

1. 像管理单一系统一样管理一个容器集群

2. 在多主机之间管理和启动docker容器,提供容器的主机代管, 服务的探索和复制控制

Kubenetes是由Google开创,而由Microsoft, Redhat, IBM, Docker共同支持。



1. 一旦我们有了容器,怎么在多docker主机上批量复制和启动容器, 并做好负载均衡。

Kubernets项目封装了一个上层的API去定义容器是怎么分组的,允许定义容器池, 负载均衡等。




master: 提供Kubernetes API服务的机器。目前仅支持一个master。多个Master尚未实现。

Minion: 每个提供kubelet服务的docker host, 接受master发出的指令,管理这些host去启动containers.

Pod: 定义了一组相互关联的部署在同一个minion的containers, 例如,一个应用的数据库container和应用container则可以理解为一个pod,这两个container可以部署在同一个minion.

Replication controller: 定义了需要启动多少pods/container。这些containers被部署在多个minions。

Service: 定义容器暴露的服务和端口,可供外部访问。一个服务通常和不同minions运行的pods里的container的某个端口相对应以供外部访问。

kubecfg: 命令行的客户端连接名master去管理Kubernetes

Kubernets是基于状态而非基于过程。如果你定义了一个pod, Kubenete则会尝试确定它在运行。如果一个container被kill, 则会重新启动一个。如果replication controller中定义了3个replicas, Kubernetes 则会一直尝试保持有3个container在运行。

让我们以Jenkins CI sever为例, 在一个典型的主从配置去分发job.

Jenkins 安装了Jenkins swarm plugin 去运行一个Jenkins master 和 多个Jenkins slaves.

Jenkins master和slaves

Jenkins is configured with theJenkins swarm pluginto run a Jenkins master and multiple Jenkins slaves, all of them running as Docker containers across multiple hosts. The swarm slaves connect to the Jenkins master on startup and become available to run Jenkins jobs. Theconfiguration files used in the exampleare available in GitHub, and the Docker images are available ascsanchez/jenkins-swarm, for the master Jenkins, extending the official Jenkins image with the swarm plugin, andcsanchez/jenkins-swarm-slave, for each of the slaves, just running the slave service on a JVM container.

Creating a Kubernetes cluster

Kubernetes provides scripts to create a cluster with several

operating systems and cloud/virtual providers: Vagrant (useful for local

testing), Google Compute Engine, Azure, Rackspace, etc.

The examples will use a local cluster running on Vagrant, using Fedora as OS, as detailed in thegetting started instructions, and have been tested on Kubernetes 0.5.4. Instead of the default three minions (Docker hosts) we are going to run just two, which is enough to show the Kubernetes capabilities without requiring a more powerful machine.

Once you havedownloaded Kubernetesand extracted it, the examples can be run from that directory. In order to create the cluster from scratch the only command needed is ./cluster/kube-up.sh.

$ export KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=vagrant


$ ./cluster/kube-up.sh

Get the example configuration files:

$ git clone https://github.com/carlossg/kubernetes-jenkins.git

The cluster creation will take a while depending on machine power and

internet bandwidth, but should eventually finish without errors and it

only needs to be ran once.

Command line tool

The command line tool to interact with Kubernetes is called kubecfg, with a convenience script in cluster/kubecfg.sh.

In order to check that our cluster is up and running with two

minions, just run the kubecfg list minions command and it should display

the two virtual machines in the Vagrant configuration.

$ ./cluster/kubecfg.sh list minions

Minion identifier



The Jenkins master server is defined as apodin Kubernetes terminology. Multiple containers can be specified in a pod, that would be deployed in the same Docker host, with the advantage that containers in a pod can share resources, such as storagevolumes, and use the same network namespace and IP. Volumes are by default empty directories, type emptyDir, that live for the lifespan of the pod, not the specific container, so if the container fails the persistent storage will live on. Other volume type is hostDir, that will mount a directory from the host server in the container.

In this Jenkins specific example we could have a pod with two

containers, the Jenkins server and, for instance, a MySQL container to

use as database, although we will only focus on a standalone Jenkins

master container.

In order to create a Jenkins pod we run kubecfg with the Jenkins container pod definition, using Docker image csanchez/jenkins-swarm, ports 8080 and 50000 mapped to the container in order to have access to the Jenkins web UI and the slave API, and a volume mounted in /var/jenkins_home. You can find theexample code in GitHubas well.

The Jenkins web UI pod (pod.json) is defined as follows:


  "id": "jenkins",

  "kind": "Pod",

  "apiVersion": "v1beta1",

  "desiredState": {

    "manifest": {

      "version": "v1beta1",

      "id": "jenkins",

      "containers": [


          "name": "jenkins",

          "image": "csanchez/jenkins-swarm:1.565.3.3",

          "ports": [


              "containerPort": 8080,

              "hostPort": 8080



              "containerPort": 50000,

              "hostPort": 50000



          "volumeMounts": [


              "name": "jenkins-data",

              "mountPath": "/var/jenkins_home"





      "volumes": [


          "name": "jenkins-data",

          "source": {

            "emptyDir": {}






  "labels": {

    "name": "jenkins"



And create it with:

$ ./cluster/kubecfg.sh -c kubernetes-jenkins/pod.json create pods

Name                Image(s)                          Host                Labels              Status

----------          ----------                        ----------          ----------          ----------

jenkins            csanchez/jenkins-swarm:1.565.3.3  <unassigned>        name=jenkins        Pending

After some time, depending on your internet connection, as it has to

download the Docker image to the minion, we can check its status and in

which minion is started.

