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Amazon Web Services – Amazon SES Best Practices July 2012

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Amazon Simple Email Service

Email Sending Best Practices

July 2012

(Please consult for the latest version of this paper)

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Abstract................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3

How Email Gets Delivered....................................................................................................................................................... 3

Email Flow........................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Email Receivers and Email Delivery ........................................................................................................................................ 4

Internet Service Providers................................................................................................................................................... 4

Corporate Systems.............................................................................................................................................................. 4

Homegrown Systems.......................................................................................................................................................... 5

Metrics That Define Your Success........................................................................................................................................... 5

Bounce Rate ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5

Complaint Rate.................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Content Issues..................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Recommended Best Practices................................................................................................................................................. 6

General Recommendations ................................................................................................................................................ 6

Domain and “From” Address Considerations................................................................................................................. 7

Authentication ................................................................................................................................................................ 7

Building and Maintaining Your List ................................................................................................................................. 7

Compliance...................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Avoiding Bounces................................................................................................................................................................ 8

Handling Bounces............................................................................................................................................................ 9

Avoiding Complaints........................................................................................................................................................... 9

Handling Complaints....................................................................................................................................................... 9

Creating Quality Content ..................................................................................................................................................10

Closing Thoughts...................................................................................................................................................................10


Additional Resources ............................................................................................................................................................12

More information about some of the recommendations in this whitepaper..............................................................12

More information about Amazon SES ..........................................................................................................................12

Amazon SES Solution Providers ....................................................................................................................................12

ISP postmaster pages....................................................................................................................................................12

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Getting your email into your targets’ inboxes can sometimes seem challenging. A number of different factors, including

your content, your list quality, and the infrastructure between you, the sender, and your target recipient, can influence

email delivery. This paper discusses these factors and provides many best practices and recommendations that will

enhance the probability of your email reaching its target.


You might send email for a variety of reasons, including enhancing an existing relationship with a customer, marketing

new products and offers, educating a group of people sharing a common interest, or notifying customers of an event.

Some examples include:

 Newsletters (e.g., recipe of the month club digests)

 Receipts (e.g., purchase confirmations)

 Travel itineraries (e.g., airline tickets)

 Account notifications (e.g., password resets)

 Legal notices (e.g., changes in privacy policy)

How you manage the electronic communication with your recipients through email can be called your email program.

To run a successful email program, you must be aware of a few topics that can affect your delivery and ultimately your

impact on email recipients. We’ll start by discussing the value attributed to your email by your recipients and the

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) responsible for protecting their inboxes. Then we’ll explain what the emailing process

looks like, who’s involved, and what their roles are. Finally, you’ll learn how to optimize value and drive it up based on

some best practices we’ve compiled.

By the time you finish reading this, you should have many of the tools you need to make your email program a success!

How Email Gets Delivered

Have you ever thought about how and why email gets delivered? Deliverability refers to the likelihood that an email

message you send will actually arrive at its intended destination. Emails don’t always make it to the intended recipient’s

inbox. They can be delivered to the junk folder (sometimes referred to as the spam folder), rejected by the receiver’s

email infrastructure (usually in the form of a bounce), or disappear altogether (for example, when the receiving system

drops the message without informing the sender or recipient). Some ISPs have even created default folders based on

user engagement to help recipients better organize their messages, and email will be delivered to these folders, rather

than the inbox itself.

As an email sender, you want as many messages as possible to be delivered to your recipients’ inboxes. The best way to

improve delivery is to send high-quality email; that is, email that recipients find valuable. Email recipients only want your

email if they can extract value from the message. That value can come in many forms, such as offers, order

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confirmations, sweepstakes notifications, or even social network communications. Value, of course, is a loaded word,

since different things make email messages valuable to different people.

Email quality equals value to the email recipient. Despite its subjectivity, ISPs try to predict email quality as accurately as

possible using a variety of metrics to gauge whether a message is wanted (and thus valuable) or is not wanted (and thus

considered spam). These metrics include various internal computations based on anti-spam technology and recipient

inputs that ISPs attempt to quantify.

