HannahLin的ScalersTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day 10 20181017

Lesson 10 Not for jazz

We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belonged to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged by a visitor. She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken. My father was shocked. Now we are not allowed to touch it. It is being repaired by a friend of my father's.

ˈlɛsən 10 nɑt fər ʤæz

wi həv ən oʊld ˈmjuzɪkəl ˈɪnstrəmənt. ɪt əz kɔld ə ˈklævəˌkɔrd(翼琴). ɪt wəz meɪd ɪn ˈʤɜrməni ɪn 1681. ˈaʊər ˈklævəˌkɔrd əzkɛpt ɪn ðə ˈlɪvɪŋ-rum. ɪt həz bɪˈlɔŋd tʊ ˈaʊər ˈfæməli fər ə lɔŋ taɪm. ði ˈɪnstrəmənt wəz bɑt baɪ maɪ ˈgrændˌfɑðər ˈmɛni jɪrzəˈgoʊ. ˈrisəntli ɪt wəz ˈdæməʤd baɪ ə ˈvɪzətər. ʃi traɪd tə pleɪ ʤæz ɑn ɪt! ʃi strʌk ðə kiz tu hɑrd ənd tu əv ðə strɪŋz wərˈbroʊkən. maɪ ˈfɑðər wəz ʃɑkt. naʊ wi ər nɑt əˈlaʊd tə tʌʧ ɪt. ɪt əz ˈbiɪŋ rɪˈpɛrd baɪ ə frɛnd əv maɪ ˈfɑðərz.



1. clavichord

a small, rectangular keyboard instrument producing a soft sound by means of metal blades attached to the ends of key levers that gently press the strings, popular from the early 15th to early 19th centuries.






2. string

A string is a strand of fiber that's thinner than a cord or a rope. You can tie on a Halloween mask with a string, or weave a friendship bracelet with a bunch of colorful strings.

Strings are useful for tying up packages and cinching the waist of your sweatpants. You can also have a figurative string, a series or sequence: "Our team had a string of wins." As a verb, string means "attach together" or "thread onto a string." It can also mean "put strings on an instrument" — you might string your new ukulele, for example. And when you "string someone along," you mislead them on purpose over and over again.

--- for tying/ fastening  n. [U,C]  material made of several threads twisted together, used for tying things together; a piece of string used to fasten or pull sth or keep sth in place 细绳;线;带子

a piece/ length of string 一根\一段细绳

He wrapped the package in brown paper and tied it with string.

The key is hanging on a string by the door.

drawstring: a string through the top of a bag or a piece of clothing, used for pulling the edges together.

the purse strings: the way in which money is controlled and spent by a group or organization 资金、支出的管理

control the purse strings: She controls the family purse strings very tightly.

tighten/loosen the purse strings(=reduce or increase the amount of money that is available): The government has tightened the purse strings for all departments.

--- things joined 串接物

a set or series of things that are joined together, for example on a string 一串

a string of pearls 一串珍珠

The molecules join together to form long strings 分子连接在一起形成一串。

--- series 系列

【C】a series of things or people that come closely one after another 一系列;一连串;一批

a string of hits 接二连三的成功

He owns a string of racing stables. 他有好多个赛马训练场。

--- computing 计算机技术

【C】a series of characters (=letters, numbers, etc.)


---musical instruments 乐器

【C】a tightly stretched piece of wire, nylon, or catgut on a muscial instrument, that produces a musical note when the instrument is played 弦

the strings[pl]

the group of musical instruments in an orchestra that have strings, for example violins; the people who play them. (管弦乐团的)弦乐器,弦乐器组;

The opening theme is taken up by the strings. 开始的主旋律有弦乐继续。

--- on tennis racket 网球拍

【C】any of the tightly stretched pieces of nylon, etc. in a racket, used for hitting balls in tennis and some other games. 弦

--- conditions 条件

strings special conditions or restrictions 特定条件(限制)

Major loans like these always come with strings. 诸如此类的大宗贷款总有一些附带条件。

It's a business proposition, pure and simple. No strings attached. 这只是个业务建议,仅此而已。没有任何附带条件。


have another string/ more strings to you bow (BrE)

to have more than one skill or plan that you can use if you need to 还另有一手;有两手准备

(tied to) sb's apron strings: to much under the influence and control of sb.


