
The floral(说说记录&随笔)


Maybe don't need to build a better world, in real life seemed to live more real.


Self-doubt that moment didn't sorry your feelings, but at the end of the injured or oneself, from the nue rooted in fear of self Benedict to read.


Thoroughly at home in the elaborate will kill you.

4.已經無暇顧及泥濘 Have been busy muddy


Floral sporadic memory compose full of petals.


With the weight of the empty white world, Athena


Ear gently music there are have flower plant called a moment surging emotions, almost wooden poor confused brush strokes and the accumulation of poetry, deep beauty numb blackmail abroad time, lost in the dark of static lai regret regret the past, is still a rose with lace covered chords, weaving dreams on the forehead.


Full of indebtedness, plain serious aesthetic and solemn oath.


Down and out, love, melancholy, what sustains you?

10.睡不着的枕头 Can't sleep pillow

11.蒾 凹凸的森林 即使迷路是故事 ta也没有喊。

Mi,bump of forest Even if lost is ta didn't shout story.


With tears with a staggered cast down the past childish his pain


I need a window. Face the sea, to the flower, through the ooze. Can I use four fingers box lived the most beautiful light, capture the most gentle flavor, with inner eyes with ears listen to murmur of the crisp sound of birds and streams.


Had a dream, a glimpse of the most beautiful star, the beauty of the most beautiful purple flowers, and all for me, becomes the high school at the same time, the picture is less I a person alone.


To protect loved ones love such as my life forever


My life fill the ink, the pen is in there

17.過去长按[Backspace],未来依旧[Space],現在经常[Shift],Enter & Esc.

Long press [Backspace] in the past, the future still [Space], now often [Shift], Enter & Esc.


Is memory is really different, there is a belief, formed the individual character, forming the idea, after the change of hazy and countless times after selecting the self-consciousness awakening.


Pen attached to two of the world, with white light on the paper.


The barren land, the United States, literature, knowledge, hard work, to make them rich.

21.录音笔记录不了憂傷。Digital recorder records the sadness.

22.没有月亮,连颱風都黯然。No moon, and even the typhoon shade.

23.你要做的不仅仅是进入一个未知的领域并熟悉这一切。You have to do is not just into uncharted territory and familiar with it.

24.Wrilliant as a violet crystal cures inner absence and guilty.

25.等待是一支雪糕,时间來慢慢吃掉。Waiting is a ice cream, time to eat slowly.

26.强烈的自我表达意识令笔如锐剑捅破命运冰冷坚硬的盾。A strong sense of self expression for cold hard pen like a sharp sword Pierce the fate of the shield.


28.我的世界下起了大雨It rained heavily in my world

29.捡起的贝壳,带回的一罐海沙和满满的愉快。Pick up shells and back to a pot of the sand and full of happy.

30.迎接我的是一片黑暗。I'm greeted by a dark.

31.洁白时光荏苒White time flies

32.我一直相信破土的力量。I always believe in the power of ground.

33.就是这样朦胧的,淡淡的,简单的,勾勒出美与艺术。This is hazy, light, simple, the outline of beauty and art.

34.筱筑的雨,下进了紫地,零碎了榄籃。Shinohara of the rain, into the land of the purple, gathered the olive basket.


36.管风琴的声音颤动着我的耳膜,我知道。它正告诉我生活是多么不易,能在生存黑白键上凌空蹈舞实属幸福安谧。Organ my eardrum with a trembling voice, I know. Tell me it is how not easy, life is able to exist in black and white keys on the volley DaoWu is quiet happiness.

37.二十一就是活了二十年明白了二十年才彻悟一的奕奕【意义】。The 21st is lived twenty years see 20 years to realise a energetic "meaning".

38.人之所以会痛苦,会难受是因为还是人。责骂,欺骗,宠辱,忽视,冷漠,苦楚以及没完没了的折磨 ,不能超脱才是致命伤。

People are suffering, will be sad because of people. Scold, deception, spoil, and to ignore, indifference, pain, and endless torture, not detachment is the Achilles' heel.

39.一束格桑藏香。A bunch of thanks all.

40.哐当哐当~Thud thud ~


Characteristics of Zhi hui micro GgHhWw, nature, plants and animals, the human really has a beautiful field. Where natural clear where animals hibernate, where humans receive baptism. Really quiet, is not no sound. Empty spirit, penetration. Here is the music of the world. Who is enjoying the beautiful music?