You, as the sender, build trust with a receiver (whomever or whatever is behind the address you’re sending to) by

sending high quality email over time. This trust is referred to in the industry as reputation. Receivers use metrics to

assess the value of a sender’s email. These metrics are often combined into scores, and are typically referred to as a

sender’s reputation.

Email Flow

The diagram below depicts the entities involved in sending and receiving email.

Email Receivers and Email Delivery

Email receivers decide whether your email gets delivered. They comprise the entire federation of network systems,

software, and policies that manage email delivery. There are several different classes of email receivers, and you must

know the class of receiver you’re sending to in order to ensure that you’re optimizing your email program for


Internet Service Providers

An ISP (Internet Service Provider) usually hosts email services for subscribers. Typically, B2C (business to consumer)

emails are sent to addresses hosted at ISPs. Sites like Yahoo!, Gmail, and Comcast fall under this category. These large

providers make decisions across millions of mailboxes about whether your email is spam, and they base these decisions

on many recipients’ feedback.

Most often, this feedback comes in the form of a complaint – when a recipient marks a message as spam in their

email client – but it can also include whether recipients are opening or clicking on your email. The amount of recipient

feedback at an ISP’s disposal for reputation calculations is usually vast, but ISPs tend to implement a “one size fits all”

reputation system that they can easily roll out across all mailboxes.

Corporate Systems

A corporate system usually refers to the independently-hosted email system used by employees, students,

governmental agencies, or certain paid or non-profit associations. This system is commonly referred to as a B2B

(business to business) system. A corporate system also can include the hosted email services that ISPs offer to run

inbound email systems. Often the rules for spam prevention are set by the in-house Information Technology (IT)

Sender Sender’s Server Internet Receiver(s) Recipient(s)

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department, or the rules are defaults provided by the email-receiving Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) solution, like Microsoft


Homegrown Systems

If a mailbox isn’t managed by an ISP or an IT department, chances are it is run in the cloud or on a personal server (e.g.,

sitting in someone’s garage). Dealing with a homegrown system involves dealing with a nonstandard set of rules that can

be set up ad hoc by the server’s owner. If you want your email to reach someone sitting behind their personal email

server, you must comply with their specific definition of high quality email.

All of the above classes of receivers employ several means of defense against unwanted email. Amazon Simple Email

Service (Amazon SES) handles most of these defenses for senders at the infrastructure layer (e.g., email DNS setup, send

rate, throttling, automatic retries, etc.). However, you still need to know which class of receiver you’re sending to in

order to best adhere to their email rules and get your messages into your recipients’ inboxes.

The bottom line is that recipients rule! Anyone can send email, but email delivery into an inbox is a privilege reserved

for those senders who know how to respect the recipient.

Metrics That Define Your Success

The following list of metrics is not meant to be exhaustive. It simply indicates areas where there could be problems with

your email program. Don’t be fooled into thinking that if you just manage the metrics in these problem areas that your

delivery is guaranteed. Remember, you know your customers best.

Bounce Rate

A bounce indicates the failed status of the attempted delivery, which is a useful piece of information that a receiver

reports back to you.

Receivers generate both hard bounces and soft bounces. Hard bounces are persistent delivery failures such as “mailbox

does not exist,” whereas soft bounces are temporary sending failures such as “mailbox full.” Bounces can be either

synchronous or asynchronous. If the bounces are synchronous, they are communicated while the email servers are

talking to each other. Bounces are asynchronous if they are sent after the message is initially successfully accepted for

delivery by the receiver. In Amazon SES, you won’t see returned success responses (i.e., “250 OK”). Amazon SES handles

soft bounces automatically by retrying with optimal settings for the domain you’re sending to. Hard bounces that are

generated either synchronously or asynchronously are passed back to you automatically. For more information, see

Bounce and Complaint Notifications in the Amazon Simple Email Service Developer Guide.

A high rate of hard bounces strongly indicates to email receivers that you don’t know your recipients very well.

Therefore, high hard-bounce rates can have a negative impact on your deliverability. You can find some suggestions

about how to reduce hard bounces, below.

