0. 一些名词的解释
0.1 解释
名词 | 中文名词 | 意思 |
YOY | 同比增长率 | Year Over Year: 按年度计的增长率 |
MOM | 环比增长率 | Month Over Month: 按月度计的增长率 |
YTD | 年累计 | Year to Date: 指年初至当前日期(不含今日)累计 |
QTD | 季累计 | Quarter to Date: 季度初至今累计 |
MTD | 月累计 | Month to Date: 月初至今累计 |
YTD stands for year to date – from the beginning of the current year, up to but not including today. Once again, make sure you know where your company goes by the calendar year or the fiscal year, as the latter may not begin on January 1st.
QTD stands for “Quarter to Date”. It’s used in exactly the same way as MTD, except you’re looking at the time period from the start of this quarter until now. Be careful though: this can refer to either the calendar or the fiscal quarter.
MTD stands for “Month to Date”. It’s the period starting from the beginning of the current month up until now… but not including today’s date, because it might not be complete yet.
0.2 示例
DAX 语法参考链接:MSDN。
1. 同比
1.1 创建[当期]量值的聚合(sum
Total Amount TY= SUM(Sales[Amount])
1.2 创建[上一期]量值的聚合(sum
Total Amount LY= CALCULATE(Total Amount TY, SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR(Date[Datekey]))
1.3 创建[当期]和[上一期]的[差值]
Diff. = Total Amount TY - Total Amount LY
1.4 计算[差值]占[当期]量值的比例(YOY %
YOY % = IF(
ISBLANK(Total Amount TY),
Diff. / Total Amount TY)
2.1 创建[当期]量值的聚合(sum
Total Amount TM= SUM(Sales[Amount])
2.2 创建[前一期]量值的聚合(sum
Total Amount PM = CALCULATE(Total Amount TM, DATEADD('Date'[Date], -1, MONTH))
2.3 创建[当期]和[前一期]的[差值]
Diff. = Total Amount TM - Total Amount PM
2.4 计算[差值]占[当期]量值的比例(YOY %
YOY % = IF(
ISBLANK(Total Amount TM),
Diff. / Total Amount TM)
3.1 创建[当期]量值的聚合(sum
Total Amount TM= SUM(Sales[Amount])
3.2 创建累计(YTD
YTD = CALCULATE(Total Amount TY, DATESYTD(DateTime[DateKey]))
在这里使用YTD、QTD和MTD都没有太大差别,由于Power BI提供了良好的筛选聚合的功能,在YTD、QTD和MTD之间的转换实际上已经由Power BI替我们完成了。