TED笔记:你有拖延症吗 续篇

SOURCE: Adam Grant (2016.2). the Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers[TED].[点击见视频]


THEIES: three points about identifying originals and becoming one of them

Point 1: being procrastinators

Point 2: doubt & fear

Point 3: don't fear bad ideas

A STORY OF FOUNDATION of Warby Parker(great online glass company)

Definition of Origirnals[#1]

THEIES: three points about identifying originals and becoming one of them

Point 1: being procrastinators[#2]

Own story: Pre-crastinators

Dark side of Nintendo in speaker's childhood

Essay finished ahead

A creative student& her research[#3]

Pre-crastinators vs procrastinators [#4]


Little procrastination produce more creativity (Nonlinear way thinking

Speaker 's try: the writing

Aaron Sorkin, "you call it procrastinating. I call it thinking."

Great creator---procrastinators

    Dan Vinci---16y--Mona Lisa ----STUDY on light---better work[#6]

    Martin Luther King, Jr. rewriting 3 am

"I have a dream" not in the script

Quick to start, slow to finish

First mover advantage incorrect[#7]

      FACEBOOK after Myspace/Friendster


Point 2: doubt & fear[#8]

Self-doubt everywhere but different solution[#9]

Two kinds of doubt: self-doubt &idea doubt

KEY: focus on idea doubts [#10]

Bower experiment:[#11]

         Firefox & chrome > safari & IE

         Why: how they use (if they doubt default and look for better option)

See old things in fresh eyes[#12]

          Jennifer Lee (screenwriter) rewrite main characters: Frozen[#13]

Fear: Elon Musk----Tesla & SpaceX---no success but worth to try

Bad idea-----x-----get judged(but most think so; fear embarrassing & looking stupid)[#14]

Point 3:don't fear bad ideas[#15]

Edison's bad idea[#16#17]

Ace also practice more-being originalneeds more ideas[#18 #19]

"Warby Parker " the name’s origin: after 2000 possibilities [#20#21]


Definition of Origirnals[#1]
Point 1: being procrastinators[#2]
A creative student& her research[#3]
Pre-crastinators vs procrastinators [#4]
  Dan Vinci--16years--Mona Lisa [#6]
First mover advantage incorrect[#7]
Point 2: doubt & fear[#8]
Self-doubt everywhere but different solution[#9]
KEY: focus on idea doubts [#10]
Bower experiment:[#11]
See old things in fresh eyes[#12]
  Jennifer Lee:screenwriter of Frozen & Elon Musk [#13]
Bad idea-----x-----get judged(but most think so; fear embarrassing & looking stupid)[#14]
Point 3:don't fear bad ideas[#15]
Edison's bad idea[#16]
Edison's still great[#17]
Ace also practice more-being originalneeds more ideas[#18]
being original needs more ideas-so did them[#19]
"Warby Parker " the name’s origin: after 2000 possibilities [#21]
"Warby Parker " the name’s origin: after 2000 possibilities [#21]

【百科】Warby Parker      

Warby Parker 是由四位沃顿商学院的学生创办的眼睛垂直电商。创办几年来,已经是成为硅谷最红火的时尚公司之一。经营者们找到了Luxottica在中国的代工工厂,采用与Luxottica同样的材质制作自己设计的眼镜。这些与一线大牌出自一个厂家的眼镜不用缴纳高昂的品牌使用费,也不用担心经销渠道的费用。由于设计新颖,优质低价的产品(标准定价 $95 ),Warby Parker 受到越来越多顾客,尤其是硅谷消费者的欢迎。为了更好地服务顾客 ,他们还推出了 Home Try-on 在家试戴服务。一分钱不用付,在家等着送上门试戴,满意了再付款。发展到现在,Warby Parker 不仅成为硅谷标配,更有力地威胁到了 Ray-Ban, D&G 等时尚大牌的地位。(资料来自什么值得买)

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