Complaint Rate

When an email recipient marks a message as spam by clicking the “mark as spam” button in the web email client, the ISP

records the event as a complaint. If there are too many of these complaint events, the ISP will probably decide that

you’re sending spam. Some ISPs allow senders to have more transparency into what their recipients are doing by

providing feedback loops, in which the ISP tells the sender that a recipient has complained about a message. Amazon SES

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automatically forwards complaints from ISPs that offer feedback loops to you. For more information, see How Amazon

SES Handles Email in the Amazon Simple Email Service Developer Guide.

As you can imagine, too many complaints can result in poor deliverability. A high complaint rate strongly indicates to

email receivers that you’re sending email that recipients don’t want. You can find some suggestions about how to

reduce complaints, below.

Content Issues

The content of the email provides the communication or message. Email receivers have cracked down on malicious

communication from spammers, such as phishing, malware and virus distribution, or scams, by implementing robust

content filters. These content filters perform automated reviews of email content to look for unwanted email.

Technically savvy users rely on open source content filters like the Apache Spam Assassin. Enterprises are more likely to

rely on content filters like Google’s Postini or Symantec’s BrightMail. Amazon SES uses content filtering technologies to

help detect and block messages containing viruses or malware before they can be sent.

If the receiver’s content filter has determined that your content has spam-like characteristics, your content will likely

get flagged and diverted from a recipient’s inbox. You can find some suggestions about how to avoid having your email

content caught in filters, below.

Recommended Best Practices

Even when you have your recipients’ best interests in mind, it can be tricky to fine-tune your program for optimal

impact. We’ve put together some pointers for you, so you can more easily do the right thing by your recipients and thus

the ISPs.

General Recommendations

 Put yourself in the recipient’s shoes. Ask yourself, “Is this something that I would want in my inbox?” If you find

yourself answering anything but a resounding “yes!” then you probably shouldn’t send it.

 Be forewarned. It’s unfortunate for the good guys, but some industries have a reputation for poor quality email

practices. It’s as simple as that. If you’re in any of the following industries, you should watch your reputation

metrics closely to immediately rectify any problems.

o Home mortgage

o Credit

o Pharmaceuticals

o Tobacco

o Alcohol

o Adult entertainment

o Gambling

o Work-from-home programs

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Domain and “From” Address Considerations

 Think carefully about the addresses you send your email from. The “From” address will not only be visible to

recipients in their email client (including in the preview pane), but will also collect reputation at some ISPs. This,

along with the Subject line, will create the first impression a recipient will have of your email.

 Think carefully about the domain of the address(es) from which you send your email. There are two reasons for


o ISPs garner reputation across all email sent from a domain, regardless of how you’ve split up your


o Recipients need to be able to recognize your domain. Don’t collect an email address from a web form

hosted at and then send an email from You will lose

recognition and drive recipients to the spam button this way.

 If you’re sending significant volumes of email, don’t send email from an ISP-based email address such as For example, if Yahoo! notices a significant volume of inbound messages coming from, that email will be treated differently than if it were coming from a proper outbound

email-sending domain (i.e., a domain that you own).

 Include correct WHOIS information for your domain so that receivers can look up details about who owns your

sending domain. Your domain registrar will provide instructions about how to set up your WHOIS record.

Receivers trust more established and transparent domains that are fully listed with the Internet registry over

domains that are not.


 Make sure that your domain is authenticated with Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and SenderID. These

authentication methods lend credibility to your sending domain by confirming to email recipients that an email

is actually from the domain it claims to be from. For more information, see Authenticating Your Email Address in

the Amazon Simple Email Service Developer Guide. Test your authentication settings by sending email to an ISP

inbox that you own (e.g., a Gmail account), and viewing the headers in the source of the message. The headers

will tell you whether your authentication attempts have succeeded.

 You should also use DomainKeys or DomainKeys Identified Mail

(DKIM) to sign your outbound email. This authentication step will lend

credibility to your email by confirming to recipients that the content

has not been changed in transit from sender to receiver. For a brief

explanation of the difference between SPF and DKIM, go to the

Wikipedia article, Email authentication. Test your authentication

settings by sending email to an ISP inbox that you own (e.g., a Gmail

account), and viewing the headers in the source of the message. The

headers will tell you whether your authentication attempt succeeded.

