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China’s College Entrance Examination

China’s College Entrance Examination (CEE) is to Chinese high school graduates what American College Test (ACT) is to the American peers. High school seniors who have a desire to further their education, without any exception, must pass the CEE. One can never say that he understands Chinese culture if he does not know a thing about the CEE. There are certain things students should bear in mind when taking this exam.

The first thing one should know is the tested subjects. The students are tested on four subjects: English, Chinese, mathematics, and liberal art synthesis (politics, history, and geology) or science synthesis (chemistry, physics, and biology). The final score is counted by adding the four together. So if you are not good at a certain subject, maybe mathematics, you can make it up by scoring high in English.

Students should also know the date and place of the exam. Unlike the ACT in America, which is held five times a year, the CEE is held once a year. And the date falls on the seventh and eighth of June. For each day, students will be tested on two subjects, one in the morning (from 09:00 to 11:30) and one in the afternoon (from 15:00 to 17:00). And there are many things the students should pay attention to during these two days. Students should never be late for the test, and if students are late for more than fifteen minutes, they will not be allowed to enter the testing place. Usually, students should be ten minutes or fifteen minutes earlier than the prescribed time and wait outside the testing place. And students take this exam in school assigned by the local authorities. If you are assigned, you might want to come to that particular school in advance so that you can easily find your way when the exam day comes.

The most important thing students should bear in mind is that any method of cheating will lead to great consequence. The examination is under close monitoring.Supervision and controlling devices are set up to prevent cheating, two teacher would respectively sit at the front and back of the classroom to make sure everyone is minding their own business, patrolling teachers walk through the hall to make sure that no distraction is admitted. Anyone, who is found out cheating in the CEE, will be banned from taking this exam for at least three years.

    College Entrance Examination levels the playing field for kids who come from underprivileged families, and it provides a platform to them to get the opportunity to see the world for themselves as universities are usually built in big cities. For many, it’s a life-changing opportunity, Chinese families take it so seriously that they would go the whole hog to provide their kids such a chance. Many students who failed the exam retake it, and some for several times.



China’s College Entrance Examination (CEE) is to Chinese high school graduates what American College Test (ACT) is to the American peers. High school seniors who have a desire to further their education, without any exception, must pass the CEE. One can never say that he understands Chinese culture if he does not know a thing about the CEE. There are certain things students should bear in mind when taking this exam.

点评与吐槽:第一句话其实就已经让外国朋友明白了高考是什么。向外国人介绍中国特色事物时,最好的办法就是在他们的文化中寻找相似的事物。介绍完高考的概念意义之后,用一句话引出下文(There are certain things students should bear in mind when taking this exam.)学写作时,相信老师都说过,最好是要有过渡句。

句型分析:A is what B is to C

例句:Tequila is what water is to fish.



The first thing one should know is the tested subjects. The students are tested on four subjects: English, Chinese, mathematics, and liberal art synthesis (politics, history, and geology) or science synthesis (chemistry, physics, and biology). The final score is counted by adding the four together. So if you are not good at a certain subject, maybe mathematics, you can make it up by scoring high in English.



students will be tested on......


Students should also know the date and place of the exam. Unlike the ACT in America, which is held five times a year, the CEE is held once a year. And the date falls on the seventh and eighth of June. For each day, students will be tested on two subjects, one in the morning (from 09:00 to 11:30) and one in the afternoon (from 15:00 to 17:00). And there are many things the students should pay attention to during these two days. Students should never be late for the test, and if students are late for more than fifteen minutes, they will not be allowed to enter the testing place. Usually, students should be ten minutes or fifteen minutes earlier than the prescribed time and wait outside the testing place. And students take this exam in school assigned by the local authorities. If you are assigned, you might want to come to that particular school in advance so that you can easily find your way when the exam day comes.


第一个and可以直接删除,可以发现,删除后这句话没什么变化,但是会好看很多。第二个 and 可以用 moreover 来替换,因为and前后这两句话有递进关系。第三个and可以删除,然后把逗号换成分号(分号与句号的区别在于,句号表明前后两句无联系,分号表示前后两句有联系,但不明显。)第四个and就let it be吧,第五个and可以直接删掉,不影响。


Students should also note the date and place of the exam. Unlike the ACT in America, which is held five times a year, the CEE is held once a year. The date falls on the seventh and eighth of June. Each day, students are tested on two subjects. Moreover, there are many things students should pay attention to. They cannot be late for more than fifteen minutes, in which case they will not be denied entrance. Rather, they should be ten or fifteen minutes earlier. The place is designated by local authorities. Students can call at the school in advance so as to easily find their way when the big day comes.


The most important thing students should bear in mind is that any method of cheating will lead to great consequence. The examination is under close monitoring. Supervision and controlling devices are set up to prevent cheating, two teacher would respectively sit at the front and back of the classroom to make sure everyone is minding their own business, patrolling teachers walk through the hall to make sure that no distraction is admitted. Anyone, who is found outcheating in the CEE, will be banned from taking this exam for at least three years.


any method of cheating 可以直接改为(cheating),因为写作中有一个原则:concise简洁。any method of 显然是redundant的。或者可以换成一个更高级的表达:the most important thing students should bear in mind is that there is zero tolerance for cheating.

patrolling teachers前面需要加 and,三个并列的句子,最后一个句子之前要加and。

be found out cheating用 be found cheating.

find 与 find out的区别:

find是发现,可用于句型find sb. doing sth.

find out 是发现真相,如find out the truth about sb./sth.


College Entrance Examination levels the playing field for kids who come from underprivileged families, and it provides a platform them to get the opportunity to see the world for themselves as universities are usually built in big cities. For many, it’s a life-changing opportunity, Chinese families take it so seriously that they would go the whole hog to provide their kids such a chance. Many students who failed the exam retake it, and some for several times.


level the playing field: 创造公平的竞争环境

例句:The anti-corruption campaign will level the playing field for both sides.


underprivileged: 弱势的,贫困的 = disadvantaged

例句:Their performance is gauged only by how much they have narrowed the gap between the underpriviledged and the priviledged. 


go the whole hog to do sth.: 全心全意做某事,全力以赴

例句:I didn't expect him going the whole hog just to give me a surprise.


go extra mile to do sth.  大费周章

go to the strength to do sth.  大费周章

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