The World This Week 一周商业(20170408)


In a highly unusual move, one of the presidents of the Federal Reserve’s 12 regional banks resigned abruptly following an investigation into information that was leaked to a financial analyst five years ago. Jeffrey Lacker had headed the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond since 2004, a role that gave him a place on the Fed’s monetary policymaking committee.

美联储12位区域银行总裁之一突然宣布辞职。这一非比寻常的举动,发生在针对五年前向金融分析师泄露信息事件的调查展开之后。2004年以来,杰弗里·莱克(Jeffrey Lacker)一直领导着列治文联邦储备银行。这一职位令他在美联储货币政策制定委员会占有一席之地。

A warning was issued by the Bank of England about the expansion of consumer credit in Britain, notably the growth of unsecured loans and zero interest offers. The central bank cautioned that although consumer credit makes up only 10% of bank lending, whereas mortgages account for 70%, the losses for banks in a downturn from consumer credit would be significantly greater. Last year’s stress tests found that banks were exposed to £18.5bn($23.1bn) of risky consumer credit compared with £11.8bn for mortgages.



Scotland’s economy shrank by 0.2% in the last quarter of 2016, a blow to the nation’s independence-minded government given that the United Kingdom as a whole grew by 0.7%. Scottish GDP rose by just 0.4% for the whole year; the UK recorded a 1.8% increase. Scotland’s finance minister blamed last June’s UK-wide referendum on leaving the European Union.


The euro zone’s unemployment rate dropped to 9.5% in February, the lowest since May 2009. The Czech Republic and Germany had the lowest rates at 3.4% and 3.9%. Greece and Spain recorded the highest rates, at 23.1% and 18%.


The $43bn takeover of Syngenta by ChemChina was cleared by the EU’s antitrust regulator, which said it was satisfied that the pair’s promise to sell some assets allayed concerns that the deal could reduce competition in the agribusiness industry. America’s Federal Trade Commission also approved the acquisition,the largest foreign takeover by a Chinese firm to date.


Fox News came under more pressure after it was reported that one of its top stars, Bill O’ Reilly, and the network paid $13m to five women to settle allegations of harassment. Some big advertisers, including BMW and Mitsubishi, pulled their business from his show. Last year the station’s CEO, Roger Ailes, resigned over similar complaints. Fox also faces lawsuits over claims of racial discrimination.

继其顶级明星之一比尔‧欧莱力(Bill O'Reilly)和该公司向五名妇女支付了1300万美元以解决性骚扰指控之后,福克斯新闻承受了更大的压力。一些广告大客户,包括宝马和三菱,中断了与他脱口秀节目的合作。去年,该电视台的首席执行官罗杰·艾尔斯(Roger Ailes)因类似的投诉辞职。福克斯还面临着种族歧视的诉讼。

Britain introduced a mandatory rule requiring private companies with more than 250 employees to report on their gender pay gap. Firms are now required to collect and disclose data on differences between the median and mean salaries of men and women. The gaps in each quartile of the pay scale are also to be reported. Some say the measure will do little to tackle the issue. Iceland has taken a tougher approach, unveiling a bill that would force firms to demonstrate that they provide equal pay to men and women, the first such stipulation in the world.


India’s Supreme Court banned the sale of alcohol within 500 metres of motorways,a shock to the country’s hospitality industry. The court wants to clamp down on drink-driving, but its decision has affected tens of thousands of businesses, including restaurants and five-star resorts.


JAB Holding added to its American food-and-drink brand assets by agreeing to buy Panera Bread, a fast-growing bakery and coffee chain, for $7.5bn. JAB already owns Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and Peet’s Coffee & Tea in America as well as the Senseo and Douwe Egberts coffee brands in Europe, but Panera is the icing on the cake for its expansion plans.

JAB控股公司同意以75亿美元收购帕尼拉面包(Panera Bread)以增强其美国饮食品牌资产。帕尼罗是一家成长快速的面包和咖啡连锁企业。JAB已经在美国拥有卡卡圈坊皮特的咖啡和茶等品牌。在欧洲则拥有SenseoDouwe Egberts咖啡品牌。收购帕尼拉将为JAB的扩张计划锦上添花。

The share price of Ulker Biskuvi, a Turkish producer of biscuits and chocolate, fell sharply after it ran an April Fool’s advert that got entangled in Turkey’s febrile politics.The ad featured bizarre pranks,ending with the announcement that “now is the day of reckoning”, which government supporters, many of whom are suspicious of Ulker’s boss, interpreted as an attempt to stir tensions that have been simmering since last July’s coup attempt.

土耳其饼干和巧克力生产商Ulker Biskuvi的股价在其愚人节广告播出后大幅下滑。该广告与土耳其紧张的政治气氛纠缠在一起。广告里有着奇怪的打扮,并以“现在是结算的日子”作为结尾。政府的支持者中有不少人怀疑Ulker老板意图不轨。他们将这则广告理解为试图引发去年七月份未遂政变以来一直酝酿的紧张局势。


Tesla’s share price soared after it published bumper first quarter sales figures for its electric cars. The company’s market capitalisation overtook that of 114-year-old Ford for the first time. Last year Tesla delivered 76,000 cars and Ford sold 6.7m vehicles, but it is Tesla that is racing ahead of Detroit in developing the cars of the future.


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