Building and Maintaining Your List

 Be careful how you collect email addresses. Many times in online

forms or other sign-ups, people will provide bogus email addresses

that, when you send email to them, will generate hard bounces and

appear to the ISP as irresponsible sending.



Amazon SES comes ready for

use with preconfigured DNS

records. Additionally,

Amazon SES has SPF set up –

all IPs sending from are

authenticated via SPF.

However, we recommend

that you also authenticate

with SenderID by adding a

pointer to our domain in your

TXT record

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 If your form continues to collect addresses that are hard bouncing on their first email attempt, ensure that the

recipient confirms the address they’re entering. Present the address for confirmation, require duplicate fields

for email address to ensure entries match, and disable client-side auto-fill if possible.

 You can utilize double opt-in (only sending email to an address whose owner has clicked on a verification link) to

ensure that you don’t repeatedly send email to a bad address.

 You can use third-party vendors to check the viability of an email address before you send to it.

 You can also check the syntax of an email address to ensure that the address is at least reasonably correct (e.g.,

is the address composed correctly with a local part and @ symbol? Does the address resolve to a domain with

an MX record?).

 You should be careful about allowing any user-defined input to be passed along to Amazon SES and the ISPs

unchecked. Forums and form submissions can be especially tricky since the content can be completely usergenerated

(and spammers can fill out forms with their content), but email receivers don’t care – it’s your

responsibility to ensure that you’re only sending email with high-quality content.

 It is highly unlikely you’ll ever have a standard alias (such as postmaster@, abuse@, or noc@) sign up for your

email intentionally. You should have control over how you acquire email addresses, and only send email to

addresses that belong to a real person who wants your email. This applies especially with role accounts, which

are usually reserved for email watchdogs. Role accounts can be maliciously added to your list as a form of

Internet sabotage to get you blocked. Ensure that your list does not include any role account aliases. For a

complete list of role accounts you should watch out for, see Mailbox Names for Common Services, Roles and


 Don’t send email to third-party lists (purchased, rented, or otherwise collected outside of your purview). When

you send email to a third-party list, you’re taking the risk of emailing addresses of an unknown origin. This could

invite enforcement from ISPs if it turns out that the list contains spamtraps (special addresses set up by ISPs to

monitor unsolicited email), bouncing addresses, or recipients who complain. Even if the email addresses on the

third-party list are valid, you still don’t know whether the recipients will actually want your email and thus

whether they will consider it spam. You should collect the email addresses yourself, directly from recipients.


 Whether you’re sending email to recipients in the United States or to recipients in other countries, you are

responsible for following the laws and regulations applicable to your email practices. This guide does not

address those compliance issues, so be sure to learn and follow applicable laws.

Avoiding Bounces

 Generally, you should keep your bounce rate below five percent. This is one way to prove to ISPs that you have a

clean list (i.e., you know the state of your recipient addresses). This percentage can change with industry trends

and is not universal across all ISPs, but it is a reasonable rule of thumb.

 If you have an old list that you haven’t emailed to in a while, don’t email to that list through any provider that

limits your bounce rates (which includes Amazon SES), unless you’ve verified the state of the addresses (e.g., by

checking login activity on your site, purchase history, etc.). Otherwise, you may incur a lot of bounces from old

unused email addresses while you try to clean your list, and you risk being blocked by both ISPs and Amazon


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 If you’re providing critical information to your customer, such as a password reset, provide an alternative form

of communication in addition to email, in case the email addresses bounce. Alternatives might include inbrowser

secret questions, postal mail, or SMS. You should also display the address to which you will be sending

and allow the recipients to choose a different workflow, such as SMS, if the email address is in fact incorrect.

Handling Bounces

 Do not send to an email address that has hard bounced due to a permanent delivery failure. If it’s a true

permanent delivery error, repeated attempts will not deliver the message, but the bounces will stack up,

damaging your reputation with ISPs.

 Do not point your bounce submission address to a mailbox that is itself bouncing; make sure it can receive

email. Additionally, if you outsource your inbound email system to an ISP, as opposed to receiving email through

your own internal servers, be aware that an influx of bounces can land in your spam folder or be dropped

completely. Ideally, you should not use a hosted email address to receive bounces. If you must, however, then

check the spam folder often, and don’t mark the bounce messages as spam. In Amazon SES, you can specify the

address to which bounces are sent. For more information, see Bounce and Complaint Notifications in the

Amazon Simple Email Service Developer Guide.

