家庭职场系列:有梦有爱有付出 - 怀孕生子 (中英文双语)















1. 什么时候最适合生孩子?

2. 孕期和产假会影响职场发展吗?


















当我终于鼓足勇气,告诉乔我准备辞职,休完产假后不回来工作时,乔很明确地说我那样的想法非常愚蠢。他的理由很简单,”你怎么知道你休完产假后就真地想呆在家里呢?递个辞职报告还不容易,辞了再想回来可就不同了。而且现在处于公司兼并后的整合时间,你正好放心休息,公司的事情什么都不要操心。” (值得注意的是,很多女性都会为怀孕生产期间不能150%的为公司付出觉得内疚,有时候情愿辞职也不愿意与公司谈谈条件。)






作为女性,我们被造化赋予了神奇神圣的使命- 孕育生命,延续生命,让生命超越自我、穿越时空并无限靠近永恒 - 这是女性本身的伟大之处、值得骄傲的资本。因此,我还有一个很鲜明的观点,我从不认为怀孕是女人作出的牺牲;怀孕也不是什么毛病,我们千万别因为怀孕把自己搞得太娇气了。至今为止,我仍然觉得我的两次怀孕都属于我人生最重要,最特殊,最美丽,最值得回忆的经历。




- 湘伟



"OMG, I AM Pregnant!"

I laughed as I wrote down the title, wondering how many congratulations I might get in my mailbox tomorrow.

Some might even say, what are you thinking, crazy woman!

Okay, calm down. Before the rumor goes viral (I meant in my company; I am not Kim Kardashian, whose name popped up immediately when I googled the title), I promise I am still mostly sane, and I am not pregnant.

But jokes aside, before posting this essay, I did google the title, and found pages and pages of search results. You can be sure of one thing: this topic is not visibly displayed on any websites focusing on job search, professional networking, women's career advancement, management training, or executive coaching.

As a professional woman, you must be quite crazy to announce your pregnancy in your work place in the same way you would proudly announce it to your family and friends.

Do I have to explain why?

With my own story, I try to scratch the surface of the daunting questions that every professional woman entering the workforce might face one day:

1. When is a good time for having a baby?

2. Will my pregnancy / motherhood affect my career development?

There are no simple answers to these questions.

I still remember how I informed my then-boss Joe LaPlaca when I was pregnant with my son.

I must say I loved Joe! Everyone that worked for Joe or with Joe would agree with me: What a great man! What a fantastic boss! In my entire career, I could not think of anybody who did more to take real actions to develop people and support women's career development including mine.

I recall that at one point, Joe had three women directors and four women managers in his team of new business development, commercial management, and marketing & sales. We often had meetings with seven women, plus him, and a male sales director. Once or twice a year, our HR manager would come to train us hiring managers on Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action. As you can imagine, our only two men in the room and the seven women always enjoyed the great time of winking, laughing, and teasing each other--especially directed toward our boss Joe.

There was one unique situation that Joe, more than anyone else in our company, had to deal with: At any given time, one or more of these seven women would be pregnant!

In spring 2003, at our annual sales meeting that took place in Cancun, Mexico, Joe and I were going through our budgets and stuff, and he leaned to me with a nervous smile: "Xiangwei, you've got to help me a lot in these coming months! As you know, S, M, and J are all expecting."

Well, these pregnant ladies were our top account manager, commercial manager, and new business development director, respectively. And I was the commercial director overseeing pricing and product strategies for multi-hundred-million dollar businesses.

I assured Joe, as usual, that I would do my very best to help out!

At that moment, I chickened out of telling him that I was three months pregnant myself!

Poor guy, I thought to myself, he might be able to handle the news, but I'd better not take the chance of giving him a heart attack in Cancun.

Needless to say, I spent my weekend restlessly. Not only was I pregnant, but I was thinking about quitting my job!! The company division in which I had worked for 10 years (Roche Vitamins) had just been acquired by DSM (my current employer). I thought it was going to be the perfect timing to start a new life after my maternity leave.

