
23/02/2020 Scientific Computation Project 2 (last updated 19/2) — M345SC2020 1.0 documentation& https://m345sc.bitbucket.io/p2.html#p2 1/4& Scientific Computation Project 2 (last& updated 19/2)& Clarifications& Part 1.1 (19/2): A simple example Alist for a 3-node, 2-link network: Alist = [[2,1],[0],[0]]& Part 1.2 (19/2): If no path exists between start and dest, return an empty list.& Part 1.3 (19/2): You may assume that at least 2 in-network stations have a cycle route between them.& Part 2.2i) (19/2): Aside from i at node x, all variables should be set to zero at t=0& You are not required to use latex or the provided latex template. Any pdf with a simple, clear presentation& is perfectly fine.& Due date/time: 2/3/2020, 18:00 GMT& This project consists of two parts – in the first, you will be developing/analyzing algorithms on graphs, and& in the second you will be analyzing dynamical processes on graphs.& Getting Started: Template files have been added to the course repo in the project2/ directory. You can& also download the files directly from here: | part1_template.py | part2_template.py |& project2_template.tex& Place these files in a folder, and create copies of the template files named part1_dev.py and part2_dev.py& in this new directory. Ultimately, the final files that you submit should be titled part1.py, part2.py, and& project2.pdf. Browse through the Python template files; there are a few function headers, and you will& have to add code for each of these functions as described below. First, however, you should add your 8-& digit college id to the docstring at the top of each file.& Part 1.& You are tasked with analyzing public transportation networks. You are allowed to use the collections mod-& ule for part 1, please do not use any other external modules.& For each of the questions below, you should develop a correct, efficient algorithm, implement the algo-& rithm in Python, and discuss the running time and efficiency of your implementation in your pdf. Your dis-& cussion should include an estimate of the asymptotic running time and a concise description of how you& constructed this estimate. You should also include a brief description of each algorithm.& 1) (2 pts) You are given a set of airports and connections corresponding to a air transportation network.& Specifically, you know if there is a direct connection between any two airports in the network. Complete& the function, flightLegs, so that it efficiently computes the minimum number of flights required to travel& between two distinct airports on the network. The function should also efficiently determine the number of& distinct routes between the two airports which require this minimum number of flights. The function is& provided an N- element adjacency list, Alist, as input, and airports are numbered from 0 to N-1. The ith& element of Alist is a list containing the airports which can be reached directly from airport i. The network& is symmetric, so if i can be reached directly from j, then j can be reached directly from i. The starting& (start) and destination (dest) airports are also provided. The function output should be a two-element list& containing the minimum number of flights required to travel between start and dest and the number of& distinct journeys between start and dest with this minimum number.& 2) (5 pts) You will now analyze the journeys on a subway network. You are provided with a list of stations& and direct routes between stations.& i) You are also provided with densities for the network where corresponds to the average number of& people on a direct journey from station i to j (no stations other than i and j are visited during a direct jour-& ney). For convenience, we will assume that . A safety factor, , for a journey between stations a& & 23/02/2020 Scientific Computation Project 2 (last updated 19/2) — M345SC2020 1.0 documentation& https://m345sc.bitbucket.io/p2.html#p2 2/4& and b (not necessarily a direct journey) is defined to be the maximum density encountered during the jour-& ney (lower S corresponds to higher safety). Given a starting and destination station, develop an algorithm& to efficiently find the safest journey between the two stations. Implement your method in safeJourney in& part1.py. Along with the starting and destination stations, the function is provided an adjacency list, Alist,& for the network. The ith element of the list is a list of tuples. Each tuple contains a station which can be di-& rectly reached from i, and the density for travel between that station and i. The function should return a& list containing the sequence of stations encountered during the safest journey and the safety factor for the& journey. E.g., if the function returns [[1,5,3],10] then the full journey is 1 -> 5 -> 3 and the safety factor of& the journey is 10. If multiple journeys produce the same minimum S, you can return any one of those jour-& neys. If no path exists between the starting and destination stations, return an empty list.& ii) Now consider the fastest journeys between stations start and dest. You are provided with durations of& journeys between stations i and j, (rounded to the nearest minute and ), and if there are multi-& ple shortest journeys, you should select the one with the least number of steps. Complete shortJourney so& that it efficiently finds this fastest journey and returns the stations included in the journey (as a list) and& the duration of the journey. If no path exists between the starting and destination stations, return an emp-& ty list. The overall setup of the function is very similar to safeJourney, and further details are provided in& the function docstring.& 3) (3 pts) You are provided a network of train stations and, for a given station outside of this network (x),& you know the minimum fare for reaching each in-network station from x, and you also know the minimum& fare for returning to x from any in-network station. You are also given a list of 2-way dedicated cycling& routes connecting pairs of in-network stations. Complete the function, cheapCycling, so that it efficiently& finds the cheapest cyling journey and returns the pair of distinct in-network stations corresponding to this& journey. Here, a journey consists of 1) arrival at an in-network station from x, 2) some amount of cost-free& cycling using dedicated routes, and 3) return to x from an in-network station which is distinct from the ar-& rival station. The train stations are numbered from 0 to N-1, and the function is provided two N-element& lists as input (Slist and Clist). The ith element of Slist contains two numbers – the minimum arrival and& return fares for routes between stations i and x. Clist is an adjacency list. Its ith element contains a list of& integers which correspond to in-network stations that can be reached directly by bicycle from station i.