$ spring init --list

Supported dependencies

Id Description Required version
activemq Java Message Service API via Apache ActiveMQ >=1.4.0.RC1
activiti-basic Activiti BPMN workflow engine >=1.2.0.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1
actuator Production ready features to help you monitor and manage your application
actuator-docs API documentation for the Actuator endpoints >=1.3.0.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1
amqp Advanced Message Queuing Protocol via spring-rabbit
aop Create your own Aspects using Spring AOP and AspectJ
artemis Java Message Service API via Apache Artemis >=1.3.0.RELEASE
azure-active-directory Spring Security integration with Azure Active Directory for authentication >=1.5.4.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1
azure-keyvault-secrets Spring value annotation integration with Azure Key Vault Secrets >=1.5.4.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1
azure-storage Azure Storage service integration >=1.5.4.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1
azure-support Auto-configuration for Azure Services (service bus, storage, active directory, cosmos DB, key vault and more) >=1.5.4.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1
batch Spring Batch including HSQLDB database
cache Spring's Cache abstraction >=1.3.0.RELEASE
camel Integration using Apache Camel >=1.4.0.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1
cloud-aws AWS native services from spring-cloud-aws >=1.2.3.RELEASE
cloud-aws-jdbc Relational databases on AWS with RDS and spring-cloud-aws-jdbc >=1.2.3.RELEASE
cloud-aws-messaging Messaging on AWS with SQS and spring-cloud-aws-messaging >=1.2.3.RELEASE
cloud-bus-amqp A simple control bus with AMQP and spring-cloud-bus-amqp >=1.2.3.RELEASE
cloud-bus-kafka A simple control bus with Kafka and spring-cloud-bus >=1.3.0.RELEASE
cloud-cloudfoundry-discovery Service discovery with Cloud Foundry >=1.3.0.RELEASE
cloud-config-client spring-cloud-config Client >=1.2.3.RELEASE
cloud-config-server Central management for configuration via a git or svn backend >=1.2.3.RELEASE
cloud-connectors Simplifies connecting to services in cloud platforms, including spring-cloud-connector and spring-cloud-cloudfoundry-connector >=1.2.0.RELEASE
cloud-contract-stub-runner Stub Runner for HTTP/Messaging based communication >=1.4.0.RC1
cloud-contract-verifier Test dependencies required for autogenerated tests >=1.4.0.RC1
cloud-contract-wiremock Test dependencies required for the WireMock HTTP server >=1.4.0.RC1
cloud-eureka Service discovery using spring-cloud-netflix and Eureka >=1.2.3.RELEASE
cloud-eureka-server spring-cloud-netflix Eureka Server >=1.2.3.RELEASE
cloud-feign Declarative REST clients with spring-cloud-netflix Feign >=1.2.3.RELEASE
cloud-gateway Intelligent and programmable routing with the reactive Spring Cloud Gateway >=2.0.0.M5
cloud-hystrix Circuit breaker with spring-cloud-netflix Hystrix >=1.2.3.RELEASE
cloud-hystrix-dashboard Circuit breaker dashboard with spring-cloud-netflix Hystrix >=1.2.3.RELEASE
cloud-oauth2 OAuth2 and distributed application patterns with spring-cloud-security >=1.2.3.RELEASE
cloud-ribbon Client side load balancing with spring-cloud-netflix and Ribbon >=1.2.3.RELEASE
cloud-security Secure load balancing and routing with spring-cloud-security >=1.2.3.RELEASE
cloud-sleuth-stream Marshals Spring Cloud Sleuth Spans over a Spring Cloud Stream binder >=1.3.0.RELEASE
cloud-sleuth-zipkin-stream Consumes span data in messages from Spring Cloud Sleuth Stream and writes them to a Zipkin store >=1.3.0.RELEASE
cloud-starter spring-cloud-context (e.g. Bootstrap context and @RefreshScope) >=1.2.3.RELEASE
cloud-starter-consul-config Configuration management with Hashicorp Consul >=1.3.0.RELEASE
cloud-starter-consul-discovery Service discovery with Hashicorp Consul >=1.3.0.RELEASE
