, but I ran into problems with it and recommend sticking with Xcode.

安装开发相关的软件通常需要涉及到XCode自带的编译工具链。这里至少有一种可替代的工具——GCC installer, 但我在使用时遇到了些麻烦因此我推荐坚持使用XCode。

First, download Xcode from the Mac App Store. Make sure you're on a high-bandwidth connection, because this is a massive download. Once it's been downloaded, you should have a 3.2GB app entitled "Install Xcode" in your Applications folder. I recommend backing up this installer in case you ever want to re-install it or install Xcode on any of your other Macs. Once the straightforward Xcode installation process has finished, proceed to the next section.

首先,从苹果App商店下载XCode。保证你的带宽足够大,因为下载这个大玩意可不是件轻松的事情。当下载完成后,你的Application文件夹中应该有一个名为“Install Xcode”的3.2G大小的安装程序。我建议你备份一下这个安装程序,以便你之后想重新安装或者在你其他的Mac上安装XCode。当XCode一键式的安装过程结束后,前进到下一节。


Sometimes you may need cross-platform software — usually without a GUI and accessible only via the command line — that isn't readily available via the Mac App Store. As someone who used MacPorts for years, I can't begin to explain the relative awesomeness that is Homebrew. It's an indispensable tool that should be in every Mac developer's arsenal, so let's install it:


ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/gist/323731)"

That's it — Homebrew is now installed. While it should have the latest version of Homebrew and its formulae, let's run the update command just in case:

就是这样 —— 现在Homebrew已经安装好了。按照惯例,Homebrew应该是最新版本,以防万一,让我们运行一下升级命令

brew update

If the "brew update" command produces an error, make sure /usr/local is owned by you and not by root:

如果“brew update”命令执行出错,请确保文件夹/usr/local的所有者权限是你本人而不是root:

sudo chown $USER /usr/localbrew update

The Homebrew wiki has a full command list and a bunch of other useful information, but here's a quick command to install some packages that I often find useful across all my Macs:


brew install bash-completion byobu growlnotify ssh-copy-id wget


Let's say you want to install a Python package, such as the fantastic virtualenv environment isolation tool. Nearly every Python-related article for Mac OS X tells the reader to install it thusly:


sudo easy_install virtualenv

Here's why I don't do it that way:


installs with root permissions

1. 安装需要root权限

installs into the global /Library instead of the user's

2. 这会安装到全局的/Library文件夹中,而不是用户文件夹

"Distribute" has less bugs than the default legacy easy_install

3. “Distribute”安装系统比默认的easy_install的bug要少

If I install a Python package and decide I want to delete it, I like having the option to use the Finder to drag it to the Trash without any permission-related complaints. Plus, keeping the Python packages isolated to the user account just makes more sense to me. Last but not least, Distribute is a fork of Setuptools/easy_install that aims to be more reliable with less bugs.


Traditionally, I've always used the "--user" flag to install Python packages into ~/.local, a behavior that was consistent across Macs, Linux, and other UNIX systems. It seems Lion has changed this behavior, however, installing into ~/Library/Python/2.7 when it encounters the --user flag. Since I prefer to have this location remain consistent across the various systems I encounter, I changed the flag from "--user" to the more specific "--prefix=~/.local". Whichever you choose, please keep in mind that the instructions here assume the latter.



With that tangent behind us, let's install Distribute:




# Path ------------------------------------------------------------if [ -d ~/.local/bin ]; then  export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH exists.fi# Python path -----------------------------------------------------if [ -d ~/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages ]; then  export PYTHONPATH=~/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATHfi# Load in .bashrc -------------------------------------------------

source ~/.bashrc

Let's load those directives now via:


source ~/.bash_profile

Lion's easy_install is normally located in /usr/bin, so let's make sure that our local version is the one that's used by default:


which easy_install

确保得到的结果是~/.local/bin/easy_install, 这样我们就全设置好了!

virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper(虚拟环境和虚拟环境包装层)

安装到~/.local下的Python包对于用户来说的确是具有局部属性的,但是它们在某种程度上也是全局的,因为对于用户的所有工程项目它们都是可见的。有时候这会很方便,但这也会带来一些问题。比如,有时候一个工程需要最新版本的Django,而另一个工程却需要Django 1.2版来与一个至关重要的第三方扩展包维持兼容。而这正是设计virtualenv所用来解决的问题。virtualenv,virtualenvwrapper和Mercurial(一种源代码版本管理工具)是唯一一直存在于我的系统中的软件包。其它的每一个包都局限在它的虚拟环境中。

Let's install virtualenv and its companion virtualenvwrapper:


easy_install --prefix=~/.local virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

We'll then open/create the ~/.bashrc file...

然后我们打开根目录/,创建一个bash配置文件 ~/.bashrc

vim ~/.bashrc

vim ~/.bashrc

... and add some lines to it:


django-admin.py startproject projectmv requirements.txt project/

We can now start Django's development web server...


python manage.py runserver

... and see the results in our web browser. For those that are new to Django, the Django Tutorial is a good place to learn how to continue building your project.



Now that you have a Django project started, use your preferred version control system to make your first commit. For Mercurial, that would be:


hg init projectcd projecthg addhg commit -m "Initial commit"


While I've posted excerpts of my dotfiles above, you can get the whole enchilada from my Bitbucket repository.

尽管我已经在前文给出了我的配置文件摘录,你可以在我的存储库Bitbucket repository得到全部的配置文件。

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