 Usually, a bounce will provide the address of the mailbox refusing delivery. However, if you need more granular

data in order to map a recipient address to a particular email campaign, include an X-header with a value you

can trace back to your internal tracking system. For more information, see the Header Fields Appendix in the

Amazon Simple Email Service Developer Guide.

Avoiding Complaints

 Generally, you should keep your complaint rate below 0.1 percent. This is one way to prove to ISPs that you are

sending valued email. This rate can change with industry trends and is not universal across all ISPs, but it is a

reasonable rule of thumb.

 Don’t continue to send a recipient the same type of email that generated a complaint. For example, you

shouldn’t send more marketing email to someone who complained about a marketing email, but you could still

send transactional email to this address if the recipient makes a purchase from your site. Resending the same

type of email will only generate more complaints, which will pile up over time and amplify your complaint rate.

Simply remove the addresses from the appropriate lists.

 As with bounces, if you have a list that you haven’t sent email to in a while (for example, if you’re a new Amazon

SES customer), ensure that your recipients know why they’re getting an email. We strongly recommend that you

send a welcome message, or in some other way remind the recipients who you are to avoid running into

complaint issues with both ISPs and Amazon SES.

Handling Complaints

 As with bounces, do not point your complaint submission address to a mailbox that is bouncing; make sure it can

receive email. Additionally, if you outsource your inbound email system to an ISP as opposed to receiving email

through your own internal servers, be aware that an influx of bounces can land in the spam folder or be dropped

completely. We recommend that you do not use a hosted email address to receive complaints. If you must,

however, then check the spam folder often and don’t mark the complaint messages as spam. When you use

Amazon SES, you specify the address to which complaints are sent. For more information, see Bounce and

Complaint Notifications in the Amazon Simple Email Service Developer Guide.

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 A complaint message will usually contain the email content (as opposed to a bounce message, which will usually

only have the headers). However, complaints will often have the original complaining address redacted due to

ISP privacy concerns. It’s up to you to ensure, through the use of a custom X-header or a value embedded in the

content, that you know how to map the complaint to the complaining email address.

Creating Quality Content

 Most content filters today are comprehensive; they look at content fingerprints as opposed to following hard

and fast rules. A few years ago, having punctuation or all capital letters in a subject line meant that your email

was likely to be sent straight to the spam folder. Now, it’s more about the combination of different content

characteristics, and whether that combination has been commonly seen in spam. You can use Spam Assassin or

a third-party reputation service such as Return Path to help identify content issues.

 Checking the URLs that you use in your emails against blacklists can provide very useful information, because

some ISPs will block email with blacklisted links. and are two very useful sites that you can

use to determine whether your links are listed. Remember to check any links provided to you by a third party or

any link shorteners, which have become increasingly dangerous because they obfuscate the final domain.

 Avoid broken links in your emails; make sure that you actually have pages behind your links. If you have an

unsubscribe link, make sure that it works. It’s easy to forget to test every single link when you’re building out

new email programs or changing existing email templates.

 Make sure that the Privacy and Terms pages work on your site. Recipients may not trust your email if they can’t

find the standard fine print on your site, which will diminish your email’s value and deliverability potential.

 If you’re sending high frequency content (e.g., daily deals), ensure that the content is actually different each day.

With higher cadence comes greater responsibility to ensure that the content is timely and relevant.

Closing Thoughts

Despite the challenges of navigating the various systems between you and your target recipients, email can be an

incredibly effective communication mechanism if you use it correctly. We hope that you now have a better grasp of

what factors influence whether your email reaches your target inboxes, and that you also have a list of things you can do

to make your email program better.

While the list above is by no means a comprehensive list of absolutely everything you can do to help your email quality

(and therefore its deliverability), we hope that you find it a good place to start. As you build out your email program, you

need to remember two vital things:

1. Provide value.

2. Send only to people who want your email.

If you take care of these two things by following these tips, your email program will be well on its way to success!