pull strings for sb. (NAmE also pull wires这个在听写的过程中碰到过) informal: to use your influence in order to get an advantage for sb. 凭影响为某人谋利益;为某人活动,走后门

pull the strings: to control events or the actions of other people 幕后操纵;暗中控制

笔记L1 音标

English Sounds - CH [tʃ] and JJ [dʒ] Consonants - How to make the CH [tʃ] and JJ [dʒ] Consonants

CH& JJ couple

CH is unvoiced, meaning only air passes through the mouth, and JJ is voiced, meaning, you make the sound with vocal cords.

These sounds have a stop consonant component, but unlike stop consonants, they're always released.

They each contain two sounds, for the CH, we are combining the T, tt and the SH, to make CH

for the J sound, we are combining dd and zh to make jj.

The teeth come together and the lips flare, just like in the sh and zh sound.

the tongue lifts, so the front, flat part of the tongue touches the roof of the mouth.

we stop the air in our throat, and then we release everything.

we release the air at the vocal cords, release the tongue down from the roof of the mouth, release the teeth so they part a little, and release the lips by relaxing them.


jazz /ʤæz/

Germany /ˈʤɜrməni/

damage /ˈdæməʤ/

touch /tʌʧ/


@[000]小米-郑州-畜牧 instrument重音在第一个音节,你重读了第二个音节tru,clavichord中or是ɔr的音,听起来像是A的音,room中oo的音发的不够饱满,belong,long,string都是后鼻音,读完之后,舌身不要急着离开上颚,多待一会儿,让音拉长点儿,visitor跟broken也是,重音都在第一个音节,不用每个音节都重读,这样不好听。模仿时,元音要饱满,不要怕夸张,因为在重读音节中,有些元音读起来都有起伏的节奏,所以花的时间会相对的比在非重读音节中发音时间会更久,听起来更饱满清晰。

@[02:20]Sophie-GZ-宝妈 有一个比较明显的问题是,一些没有r的单词你发了卷舌音,像是called,bought,of等等,另外一个是关于damaged跟touched,没有将音发完整。dæmɪdʒ中dʒ的音,还有tʌtʃ中tʃ的音发出来,建议把这两个音标好好练习一下,看看如何发音的。剩下的问题,比如,第二个clavichord klævɪkɔrd中的蝴蝶音发成了ai,for a long time漏掉了a,Germany读的慢一点,别着急,一个个辅音发清晰,元音发饱满一点,尤其是Ger /ɜːr/,是个长元音喔,而且在美语中,有r的音都要发的长一点,别发一点就缩回去了~

@〔00〕卿卿-北京-医生 好听~

@[00]水-福建-广电 你好,现在才有空,不好意思~instrument重音不对,放在了第二个音节,再听听原文对照,damaged,jazz当中dʒ的音没有发对喔,可以查一查这个音标怎么发的,还有she当中的ʃ这个音,嘴唇撅着,上下齿咬住,,还有grandfather这个词father重音也是在第一个音节,还有living-room中松元音发的不够短促有力,play中ay的音发清晰,英语当中的快是连读或者弱读造成的,但是读每一个音都要清晰,发清楚,不能求快,也不能混过去,这样不好听~还有元音,一定要饱满,元音在你的嘴巴里头应该感觉不到任何的阻碍,畅通无阻。我的建议是,学习音标的时候,一定要搞清楚,唇形怎么做,舌头怎么放,嘴巴张多大,声带振不振动,有时间可以多熟悉嘴巴里头的这些部位~希望可以帮到你





2. 在查阅string的过程当中,看到了pull这个词有“拉伤”“扭伤”的意思,to pull a muscle扭伤肌肉,顺便复习pull a leg.都是以前背过了,再复习一遍,还是觉得掌握的不够呀。




昨天的句子It would strike twelve in twenty minutes' time. strike在其中的意思是:to show the time by making a ringing noise, etc. 鸣钟;报时=chime

今天的句子She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken. 在这个句子中的意思是:to produce a musical note, sound, etc. by pressing a key or hitting sth. 弹奏;奏响;发出声音。


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