[Day 10]老友记S1-06-1 The One With the Butt

Chandler: You can always spot someone who's never seen one of his plays before. Notice, no fear, no sense of impending doom...

  • spot v.看见
  • impending adj.即将发生的
  • doom n.毁灭 死亡

Phoebe: The exclamation point in the title scares me. (Gesturing) Y'know, it's not just Freud, it's Freud!

  • exclamation point n.惊叹号
  • gesture v.作手势

Rachel: God. I feel violated.

  • violate vt.冒犯 干扰

Monica: Did anybody else feel they just wanted to peel the skin off their body, to have something else to do?

  • peel v.剥

Chandler: Oh yeah, and what would my opening line be? 'Excuse me. Blarrglarrghh.'


Chandler: Oh please, could she be more out of my league? Ross, back me up here.

  • A be out of B league B 配不上A
  • back up v.支持

Phoebe: Oh, oh, but y'know, you always see these really beautiful women with these really nothing guys, you could be one of those guys.

  • nothing guy: 屌丝

Chandler: Oh God, I can't believe I'm even considering this... I'm very very aware of my tongue...

  • be aware of one’s tongue 谨慎行事

Aurora: ...Luckily none of the bullets hit the engine block. So, we made it to the border, but just barely, and I- ...I've been talking about myself all night long, I'm sorry. What about you? Tell me one of your stories.

  • engine block n.发动机组
  • make it v.<口>达到预定目标 及时抵达
  • all night long adv.整晚

Chandler: Alright. Once I got on the subway, right, and it was at night, and I rode it all the way to Brooklyn... just for the hell of it.
just for the hell of it <俚>只是为了好玩

Chandler: We talked 'til like two. It was this perfect evening... more or less.

  • more of less adv.或多或少

Monica: Didn't you listen to the story? I mean, this is twisted! How could you get involved with a woman like this?

Chandler: Well, y'know, I had some trouble with it at first too, but the way I look at,it is I get all the good stuff: all the fun, all the talking, all the sex; and none of the responsibility. I mean, this is every guy's fantasy!

Ross: Well, y'know, monogamy can be a, uh, tricky concept. I mean, anthropologically speaking-

  • monogamy n.一夫一妻制
  • tricky adj.复杂的
  • anthropologically adv.人类学上

Ross: Alright. There's a theory, put forth by Richard Leakey-

  • put forth v.提出/Richard Erskine Frere Leakey (born 19 December 1944 in Nairobi, Kenya), is a Kenyan paleontologist and conservationist(n.自然资源保护者). He is second of the three sons of the archaeologists Louis Leakey and Mary Leakey, and is the younger brother of Colin Leakey.

Rachel: Look! I cleaned! I did the windows, I did the floors... I even used all the attachments on the vacuum, except that little round one with the bristles, I don't know what that's for.

  • attachment n.附加装置
  • vacuum n. 真空吸尘器
  • bristle n.刚毛

Monica: ...Oh! I-I see you moved the green ottoman.

  • ottoman n.(无靠背 无扶手的)长软椅

Chandler: Thank God you didn't try to fan out the magazines. I mean, she'll scratch your eyes right out.

  • fan out v.散开
  • scratch vt.挖出

Ross: Alright, you madcap gal. Try to imagine this. The phone bill arrives, but you don't pay it right away.

  • madcap adj.鲁莽的
  • gal n.女孩
  • right away adv.立即

Rachel: Okay, uh, you let me go grocery shopping, and I buy laundry detergent, but it's not the one with the easy-pour spout.

  • grocery n.<美>食品杂货店
  • laundry detergent n.洗衣粉
  • spout n.喷口
  • easy-pour spout n.简易倒口

Chandler: Someone's left a glass on the coffee table. There's no coaster. It's a cold drink, it's a hot day. Little beads of condensation are inching their way closer and closer to the surface of the wood..

  • coaster n.杯垫
  • bead n.水珠
  • condensation n.冷凝
  • inch v.缓慢地移动


Ross: Oh c'mon! When we were kids, yours was the only Raggedy Ann doll that wasn't raggedy!

  • raggedy adj.褴褛的 破烂的
  • Raggedy Ann is a fictional character created by writer Johnny Gruelle (1880-1938) in a series of books he wrote and illustrated for young children. Raggedy Ann is a blue and white clad(adj.穿衣的) rag doll(n.碎布制玩偶) with red yarn(n.纱线) for hair. The character was created in 1915 as a doll, and was introduced to the public in the 1918 book Raggedy Ann Stories. A doll was also marketed along with the book to great success. A sequel, Raggedy Andy Stories (1920) introduced the character of her old friend and playmate, Raggedy Andy, dressed in sailor suit and hat/Raggedy Ann“破烂娃娃”是由漫画家约翰尼·格鲁埃尔根据女儿的一个破娃娃创造的艺术形象,诞生于1918年的圣诞。由于这个破娃娃是从奶奶的箱子里翻出来的,所以是一头红发,很破烂的形象,但迎合了人们寻求手工制作玩具的潮流,因此很受欢迎。问题是莫尼卡要把这样一个“破烂娃娃”都修理打扮地完美,确实有一点强迫症


Chandler: She's amazing! She makes the women that I dream about look like short, fat, bald men!


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