1. fund - 01 [COUNTABLE] an amount of money that you collect, save, or invest
a fund to buy instruments for young musicians
a. BUSINESS a financial organization that manages an amount of money by investing it
b.used in the names of organizations that collect money for a particular purpose
Charities and charitable organizations or people:aid agency, aid worker, benefactor...
02 . [COUNTABLE] a large supply of something, especially something useful
fund of: She had a huge fund of knowledge, skill, and experience.
03funds [PLURAL] money
I’m a little low on funds just now.
raise funds (=collect money): I’m not sure I can raise the funds for the holiday.
2. force
01 to make someone do something that they do not want to do, for example by using or threatening to use violence
E.g. force someone to do something: He claims that police officers forced him to sign a confession.
force yourself to do something: Despite the pain, she forced herself to get out of bed.
force someone into doing something: You can’t force him into going out with you.
force someone into/out of something: Two men forced him into the back of the van.
force someone to do something: Bad health forced her to abandon her studies.
force someone into/out of something: Lack of skills forces these young men into low-paid jobs.
02 force something through/into/out of something: She forced the package through the slot.
3. Substituted
1. substituted V./N. = to use something new or different instead of what is normally used
E.g. Instead of using silicon, they have substituted a more flexible material.
E.g. substitute something for something: You can substitute chicken for beef if you don't like.