L5 U6 衣服与服装

Module 1 购买衣服

1. 有关时尚的形容词

trends 时尚潮流
in style 流行
personal 个人的
fun 有趣的
tight 紧身的
in 时髦的
look good 看起来很好
important 重要的
great 很棒的

有许多可用于形容 fashion 和 clothes 的形容词。使用它们描述你喜欢的衣服。
cool 酷的
stylish 时髦的
in style 时髦
fashionable 时髦的,流行的

out of style 过时的
dreadful 糟糕的
unfashionable 旧式的,不时髦的


针对很长时间一直都非常时髦的某物,使用 classic。如果只是一时的时尚,则用 trendy。
classic - trendy 经典的 - 时髦的

形容衣服有多合身,使用形容词 loose 和 tight。注意,loose 与 baggy 意义相近。
loose - tight 宽松的 - 紧贴的

形容设计仿造某种材料或品牌、但实际上不是的衣服,使用形容词 fake。该词常用于修饰并非来自动物的 fur。如果一件衣服是正品,使用形容词 real。
fake - real 伪造的 - 非伪造的

形容特殊场合穿着的衣服,比如婚礼或工作面试,使用 formal。使用形容词 casual 形容日常服装。注意,在该语境中,两个形容词 casual 和 informal 意思极为相近。
formal - casual 正式的 - 休闲的

I don't wear real fur, only fake.
She prefers classic to trendy styles.
Do you prefer loose or tight jeans?
Our office clothing is formal, but Fridays are casual.
Is this in style or out of style right now?

2. 多词动词

有些动词由两至三个词组成。有的 'multiword verbs' 可用句子宾语分隔,有的不能。
Let's look for some classic jeans. 我们找几条经典牛仔裤。
I can't keep up with the trends. 我跟不上潮流。

I put on my tie.
I put my tie on.
I tried on 14 baseball caps.我试戴了 14 顶棒球帽。
I tried 14 baseball caps on. 我试戴了 14 顶棒球帽。

Did you try on the pants?
He doesn't keep up with fashion trends.
I'm looking for a new shirt.
I tried the shirt on.
You should put on a tie for the party.
She really goes for fashionable clothes.

3. 表达偏爱

您可以使用动词 prefer 询问某人的偏爱。
What would you prefer? 您更喜欢什么?

回答问题,表明您的偏爱。注意,I 和 would 缩写为 I'd。
A: What would you prefer? 您更喜欢什么?
B: I'd prefer something colorful. 我更喜欢鲜艳的衣服。

和店员对话时,您可能也会听到动词 prefer。
A: I'd like to change these pants, please. 我想换这条裤子,谢谢。
B: Would you prefer something more modern? 您喜欢更现代的衣服吗?
A: Yes, please.

I prefer jeans to trousers. 我喜欢牛仔裤而不是裤子。

It's too formal. I'd prefer something more casual. 这太正式了,我喜欢更休闲一点的。

另一种表达偏爱的方法是使用 would rather。注意其缩写也是 I'd。
I'd rather try on something more casual. 我宁愿穿更休闲的衣服。

您也可以使用 than 搭配 rather,表达您更喜欢的东西。
I'd rather wear something more casual than formal to the party. 我宁愿穿更休闲一点的服装,而不是正式服装去参加聚会。

It's too formal. I'd prefer something more casual.
I'd rather wear something more colorful.
I prefer jeans to trousers.
I'd prefer something more modern.
Which do you prefer?
I'd like to change these pants, please.

4. 决定

Have you decided yet?
Have you found something you like?

