Mincut Problem
Given a edge-weighted (positive capacity) digraph, with a source vertex and a target vertex ,
- An st-cut is a cut that partitions the vertices into one subset A containing and the other one B containing .
- A cut's capacity is the sum of the capacities of edges from A to B (don't count the edges from B to A).
- A minimum st-cut (mincut) problem is to find the cut with minimum capacity.
Maxflow Problem
Assume: no flow into and no flow out from
- An st-flow (flow) is an assignment of flows to the edges s.t.
- capacity constraint:
- low equilibrium: for each vertex, flow in = flow out (except for and )
- the value of a flow is the sum of flows into
- maxflow problem is to find the flow with maximum value.
Maxflow-mincut Theorem
def: A net flow across a cut(A,B) is the sum of flows from A to B minus the sum of flows from B to A.
Flow-value Lemma: Let be any flow, and let (A,B) be any cut, then net flow across (A,B) = value of .
- by induction, base case from B = {} when the net flow across (A,B) = inflows to = value of
because of the local equilibrium, adding any other vertices into B won't change the net flow
Weak Duality: value of f cut capacity
Pf: value of f = (1) net flow across (A,B) (2) cut capacity:
- (1) because the flow-value lemma
- (2) note: given a cut(A, B), net flow is flow from A to B minus flow from B to A, but cut capacity only add up the capacities from A to B and never subtract anything.
Def: An augmenting path is an undirected path from to that no forward edge is full and no backward edge is empty.
Augmenting Path Theorem: A flow is the maxflow iff no augmenting paths.
Maxflow-mincut Theorem: Value of the maxflow = capacity of the Mincut.
Pf: Show the following three conditions are equivalent for any flow :
- There's a cut whose capacity = the value of flow
- is a maxflow
- no augmenting paths w.r.t
value of cut capacity (weak duality), so the equality holds when is the maxflow.
if there's another augmenting path, there'll be another flow with a larger value, so is not a maxflow, so contradiction.
- no augmenting paths means is blocked from by some full forward edges and some empty backward edges
- so can find a cut (A,B) where the edges between A and B are all full/empty edges (if not, there can be an augmenting path through that non-full/non-empty edge, so contradiction)
- then, the capacity of that cut = sum of edge capacities from A to B = sum of edge flows from A to B (edges are full)
- the net flow across (A,B) = sum of edge flows from A to B - sum of edge flows from B to A ( which is 0 since backward edges are empty so the flows = 0)
- therefore, the capacity of (A,B) = the net flow across (A,B) = value of f
- and by weak duality (value of f cut capacity), the capacity is min. and the cut is the mincut.
Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
- Start from 0 flow
- While there's another augmenting path:
- find an augmenting path
- calculate the bottleneck capacity of that path
- increase flow on that path by bottleneck capacity
Simplification: the edge capacities and flows are all integers, so that: Number of augmentations the value of the maxflow.
Potential Problem:
Solution: use shortest/fattest path
Implementation (shortest path version)
Flow Edge API
Use Residual capacity:
- forward:
- backward:
i.e. convert edges from:
public double residualCapacityTo(int v) {
if (v == from()) { return flow() } // backward
if (v == to()) { return capacity() - flow() } // forward
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
public void addResidualFlowTo(int v, double delta) {
if (v == from()) { this.flow -= delta; }
if (v == to()) { this.flow += delta; }
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
Flow Network API
-- similar to the implementation of an undirected graph:
- adjacency-lists representation
- add edge to both and (even if has direction)
Find augmenting path:
shortest path version uses BFS
private boolean hasAugmentingPath(FlowNetwork G, int s, int t) {
edgeTo = new FlowEdge[G.V()];
marked = new boolean[G.V()];
Queue<Integer> q = Queue<>(); // queue for BFS
q.enqueue(s); // start from the source
while (!q.isEmpty()) {
int v = q.dequeue();
for (FlowEdge e : G.adj(v)) {
int w = e.other(v);
// check is it full/empty or is it visited
if (e.residualCapacityTo(w) > 0 && !marked[w]) {
marked[w] = true;
edgeTo[w] = e;
return marked[t]; // whether target t can be reached
The Algorithm:
public class FordFulkerson {
private boolean[] marked; // true if s->v path in residual network
private FlowEdge[] edgeTo; // last edge on s->v path
private double value; // value of flow
public FordFulkerson(FlowNetwork G, int s, int t) {
value = 0.0;
while (hasAugmentingPath()) {
double bottle = INFINITY;
// calculate the bottleneck capacity
for (int v = t; v != s; v = edgeTo[v]) {
bottle = Math.min(edgeTo[v].residualCapacityTo(v), bottle);
// augment flow
for (int v = t; v != s; v = edgeTo[v]) {
edgeTo[v].addResidualFlowTo(v, bottle);
value += bottle;
private boolean hasAugmentingPath(FlowNetwork G, int s, int t) {
/* See method above. */
Running time:
TO BE COMPLETED: two applications.