在客户投诉后,NAB进行了内部审查,发现在2010年4月至2017年8月期间,并没有将一些抵消账户与经纪人发起的贷款挂钩。 这导致那些客户在他们的住房贷款上支付过多的利息。
NAB repays $1.7m to mortgage customers after offset account glitch
National AustraliaBank has refunded $1.7 million to 966 home loan customers after a system glitchfailed to link loans to offset accounts
This follows lastweek’s system blunder at Westpac, which left owner occupier mortgageescontinuing to pay interest on their interest-only loans even after they weremeant to convert into principal and interest products. Westpac is repaying $11million to customers.
Following customer complaints, NAB conducted an internal review that found that between April 2010 and August 2017 it had not linked some offset accounts to broker originated loans. This resulted in those customers overpaying interest on their home loan.