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 Asynchronous bounce – A bounce that is sent after the message is initially successfully accepted for delivery by

the receiver.

 Bounce – A message that indicates the failed status of the attempted delivery.

 Complaint – A message that is generated when a recipients mark a message as spam by clicking the "mark as

spam" button in their email client.

 Content filters – Automated reviews of email content to look for unwanted email.

 Deliverability – The likelihood that an email message you send will actually arrive at its intended destination

(usually the recipient's inbox).

 Double opt-in – A system that requires a subscriber to both request to be subscribed and click a verification link

that is subsequently sent to them.

 Email program – How you manage the electronic communication with your recipients through email.

 Email quality – Email that is deemed to be of value to the email recipient.

 Feedback loop – The system by which an ISP tells the sender that a recipient has complained about a message.

 Hard bounce – A message indicating a persistent delivery failure such as “mailbox does not exist.”

 Internet Service Providers (ISPs) – Organizations that provide access to the Internet.

 Junk folder – Also called a spam or bulk folder, where email messages that various filters determine to be of

lesser value are collected so that they do not arrive at the inbox but are still accessible to the recipient.

 Receiver – The system(s) supporting the recipient's email infrastructure – whomever or whatever is behind the

email address you're sending to.

 Recipient – The person or entity receiving an email message; the recipient is named in the To, Cc, or Bcc field of

the message.

 Reputation – The trust built up by email senders by sending high quality email over time, usually influenced by a

combination of factors.

 Sender – The person or entity sending an email message.

 Soft bounce – A message indicating a temporary sending failure such as “mailbox full.”

 Spamtraps – Special addresses set up by ISPs to monitor unsolicited email.

 Synchronous bounce – A bounce communicated while the sender's and the receiver's email servers are actively

transmitting and receiving the email message.

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Additional Resources

More information about some of the recommendations in this whitepaper

 To find out more about email regulation in the United States, visit the FTC’s site –

 To find out more about Amazon SES solution providers, visit the Amazon SES resources page –

 To find out how to test your email authentication settings, visit the ESPC site –

More information about Amazon SES

 Overview –

 Developer Documentation –

 Community Forum –

 AWS Support –

Amazon SES Solution Providers

 Deliverability: Return Path –

 Preview rendering and analytics: Litmus –

 Full service and strategy: Zeta Interactive –


 Strategy: Synchronicity Marketing –

 Technology integration: Cambridge Technology Enterprises –

ISP postmaster pages

 AOL –

 ATT –

 BellSouth –

 Charter –

 Comcast –

 Cox –

 Facebook –

 Frontier –

 Gmail –

 Hotmail –

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 RoadRunner –

 United Online –


 Yahoo! –

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  • 序言:老挝万荣一对情侣失踪,失踪者是张志新(化名)和其女友刘颖,没想到半个月后,有当地人在树林里发现了一具尸体,经...
    沈念sama阅读 40,490评论 1 294
  • 正文 独居荒郊野岭守林人离奇死亡,尸身上长有42处带血的脓包…… 初始之章·张勋 以下内容为张勋视角 年9月15日...
    茶点故事阅读 35,402评论 2 317
  • 正文 我和宋清朗相恋三年,在试婚纱的时候发现自己被绿了。 大学时的朋友给我发了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃饭的照片。...
    茶点故事阅读 37,446评论 1 329
  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
    沈念sama阅读 33,126评论 3 315
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
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  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 29,802评论 0 19
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 31,013评论 1 255
  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 42,504评论 2 346
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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  • **2014真题Directions:Read the following text. Choose the be...
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  • 一天将近12个小时的复习,感受到的不是疲惫,不是奔赴国考的孤独,反而是惊喜。惊喜来源于两点改变:一点是关于学习层面...
    神米啊好阅读 208评论 0 0
  • 子规声里艾清香,人海千帆竞渡忙。 角粽成诗思屈子,文辞入画吊贤良。 卿酬壮志忧家国,千古离骚写楚乡。 汨罗伤怀多少...
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  • 第一章:村庄 我喜欢看日出日落,由于总是起床较迟,我便尽量不错过没个日落,每每红日正西...
    咪咕噜阅读 164评论 0 0