42.用美对抗,从不畏惧In the confrontation, never fear

43.透彻的冷,明明知道不是几生几世的雨,没有十里香更没有千里香。只是青丘之国白浅上神的一席梦,梦醒之后,梦中如何,便忘干净。 掩卷悲凉如同这冷雨。Thorough cold, clearly know is not a few born several world rain, no miles incense less thousands of miles. The kingdom of green hill is a spot in the white light of god's dream, after waking up, the dream, then forget to clean. Plumcakes with sad like the rain.

44.Scale 阶,带着自己的信念开始攀登。荆棘在,却不疼痛,因为理想的救赎。Scale order, bring your own belief began to climb. Thorns in, but I do not pain, because the ideal of salvation.

45.永远记得有这么一群人默默为我们付出, 永远不忘有这样的夜晚静静听我们之音。

46.一样被雨淋湿的校运会,和你一样美好。The school sports as by the rain, as beautiful as you

47.保佑。有你们在的地方,就是归处。Bless. In the place of you, is the place.

48.Breeze can be biscuit.Eat it.fortet clouds,gaving you a flower sunny.微风当作饼干,咬一口,忘掉乌雲,給你一个晴朗的花期。

49.Send you paradise.赫兹微开,律动的第七支交响曲,浸润灵性,穿彻迷雾。Send you paradise. Hertz slightly open, rhythm of seventh symphony, infiltrating spirituality, in the fog.

50.冬天听的花结。宽释,紫雪无痕。Listen to the knot in winter. Wide release, purple snow non-trace.

51.缓缓流淌,铮铮古筝,翰笔墨香,宣纸舞云。Slowly flowing, clashing of guzheng, John pen and ink, paper cloud.

52.雨结 Rain knot

53.Seven 七行,紫丁香。搖搖抒情。曙光沐,晶晶留白。Seven, Seven lines, the lilacs. Shake the lyric. Dawn mu, jingjing white space.


55.ENFJ violet紫罗兰的答案。采薇于美丽的清早,晨曦照亮了我们的整座森林,仿佛是一朵朵白色的雏菊,等来了秋之白露。The answer to the ENFJ violet violet. By eu in the beautiful early morning, morning light up our whole forest, asing if is white daisies, etc to the autumn of the millennium.

56.My will,My help, My joy.我的意愿,我的帮助,我的快乐。奉献友爱互助进步。Volunteers soul is noble ,clear and warm,舍不得取下志愿带,即使拿开还感觉在身。它永远赐予着我们勇敢和爱。I am a volunteer.

57.starry night. 星空,隶书已写下静寂迷人的桔夜,遥远和笃定的繁星,而你的序幕,让月光变得沉默。那个星空,这里的情怀,久违的感动…

Starry night sky, official script is to write down a quiet attractive orange night, distant and guaranteed the stars, and you, let the moon become silent. The sky, the feelings here, stranger moved...

58.古朴的小木屋居住着像精灵般的我们。The cabin of of primitive simplicity like the elves, we live.

59.微笑,沟通,和感恩的心。微尘,大爱,和天使之岛。银河的声音 ,你听到了吗 ?海洋来的天堂。Smile, communication, and gratitude. Dust, the great love, and angel island. The voice of the galaxy, did you hear that? Ocean to heaven.

60.拓,摹,描,悬笔一绝,直书落下,一撇一捺,写出诗境。Billiton, copy, tracing, hanging a special skill, truth, a prime a si, write a poem.

61.吹横笛,满满茉莉香,馨香满怀…Fife, full of jasmine, full of sweet...

62.多希望十月八日,心中翻腾的歌将空气都指挥成最动听的乐章,就能一直在艺术的世界了。Much hope on October 8, heart song will air command into the most beautiful music, can have been in the world of art.

63.柏拉图的琴,要如何去理想…Plato's piano, how to go to the ideal...

64.有着珍贵的自由,开始凝视自然,空气依旧清新,蓝天一样纯净,里面充满了梦想,目光和微笑,就像明亮的生命美好着…With precious freedom, staring at the natural, the air is still fresh, pure blue sky, filled with a dream, beautiful eyes and smile, like a bright life...

65.终于明白,朋友是待你真诚的人,ta们带给你快乐,你看见ta们就看见了快乐Finally understand, a friend is to be your sincere person, they will bring you happiness, you see they saw the happiness

66.几美,几好。 极美,极好。 大美,大好。 一切诗化的世界,一碰就回到现实 。 紫花地丁会开花吗?A few beautiful, good. Very beautiful, very good. Great beauty, great. All of the poetic world, a touch back to reality. Herba violae will flower?


Delivery is the tragedy of a few heavy sakura, the glow of dawn what was forgotten.


Wet the flowers, but not the rain, again how is clearing the beauty of sadness

67.青草的气息终抵不过洁白的诗歌The smell of grass eventually arrived but white poetry


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