The film of 'Like sunday like rain'


Executive summary: By telling this film I can show 3 points that sometimes we should know what we want to be instead of being stupid as a goose which just live a life but know nothing, we are human being that means we have the thought, the goal and the desire. Furthermore by this movie I realized that life is not to feed our need just like food or the cloth but the inner demand of our spirit. We should follow the flows of life as meantime try our best to meet our satisfaction and find the true joy of life though it combine with the pain. At last the movie told us that ‘All good things must come to an end.’ There is no absolutely possession or the absolutely losing; there is no boundless winter or the everlasting summer. We always are the one, as the old going said ‘we should live with a bright heart though sometimes we should say goodbye to each other.’

Introduction of the content: Basically say it was a story about New York, summer, friend, and grow up .The film of “Like Sunday like Rain” describe a story centers on a little rich boy called Reggie who was a genius lived a lonely life in Manhattan. At the same time the girl called Eleanor who was a musician eager to go to the new place and a fresh job because of the alienation of his family and the lazy boyfriend lets her tired besides she lose her only job to feeding herself .The arrangement of fate let them meet together and know each other and the story was just beginning. Eleanor began to find a job of baby-sitter and she fortunately got it. The first day she went to school to pick him up .she found Reggie was play the cello and she was touched by his musical performance, though they have a disagreement of weather go to home by private car, however the first meeting is not that so bad .they have the happy time, know each other and take care of each other not in the surface but in the deep heart, although Reggie was only a 12 years old boy. Most of time is reading enjoy the sunshine in the park or having a nap in the lazy summer’s afternoon. Occasionally they is some terrible stuff around them but is can always be solved. And Reggie knew that that Eleanor was a trumpet player, this let their hearts more closely. As the story goes on, they accompany each other; read each other; teach each other; know more not only the fundamental knowledge but also the change in each heart and begin to have different feelings and grow up. It’s because the changes of heart Eleanor decides to leave and purse her musical dream. The memories were so beautiful and unforgettable though they depart.

Sometimes life let you face the reality, it’s let you upset or make your tears down, however you have to face it and solve it by yourself. It’s really contradict and difficult to understand the fairs of life, it’s hurts you but you have to accept it and love it, why we leave the ones we loved and go for another place why can we give up this bond so firmly and the other have to see you leave with a smile and tears, though it’s wrenching thing to accept but they still do the same decision. All of this is just because we have the desire to be better and hope to be the better one as the loved ones; we have to and meet each other one day you become the one you wanted to be.

Research of Object:In this part I have 3 purposes of my report.

First:The love and friendship

In the film, Reggie read a poetry of John Keats passionately ’ To feel forever its soft fall and swell, Awake forever in a sweet unrest, Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath, And so live ever--or else swoon to death. ‘I love this little poetry that’s making feel embraced by the sunshine of love. In another side it’s reflect that the parting of them and the true feelings in the boy’s heart, they cannot be together as lover, they have the untouchable distance and barriers of life ,just like the proverb said’ Life is a series of colossal mistakes.’ It seems like the meeting of them is has no result, they met and say goodbye, however they get much valuable things from the other side .In the New YORK city, you can find the different things you can never know or expected, you will never know who will walk into your life and how it become, it’s seems like a parallel word in the surface, but it’s extremely same inside just like Eleanor and Reggie. We should always remember the words in the film, like ‘Someone doesn't treat you the way you deserve, than they don't deserve to have you.’ We all the independent one we have the power to the one we loved and we should value the relationship that we have .another words I like is ‘If you belong together with someone, then it works. Trouble is finding someone you belong with .Belongs with you. ‘Though it’s hard to find someone that want to know you, understand you. We should always carry a heart that hoping the arrival of love.

