Why Grown-Ups Keep Talking Like Little Kids
·Grown-Ups = adults
More and more, adults are sprinkling their speech with the language of children. The adoption of some of these linguistic tics by adults has given rise to a register we might call kidspeak.
v. 随意点缀; 在…中随意穿插
例句:She sprinkled sugar over the strawberries. = She sprinkled the strawberries with sugar.
·the adoption of some sth. 对某事的运用
·linguistic adj. 语言的;
n. 抽搐;语言习惯
·A given rise to B
n. 语体风格
相关词汇:netspeak (n. 网络体)
相关词汇:adspeak (n. 广告腔)
相关词汇:fanspeak (n. 粉丝圈内部的黑话)
Clearly, kidspeak affords its users certain rhetorical advantages — the way it playfully softens blows is part of why younger people on social media now often couch what they say to one another in the toddler-esque. But what made bright teenagers and 20-somethings start imitating 5-year-olds in the first place? And why are many older Americans following suit?
显然,“宝宝体”为使用这一语体的人提供了一定的修辞优势。它能玩笑般地缓和言语的冲击,这部分解释了为什么现在更年轻的群体在社交网站上喜欢用这种孩童式的口吻与人交流。但是,最初是什么让聪明的青少年和 20 多岁的人开始模仿 5 岁的小孩呢?为什么许多更年长的美国人也会跟着效仿呢?
·afford sb. sth. 给某人提供某物
adj. 修辞的,与修辞有关的
搭配短语:a common rhetorical device
playfully adv. 开玩笑地
soften v. 缓和, 减轻;变柔和
n. 打击
例句:The news will upset him - we must think of a way to soften the blow.
v. 以(某种方式)表达
英文释义:to express something in a particular way
搭配短语:a contract couched in terms 用术语表述的合同
搭配短语:couch sth. in some way
toddler n. 学步的小孩
搭配短语:Chaplin-esque humor
搭配短语:Hollywood-esque romance
·follow suit
相关词汇:suit (n. 同花色的牌)
Young people today are afraid in ways that generations before them were not. They're facing new, compounding economic hardships — many Millennials and older members of Gen Z depend on their parents to help cover exorbitant rents or student-loan payments. A pair of 2016 studies led by April Smith, a psychology professor at Miami University, in Ohio, showed that over the past few decades, young people have become newly fearful of reaching adulthood, agreeing more and more with statements such as "I wish that I could return to the security of childhood" and disagreeing with ones such as "I feel happy that I am not a child anymore."
如今的年轻人面临的恐惧是他们的前辈未曾经历的。他们正面临着新的,日益严峻的经济困难——许多千禧一代和 Z 世代的初期成员靠他们的父母帮忙,支付过高的租金或学生贷款。阿普尔·史密斯是一位来自俄亥俄州迈阿密大学的心理学教授,他在 2016 年主持了一组研究,研究表明,在过去的几十年里,年轻人开始害怕长大。他们越来越认同“我希望我能回到童年的庇护中”这类说法,并且不赞同“我很高兴自己不再是个孩子了”这样的说法。
v. 使加重,使恶化
例句:His financial problems were compounded when he unexpectedly lost his job.
·Millennials n.千禧一代 Gen Y (2000年还没成年的,80,90)
Gen Z Z 世代,泛指 1996 年到 2010 年间出生的一代人
相关词汇:Gen X 上世纪60年代中期到80初出生的。
adj. (价格、要求等)过分的,过高的
·become fearful of doing sth. 变得害怕做某事
· agreeing more and more with sth. and disagreeting with sth. else
A generation understandably spooked by "adulting" may well embrace the linguistic comfort food of childlike language. And once established, the habit can easily make the jump to those of us more advanced in years. After all, a kid lurks inside every one of us, and few people are immune to the sheer infectiousness of creativity.
·spook /spuːk/
v. 惊吓,吓唬
词性拓展:spooky (adj.) 让人毛骨悚然的
spooky 搭配短语:a spooky old house
·may well do sth.
英文释义:be very likely to do sth.
·lurk /lɜːrk/
v. 隐藏着;潜水
例句:Fear lurks beneath the surface.
·infectiousness /ɪnˈfekʃəsnəs/
n. 感染力;传染性
词性拓展: infect (v.)
infect 例句:A single mosquito can infect a large number of people.
infect 例句:Her optimism infects all of us.
词性拓展:infectious (adj.)
·be immune to 对某事免疫
Z 世代(Gen Z)
Z 世代泛指 1996 年到 2010 年间出生的一代人。他们又被称为网络世代、互联网世代,是受到互联网、智能手机和平板电脑等科技产物影响很大的一代人。
美国市场营销专家曾指出,美国本土的 Z 世代人数已超过千禧一代,在总人口中达到最大占比。根据百度移动用户体验部 2015 年发布的《95 后生活形态研究报告》,在中国,95 后人口总数约为 0.99 亿,加上年龄更小的 00 后,我国“Z世代”人口总数和占比同样不可小觑。
据不完全统计,2015 年全球所有 Z 世代的零花钱总数达到了 400 多亿美金,Z 世代的父母在 2015 年一共为 Z 世代花费了 1400 亿美金。IBM 与美国零售联合会共同发表的调研报告指出,到 2020 年,全球 Z 世代消费者总数将达到 26 亿,将成为全球最大的消费群体。