cloud-starter-sleuth Distributed tracing via logs with spring-cloud-sleuth >=1.3.0.RELEASE
cloud-starter-vault-config Configuration management with HashiCorp Vault >=1.5.3.RELEASE
cloud-starter-zipkin Distributed tracing with an existing Zipkin installation and spring-cloud-sleuth-zipkin. Alternatively, consider Sleuth Stream. >=1.3.0.RELEASE
cloud-starter-zookeeper-config Configuration management with Zookeeper and spring-cloud-zookeeper-config >=1.3.0.RELEASE
cloud-starter-zookeeper-discovery Service discovery with Zookeeper and spring-cloud-zookeeper-discovery >=1.3.0.RELEASE
cloud-stream-binder-kafka Messaging microservices with Kafka >=1.3.0.RELEASE
cloud-stream-binder-rabbit Messaging microservices with RabbitMQ >=1.3.0.RELEASE
cloud-task Task result tracking along with integration with batch and streams >=1.3.0.RELEASE
cloud-turbine Circuit breaker metric aggregation using spring-cloud-netflix with Turbine and server-sent events >=1.2.3.RELEASE
cloud-turbine-stream Circuit breaker metric aggregation using spring-cloud-netflix with Turbine and Spring Cloud Stream (choose a specific Stream binder implementation to complement this) >=1.3.0.RELEASE
cloud-zuul Intelligent and programmable routing with spring-cloud-netflix Zuul >=1.2.3.RELEASE
configuration-processor Generate metadata for your custom configuration keys >=1.2.0.RELEASE
cxf-jaxrs RESTful Web Services framework with support of JAX-RS >=1.4.0.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1
data-cassandra Cassandra NoSQL Database, including spring-data-cassandra >=1.3.0.RC1
data-cassandra-reactive Cassandra NoSQL Database, including spring-data-cassandra and the reactive driver >=2.0.0.M1
data-couchbase Couchbase NoSQL database, including spring-data-couchbase >=1.4.0.RELEASE
data-couchbase-reactive Couchbase NoSQL database, including spring-data-couchbase and the reactive driver >=2.0.0.M7
data-elasticsearch Elasticsearch search and analytics engine including spring-data-elasticsearch
data-gemfire GemFire distributed data store including spring-data-gemfire >=1.1.0.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1
data-jpa Java Persistence API including spring-data-jpa, spring-orm and Hibernate
data-jpa Java Persistence API including spring-data-jpa, spring-orm and Hibernate
data-ldap LDAP support, including spring-data-ldap >=1.5.0.RC1
data-mongodb MongoDB NoSQL Database, including spring-data-mongodb
data-mongodb-reactive MongoDB NoSQL Database, including spring-data-mongodb and the reactive driver >=2.0.0.M1
data-neo4j Neo4j NoSQL graph database, including spring-data-neo4j >=1.4.0.RELEASE
data-redis Redis key-value data store, including spring-data-redis
data-redis Redis key-value data store, including spring-data-redis
data-redis-reactive Redis key-value data store, including spring-data-redis >=2.0.0.M7
data-rest Exposing Spring Data repositories over REST via spring-data-rest-webmvc
data-rest-hal Browsing Spring Data REST repositories in your browser >=1.3.0.RELEASE
data-solr Apache Solr search platform, including spring-data-solr
derby Apache Derby database (with embedded support) >=1.2.2.RELEASE
devtools Spring Boot Development Tools >=1.3.0.RELEASE
flapdoodle-mongo Embedded MongoDB for testing >=1.3.0.RELEASE
flyway Flyway Database Migrations library
freemarker FreeMarker templating engine
groovy-templates Groovy templating engine
h2 H2 database (with embedded support)
hateoas HATEOAS-based RESTful services >=1.2.2.RELEASE
hornetq Java Message Service API via HornetQ >=1.1.0.RELEASE and <1.4.0.RC1
hsql HSQLDB database (with embedded support)
integration Common spring-integration modules
jdbc JDBC databases
jersey RESTful Web Services framework with support of JAX-RS >=1.2.0.RELEASE
jooq Persistence support using Java Object Oriented Querying >=1.3.0.RELEASE
jta-atomikos JTA distributed transactions via Atomikos >=1.2.0.RELEASE