如果您立刻做出了决定,您可以使用 will + 动词原形。
Yeah, I'll take this one.
Hmmm. I'll go for the blue shirt.嗯,我要这件蓝色衬衫。

如果您在被问之前就做好了决定,您可以使用现在完成时:have + 过去分词。
Sure. I've decided on these. 当然,我决定要这些。
Yes, I've gone for the black shoes. 是的,我就要这双黑色鞋子。

No, I've decided I don't want it.
Hmm. I think I'll leave it.嗯,我想还是不要了。

Have you decided yet?
I'll go for the blue shirt.
Yes, I've gone for the black pants.
Sure. I've decided on these.
Yeah, I'll take this one.

Module 2 谈论他人的服装

1. 衣服和配饰

sandals 凉鞋
baggy jeans 宽松牛仔裤
baseball cap 棒球帽
makeup 化妆品
plastic handbag 塑胶手袋
outfit 服装
polyester 涤纶
jacket 外套
fashion 时尚

necklace 项链
a diamond necklace
tie 领带
a collar and tie

makeup 化妆品
The young actor's makeup helped him play the role of an old man.

sandals 凉鞋

outfit 一套衣服
She was wearing an expensive new outfit.

baseball cap 棒球帽
baggy jeans 宽松的牛仔裤
My boyfriend thinks that baggy jeans are the most comfortable.

suit 套装
a business suit 商务装

handbag 手提包
ring 戒指
a gold ring

2. 谈论时尚潮流

all about following the season's trends 于跟随当季时尚潮流
what the designers say is in style 设计师说的都是流行的
finding your own style 找到自己的风格
Fashion is personal. 时尚是个人的。
expressing yourself 表达自我
having fun 玩得开心
Tight jeans are going to be really in. 身牛仔裤将会很时髦
Tight jeans aren't for everyone. 紧身牛仔裤并不适合每个人。
If it doesn't look good, don't wear it. 如果一件衣服不好看,就别穿。
going to be important this season 这一季将会流行

Those jeans are way too trendy.
He doesn't keep up with fashion trends.
I think fashion's all about self-expression.
She prefers casual clothing.
I'll try on that shirt with these pants.
How do you choose your clothes?

3. 关于衣服的看法

如果您想修饰一个描述的程度,您可以使用副词 + 形容词,或者副词短语 + 形容词。
It's really colorful. 这十分鲜艳。
The pants are a little casual. 这条裤子有点休闲。

It's a little too formal. 这有点太正式了。
They're a bit old-fashioned. 它们有点过时。
It's a little bit boring. 这有点单调。

您也可以使用副词加强形容词的程度。注意,pretty 的强度不如 really 或 so。
It's really colorful.
They're so modern.
These shoes are pretty fashionable.

A: I'm not sure I like it - it's really plain. 我不确定我喜不喜欢这个,这十分普通。
B: But it's so modern, and I like the design. 但是这非常现代,我喜欢这种设计。

This is a little bit plain.
It's a little too formal.
They're so modern.
It's a bit too neutral for me.
They're a bit old-fashioned.
These shoes are pretty fashionable.
It's really colorful.

Module 3 讨论着装要求

1. 修饰衣服的形容词

comfortable 舒服的
sporty 运动式,运动感
waterproof 防水的

warm - cool 温暖的 - 凉爽的
light - heavy 轻盈的 - 重的
loose-fitting - tight 宽松的 - 紧身的

These sandals are waterproof and good for the beach.
Do you like loose-fitting or tight jeans?
This outfit is sporty and comfortable.
That suit is good for both warm and cool weather.
We wear light clothes in summer and heavy in winter.

2. 面料

leather 皮革
natural fabrics 天然面料
silk 丝
cotton 棉
woolens 毛织品
navy blue 海军蓝
beige 淡棕色,米黄色
gray 灰色

3. 建议和义务

如果您想就某事咨询建议,您可以用 should 提问。
What should I wear tonight? 我今晚应该穿什么?
Should I take some warm clothes? 我该带点暖和的衣服吗?