On the coming Monday, I got to work early and waited right at the door of Joe's office.

Joe was normally always one of the earliest people in the office. He was obviously surprised to see me greeting him at his door.

I walked in, and together with my "Good Morning, Joe!" I said immediately, "I have something to tell you; I am pregnant too!"

What a sense of relief as I broke the news! I will never forget the shock on Joe's face, the sound of his briefcase hitting the floor, and his big warm hug that followed right after.

"Wow!! Congratulations!! I am so happy for you!"

I have not the slightest doubt that he was genuinely happy for me.

But knowing Joe, he must have been thinking: What am I going to do now?

We then sat down, talked about my timing, and chatted some more. I did not bring up the topic of quitting until three months later.

As promised, in the months that followed, I worked incredibly hard with a strong sense of intensity and urgency. I wanted to get everything done and organized before my leave. By the way, as I already know now, we can never get everything done in life. But I was fired up. I was happy and proud.

As it turned out, Joe seemed to know my professional ambitions better than I did. When I told him I was thinking of not coming back to work after my maternity leave, he basically told me I was stupid not to wait and see how I would feel afterwards. He actually told me that my timing was perfect, because we were going through the integration of two companies anyway! Quitting is easy! Once you quit, to come back will be so much harder. (Let's take a pause here. How many bosses out there would put our employees at ease like Joe did for me! On the other hand, we women often feel guilty for taking time off, for not being able to give 150%, and we quit instead of negotiating!)

I planned to quit my job at that time also because I wanted to move and join households with my then-husband who lived in another city.

But thanks to Joe, I never submitted my resignation. Six months later, after I moved and delivered my son in Houston, I was offered a sales job that allowed me to work from home!--My career path was not a straight line, and I made no shortcuts, good or bad--that's another story for another time!

I often get bombarded with the question, how to balance work and life. I don't mind being asked, but I don't really like the meaning behind it at all. Work is a part of life. Otherwise, our lives would be immediately shortened by the years we work! How can we separate these integral parts of our lives into pieces such as sleeping, eating, dating, mating, laboring, and working! Life is a beautiful mystery all together, there are things in life we can shape, things we can influence, and things we have no control over. All we have to do is cherish life and live to our fullest, even when we are working!

When I think back, I just feel lucky that it all worked out for me: I have been able to raise two wonderful children while advancing myself professionally.

Yes, we always need luck! But luck is seldom totally random. Luck is often like a wonderful dish made of many ingredients cooked in the right way at the right time. To get lucky, we must first work on getting the ingredients that will bring us luck! We can create our own luck. But it first starts with the strong desire to get lucky.

Now, back to my original intention for writing this essay, I wish to tell those women that are still troubled and concerned about their (future) pregnancy: Be brave to embrace pregnancy and motherhood if this is part of your life plan. The best time to get pregnant is when your heart yearns to be a mother! Be brave to tell your boss, too.

On the other hand, I must also say that getting pregnant is not a sacrifice. At least not for me. I still feel that my two pregnancies are the most important, memorable, and special periods of my life! As women, we are blessed to be able to experience something so unique in its true meaning and beauty: nurturing life, connecting and reaching beyond our own time! Maybe it's worth another blog, but I think having the victim mentality will neither create luck nor get us anywhere.

Finally, to male (and female) bosses, colleagues: I wish that you can all be the supportive Joe in your work place! I am sure you'd all agree that we need women to have children, or our world will be in trouble! So, we must help our women feel at ease at work before, during, and after their pregnancy!

The good news is that pregnant women tend to have incredibly high productivity. I have no scientific evidence except my own experience to support the claim. I am sure Joe would agree with me too.


If you liked my story and found it helpful to you, your family, your friend, or your company, please click the share button so that more people could benefit from it. Not only that, imagine the signal you'd send to your employees if you shared your thoughts on this publicly on LinkedIn.

And of course, I feel already rewarded because of your time and your encouragement!

Thank you!!


June 7, 2015

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