jta-bitronix JTA distributed transactions via Bitronix >=1.2.0.RELEASE
jta-narayana JTA distributed transactions via Narayana >=1.4.0.RELEASE
kafka Kafka messaging support using Spring Kafka >=1.5.0.RC1
keycloak Keycloak integration, an open source Identity and Access Management solution. >=1.5.3.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1
liquibase Liquibase Database Migrations library
lombok Java annotation library which helps to reduce boilerplate code and code faster
mail javax.mail >=1.2.0.RC1
mobile Simplify the development of mobile web applications with spring-mobile >=1.0.0.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1
mustache Mustache templating engine >=1.2.2.RELEASE
mybatis Persistence support using MyBatis
mysql MySQL jdbc driver
postgresql PostgreSQL jdbc driver
quartz Schedule jobs using Quartz >=2.0.0.M2
ratpack Spring Boot integration for the Ratpack framework >=1.2.0.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1
remote-shell CRaSH shell integration >=1.0.0.RELEASE and <1.5.0.RC1
restdocs Document RESTful services by combining hand-written and auto-generated documentation
retry Provide declarative retry support via spring-retry >=1.3.0.RELEASE
scs-circuit-breaker Hystrix circuit breaker on Pivotal Cloud Foundry >=1.3.0.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1
scs-config-client Config client on Pivotal Cloud Foundry >=1.3.0.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1
scs-service-registry Eureka service discovery on Pivotal Cloud Foundry >=1.3.0.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1
security Secure your application via spring-security
session API and implementations for managing a user’s session information >=1.3.0.RELEASE
social-facebook spring-social-facebook >=1.2.0.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1
social-linkedin spring-social-linkedin >=1.2.0.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1
social-twitter spring-social-twitter >=1.2.0.RELEASE and <2.0.0.M1
spring-shell Build shell-based clients >=1.4.0.RELEASE
sqlserver Microsoft SQL Server jdbc driver >=1.5.0.RC1
thymeleaf Thymeleaf templating engine, including integration with Spring
vaadin Vaadin java web application framework >=1.2.0.RELEASE
validation JSR-303 validation infrastructure (already included with web) >=1.3.0.RELEASE
velocity Velocity templating engine >=1.1.6.RELEASE and <1.4.0.M2
web Full-stack web development with Tomcat and Spring MVC
web-services Contract-first SOAP service development with Spring Web Services
web-services Contract-first SOAP service development with Spring Web Services
webflux Reactive web development with Netty and Spring WebFlux >=2.0.0.M1
websocket Websocket development with SockJS and STOMP
zipkin-ui add the Zipkin UI module to the Zipkin server to get a Zipkin service that accepts Spans and provides visualization >=1.3.3.RELEASE

Project types (* denotes the default)

Id Description Tags
gradle-build Generate a Gradle build file build:gradle,format:build
gradle-project Generate a Gradle based project archive build:gradle,format:project
maven-build Generate a Maven pom.xml build:maven,format:build
maven-project * Generate a Maven based project archive build:maven,format:project
Id Description Default value
artifactId project coordinates (infer archive name) demo
bootVersion spring boot version 1.5.9.RELEASE
description project description Demo project for Spring Boot
groupId project coordinates com.example
javaVersion language level 1.8
language programming language java
name project name (infer application name) demo
packageName root package com.example.demo
packaging project packaging jar
type project type maven-project
version project version 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
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