Second;Having a desire to peruse your goal

It’s acknowledged that people become increasingly impetuous in the modern society, more and young people don’t know what they want to do and what they really want to be, it’s a sorrowful thing. In this film we can feel the warm air in the park, we can smell the delightful sweets of the book; we can also listening the song of cello and response of the natural, how peaceful scenery it is .we can enjoy the peaceful in the deep heart of the film. We can touch the rhythm of cello as the story develop, as if we can see the in the lazy summer afternoon ,as the wind make the curtains fly ,and the shade of tree shaking softly ,all the scenes we see is in the balance between dynamics and static.

As we all know ,if one is in the confusing of what he should or not is means that he need to read more book ,we have many model in our daily life ,we can find answer in the book and know how we should do ,we all know that ‘Books are the ladder of human progress ‘ only we read more can we get a peaceful heart, just as the old saying in our Chinese book ‘So long as one keeps calm, one doesn't feel the heat too much.’ We should learn how to keep calm and then have a desire to find your own and peruse it without giving up.

In this film we can know that the heroine Eleanor was a girl that having a dream however she give up at the beginning because a lots of reason, she live a horrible life that have goals and just can only support herself, this kind of life is a normal one in our daily life, most of us are same as her .but the purpose that we born in this world is to experience the things that we haven’t touched and feel the things we haven’t approached, as we all know that the world is so big that we can use our whole life to feel.

Another point that we should remember is a saying of ‘you have to look at the sum of its parts. A painting is more than the sum of its parts .a cow by itself is just a cow. A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun peeking through the tree is just a beam of light. But you put them all together and it is a magic.’ Sometimes the higher you got the more amazed by the view. You began to notice how wonderful the breezed smelled. Like sunshine and wind grass, you couldn’t stop breathing in, filling your lungs with the sweetest smell you can ever know. And from that moment on that become your spot, you could look the world in another different way ,you could see the sunsets would be purple and pink and some days they were a blazing orange setting fire to the clouds on theorizes. The world will pen her arms to embrace you to feel that warm. The world is always beautiful as long as you have a heart full of hope and beauty and the calm like that word say ‘If the heart does not move, wind can't influence. If you don't hurt, time immutable.’

Third:The analysis of character

Reggie was a 12 years old boy who was full of confidence but with a great need of love, accompany and understanding. The arrival of the Eleanor changes his life drastically not only the surface of the daily life but also the state of his mind. She makes his colorful and become meaningful. As we all know that once a man has someone he likes the sense of his life will begin to transform, all the surroundings will get shining and colorful. the color of his music become more softer, warmer and brighter just like the hot summer in Manhattan, however he became more timid he was afraid of refusing of Eleanor, it was an affirmative answer to him, there is a visible distance between them it can never be touched although he love her in a different way. At the beginning of the film Reggie recite the poetry of John Keats that reflect Reggie was cling to Eleanor and the deep feeling that he can’t to say of his heart. He wants to know, comfort and protect her in any way he can do even the one in the future. He always tries to ask her edge question to find whether there will be a rate of it.

Eleanor was an ordinary girl in that dirty busy city, everyone will not stop to care each other, they life with uncertain goal ,they was anxious just like her. When the corner of her life comes, her life began to change. When she hear the sound his cello her dream of becoming a musician light again .Tough Reggie was younger than her he also taught her so much. She know Reggie she gains more from Reggie and he encourage her to pick the dream once more tough it’s so hard for them to depart .And in some way she know the feelings of him and she did not get one more step to him.


It is a good choice for me to see this film. It doesn’t involves the blatant things, it’s just use the easiest way to touch us, bring the warmness for us, give us the courage to us .I like the ending sense of the film. When Eleanor leave she kissed Reggie with tears , my heart beat more faster.

In a word, what the film taught me is that we should cherish the friendship around us. Besides we should try our best to find what we truly want to be and never give up. Moreover if we are so lucky to meet the one we love, we cannot force him or her to stay, we should always have an independent heart and never bound others to be better. The best love we can have is that all of us can make progress and try the different fields at the same time, the best love is not the one chase another all the time but built at the same height so that we can enjoy the temperature of love. The appropriate temperature of love is 37℃, no more and no less just right.

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