音频:清英0aunit 1--6
游戏:Game1:At the market.(今天带宝贝去了菜市场)
M:I can see the apples.Where is the apple , can you find it?
B:Yes I can, mommy look, apples.
M:Where is the bananas, can you find it?
B:Yes mummy mummy look, bananas.
M:Where is the grapes.Can you find it?
B:Yes, mummy mummy, grapes.
Game 2:.Driving in my car.
晚上带宝贝去美食广场吃饭,他满大厅跑,嘴里唱着 Driving in my car, bumpity bump.Driving in my car, bumpity bump. Number, do you want to drive in my car?
M:Yes honey I want to drive in your car.
B:Okay come on.
今天带宝贝骑了车,路上遇到颠簸的地方,他都会大叫 Bumpity bump. 我说哎呦呦,他乐得咯咯笑,看见有下水道井盖,冲我嚷嚷,妈妈 瞄准!Bumpity bump. 笑翻我了