相比询问建议,如果您觉得某场合或活动可能具有某种义务,您可以使用 have to 提问。
A: Do I have to wear something smart? 我必须穿讲究一点吗?
B: Yes, it's a formal dress code. 是的,着装要求必须正式。

如果您想询问某件必要但非必须的事,那就是用 need to 提问。
A: Do I need to take a waterproof jacket? 我需要带一件防水外套吗?
B: Yes, I think it's going to rain tomorrow. 是的,我觉得明天会下雨。

您也可以使用 Would + 主语 + be OK 来询问一个场合。回答表明一种义务、需要或建议。
A: Would I be OK wearing a T-shirt and jeans? 我穿 T 恤和牛仔裤行吗?
B: No. It's a formal dinner. You have to wear a suit! 不行。这是正式宴会。你必须穿西装!

A: Would we be OK without an umbrella? 我们不带伞行吗?
B: Yes. I don't think we need one. 行的,我觉得用不着伞。

What should I wear tonight?
Do I have to wear something smart?
Would I be OK wearing something light?
Do I need to take a waterproof jacket?
Should I take some warm clothes?

Module 4 赞美他人的服装

1. 了不起的形容词

fantastic 极好的
amazing 令人吃惊的
incredible 不可思议的
wonderful 出色的

您也可以使用形容词描述漂亮的人或物。Pretty 通常用于形容女性,handsome 则用于形容男性。
handsome 英俊的
pretty 美丽的
gorgeous 非常漂亮的

Your new jeans are fantastic!你的新牛仔裤真棒!
I think the new fashions are wonderful this year.
She is a very pretty woman.她是一位很美丽的女士。
Those shoes are incredible.那些鞋很不错。
You look gorgeous in that outfit. 你穿那身衣服真好看。
He always looks amazing.他一直看上去很帅。
He is a really handsome man.他是一位长相很帅气的男士。

2. 赞美

用look +形容词来恭维某人的外貌。
You look fantastic!
That shirt looks great on you. 你穿那件衬衫很好看。
That color looks good with your hair. 那个颜色和你的发色很配。

您也可以用good at +动词 + ing 来恭维他人。
You're good at putting together an outfit. 你很擅长搭配衣服。
You're great at creating new styles. 你很擅长创造新的风格。

You're 35 years old? You look 18! 你 35 岁吗?你看起来像 18 岁!

A: Do you like my outfit? 你喜欢我的衣服吗?
B: Absolutely. You know clothes better than anyone! 当然喜欢。你比任何人都懂衣服。

A: How do you like my hair? 你觉得我的头发怎么样?
B: It looks gorgeous! 看起来非常漂亮!

You look fantastic!
That color looks good with your hair.
You're 35 years old? You look 29!
That shirt looks great on you.
You're great at creating new styles.你很擅长创造新的风格。
It looks gorgeous!看起来非常漂亮!
You're good at putting together an outfit.你很擅长搭配衣服。

3. 保证


如果您对您的外表有疑问,用I'm not sure about来确认,告诉别人不要担心以消除疑虑,然后说上一句恭维。
A: I'm not sure about this tie. 我不确定这条领带是否合适。
B: I wouldn't worry about it. The color looks good with your suit. 要我就不担心。这个颜色和你的西服很配。

A: I'm not sure about my outfit. 我不确定我的衣服打扮好不好。
B: Don't worry. You look great! 别担心。你看起来很棒!

您也可以用带有think 的问题来请求确认,说 not at all 或Actually, no.来消除疑虑。您也可以告诉他们不要担心,并加一句恭维。
A: Do you think this outfit makes me look ugly? 你觉得我这一套衣服看起来难看吗?
B: Not at all! 一点也不!

A: You don't think this necklace is weird? 你不觉得这条项链很怪吗?
B: Actually, no. Don't worry - you look fabulous. 实际上不是。别担心,你看起来很美。

I'm not sure about my suit.
Don't worry. You look great!
Do you think this outfit makes me look old?
Not at all!
You don't think this necklace is weird?
Actually, no. You look fantastic.

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