ChatGPT has become a popular topic all over the world. The AI chat bot developed by OpenAI can chat with people on all sortsof content. It can write legal documents, programming code, work reports, student essays, music scripts. When you ask it a question, it can respond you like a person, even a professional.
We did a few tests with ChatGPT. When Yilin entered his code in the chat box, the bot instantly translated his code to human readable text. When I was looking for some ideas about the association between some medical condition and disease, the ChatGPT bot gave me a few ideas and expanded the ideas in the following answers,when more questions were asked.
When we were surprised by its capability, we did another interesting test by asking ChatGPT bot a brain twister. The question was Ming’s parents had four boys. The first son’s name is Mao 1, the second son’s name is Mao 2 and the third son’s name is Mao 3. What’s fourth son’s name? ChatGPT answered that the four son’s name was Mao 4. We could not help laughing, as the fourth son’s name was supposed to be Ming.
Apparently, ChatGPT is able to complete 70% of basic work which does not require much creative thinking, design or ideas. Sadly, those involved in such basic work are highly likely to be replaced by AI bots one day. However,there will still be some work which cannot be dealt by AI bots, such as those related to relationships, creative work, psychology.
To summarise, there are always pron and cons with having AI to supposedlyhelp human-beings. it is good to have AI bots to save intensivelabour and improve efficiency. With those help, people can focus on those work that AI bots cannot do.