& Note for Part 1: You are not allowed to use heapq, however, if you determine that the best approach to a& problem requires a binary heap, you should choo代写M345SC2020代写留学生Python课程设计se this approach, implement it without a heap, and then& discuss the benefits of the heap (and its influence on the asymptotic running time) in your analysis.& Part 2.& 1) (5 pts) For this question, you will investigate random walks on unweighted, undirected graphs. One step& of a random walk is defined as follows. The probability of a walker moving from node i to node j is& where is the adjacency matrix for the graph, and is the degree of node i.& i) Complete rwgraph so that it efficiently simulates M Nt- step random walks on the NetworkX graph pro-& vided as input. All walkers should start at the same node with the this node set via input variable, i0. Pro-& vide a 1-2 sentence description of your algorithm for 1 simulation step in your pdf.& For the next two questions, you should use Barabasi-Albert graphs with n=2000 and m=4 (see NetworkX& documentation for the definitions of m and n). You should also fix seed so that the same graph is generat-& ed each simulation.& ii) Analyze your simulation results as Nt and M are increased. The initial positions for all walkers should& be the node with maximum degree. If multiple nodes have the same maximum degree, select the node with& the smallest node number. Compare large-Nt results to the node degrees for the graph. Make 1-2 figures& supporting your main findings, and place them along with accompanying discussion in your pdf. The code& used to generate the figures should be placed in rwgraph_analyze1& iii) Recall that linear diffusion on an unweighted graph was defined using the graph Laplacian matrix,& where Q is a diagonal matrix with the graph degrees on the diagonal, and A is the adjacency& matrix. The scaled Laplacian, , is defined as . Consider the linear spreading produced& by both this operator and . Investigate if any one of these three diffusion operators produces dynamics& with significant similarities to your simulated random walk results (all generated using the same B-A& 23/02/2020 Scientific Computation Project 2 (last updated 19/2) — M345SC2020 1.0 documentation& https://m345sc.bitbucket.io/p2.html#p2 3/4& graph). Identify 2-3 key points and provide explanations of what you have found in your pdf. These may be& accompanied by figures as needed. Place any relevant code in rwgraph_analyze2. You are not required to& establish quantitative correspondence between simulated diffusion and random walks on a time-step by& time-step basis.& 2. (5 pts) Consider the following two models for transport processes on graphs:& Model A:& Model B:& Here, is the Laplacian matrix and is the adjacency matrix for an N-node graph.& i) Complete modelA so that it computes simulations of modelA on the NetworkX graph provided as input.& Complete the function, RHS, so that it computes and returns the right-hand side of the model equations& (see the function docstring). You should assume that RHS will be called a very large number of times with-& in one call to model A and construct your code accordingly. Construct an estimate of the number of opera-& tions required to compute in one call to RHS. Add this estimate to your pdf along& with a concise explanation of how it was constructed. Add the needed code below RHS to simulate the& model for Nt time steps from t=0 to t=tf with the initial condition at node x with x and provided& as input, and finally return .& ii) Investigate the similarities and differences between the dynamics generated by model A, model B, and& linear diffusion on Barabasi-Albert graphs. You can initially consider , , and ,& though you are free to vary these parameters as you like. You should initially (at t=0) set all variables to& zero except for i at the node with maximum degree. You should design your own approach to the problem,& and identify 3-4 key points, carefully discuss them (and provide explanations for highlighted trends), and& produce a few figures illustrating numerical results related to the key points. Among the points you could& consider is the initial spread of a perturbation placed at some node x. Add code for generating your figures& to the function, transport and add the figures and accompanying discussion to your pdf. It is sufficient to& consider B-A graphs with n=100 and m=5. Add code in the name==main portion of the code to call trans-& port and generate the figures you are submitting with your assignment& Notes for Part 2:& You may use numpy, scipy, matplotlib, and networkX for part2. Do not use any other modules without& the instructor’s permission.& You should design your codes to efficiently work with large complex networks. You may assume that& where N is the number of nodes and L is the number of links. You may also assume& that all graphs in this part consist of one connected part and that there are no self-loops.& You do not need to account for the randomness of Barabasi-Albert graphs by, say, running simulations& with several graphs and averaging the results.& Further Notes:& 1. Marking will consider both the correctness and efficiency of your code as well as the soundness of your& analysis. For part 2, consideration of efficiency will focus on computationally intensive tasks. Code for gen-& erating figures or processing simulation results are unlikely to be closely examined.& 2. All figures created by your code should be well-made and properly labeled.& 23/02/2020 Scientific Computation Project 2 (last updated 19/2) — M345SC2020 1.0 documentation& https://m345sc.bitbucket.io/p2.html#p2 4/4& 3. In order to assign partial credit, markers must be able to understand how your code is organized and& what you are trying to do.& 4. Lab 6 contains an exercise on simulation of 1-D random walks.& 5. You should aim to limit your discussion for part 1 to 2 pages. For part 2, you should aim to fit your dis-& cussion within 5 pages including up to 6 figures. These constraints are provided for guidance, and marks& will not be deducted for exceeding these limits.& 6. Add additional functions as needed, but these functions should not use any external modules outside of& those explicitly allowed for each part.& 7. You may use codes provided in lectures and labs, but you should not assume that these codes are& “efficient”.& 8. Please be sensible with the amount of time you devote to the open-ended portions of the assignment. If& it seems that your approach for, say, question 2.2 will require an extraordinary amount of time, it may be& helpful to consult with the instructor.& Submitting the assignment& To submit the assignment for assessment, go to the course blackboard page, and find the link for “Project& 2” Click on this link and then click on “Write Submission” and add the statement: “This is all my own un-& aided work unless stated otherwise.”& Click on “Browse My Computer” and upload your final files, part1.py, part2.py, and project2.pdf. Finally,& click “Submit”.& 转自:http://www.3daixie.com/contents/11/3444.html

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