$ ./cluster/kubecfg.sh list pods

Name                Image(s)                          Host                    Labels              Status

----------          ----------                        ----------              ----------          ----------

jenkins            csanchez/jenkins-swarm:1.565.3.3  name=jenkins        Running

If we ssh into the minion that the pod was assigned to, minion-1 or

minion-2, we can see how Docker started the container defined, amongst

other containers used by Kubernetes for internal management

(kubernetes/pause and google/cadvisor).

$ vagrant ssh minion-2 -c "docker ps"

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                              COMMAND                CREATED            STATUS              PORTS                                              NAMES

7f6825a80c8a        google/cadvisor:0.6.2              "/usr/bin/cadvisor"    3 minutes ago      Up 3 minutes                                                          k8s_cadvisor.b0dae998_cadvisormanifes12uqn2ohido76855gdecd9roadm7l0.default.file_cadvisormanifes12uqn2ohido76855gdecd9roadm7l0_28df406a

5c02249c0b3c        csanchez/jenkins-swarm:1.565.3.3  "/usr/local/bin/jenk  3 minutes ago      Up 3 minutes                                                          k8s_jenkins.f87be3b0_jenkins.default.etcd_901e8027-759b-11e4-bfd0-0800279696e1_bf8db75a

ce51fda15f55        kubernetes/pause:go                "/pause"              10 minutes ago      Up 10 minutes                                                          k8s_net.dbcb7509_0d38f5b2-759c-11e4-bfd0-0800279696e1.default.etcd_0d38fa52-759c-11e4-bfd0-0800279696e1_e4e3a40f

e6f00165d7d3        kubernetes/pause:go                "/pause"              13 minutes ago      Up 13 minutes>8080/tcp,>50000/tcp  k8s_net.9eb4a781_jenkins.default.etcd_901e8027-759b-11e4-bfd0-0800279696e1_7bd4d24e

7129fa5dccab        kubernetes/pause:go                "/pause"              13 minutes ago      Up 13 minutes>8080/tcp                            k8s_net.a0f18f6e_cadvisormanifes12uqn2ohido76855gdecd9roadm7l0.default.file_cadvisormanifes12uqn2ohido76855gdecd9roadm7l0_659a7a52

And, once we know the container id, we can check the container logs with vagrant ssh minion-1 -c "docker logs cec3eab3f4d3"

We should also see the Jenkins web UI at or, depending on what minion it was started in.

Service discovery

Kubernetes allows defining services, a way for containers to use

discovery and proxy requests to the appropriate minion. With this

definition in service-http.json we are creating a service with id

jenkins pointing to the pod with the label name=jenkins, as declared in

the pod definition, and forwarding the port 8888 to the container's



  "id": "jenkins",

  "kind": "Service",

  "apiVersion": "v1beta1",

  "port": 8888,

  "containerPort": 8080,

  "selector": {

    "name": "jenkins"



Creating the service with kubecfg:

$ ./cluster/kubecfg.sh -c kubernetes-jenkins/service-http.json create services

Name                Labels              Selector            IP                  Port

----------          ----------          ----------          ----------          ----------

jenkins                                name=jenkins        8888

Each service is assigned a unique IP address tied to the lifespan of

the Service. If we had multiple pods matching the service definition the

service would load balance the traffic across all of them.

Another feature of services is that a number of environment variables are available for any subsequent containers ran by Kubernetes, providing the ability to connect to the service container, in a similar way as runninglinked Docker containers. This will provide useful for finding the master Jenkins server from any of the slaves.








Another tweak we need to do is to open port 50000, needed by the

Jenkins swarm plugin. It can be achieved creating another service

service-slave.json so Kubernetes forwards traffic to that port to the

Jenkins server container.


  "id": "jenkins-slave",

  "kind": "Service",

  "apiVersion": "v1beta1",

  "port": 50000,

  "containerPort": 50000,

  "selector": {

    "name": "jenkins"



The service is created with kubecfg again.

$ ./cluster/kubecfg.sh -c kubernetes-jenkins/service-slave.json create services

Name                Labels              Selector            IP                  Port

----------          ----------          ----------          ----------          ----------

jenkins-slave                          name=jenkins          50000

An all the defined services are available now, including some Kubernetes internal ones:

$ ./cluster/kubecfg.sh list services

Name                Labels              Selector                                  IP                  Port

----------          ----------          ----------                                ----------          ----------

kubernetes-ro                          component=apiserver,provider=kubernetes        80

kubernetes                              component=apiserver,provider=kubernetes          443

jenkins                                name=jenkins                            8888

jenkins-slave                          name=jenkins                              50000

Replication controllers

Replication controllers allow running multiple pods in multiple

minions. Jenkins slaves can be run this way to ensure there is always a

pool of slaves ready to run Jenkins jobs.

In a replication.json definition:


  "id": "jenkins-slave",

  "apiVersion": "v1beta1",

  "kind": "ReplicationController",

  "desiredState": {

    "replicas": 1,

    "replicaSelector": {

      "name": "jenkins-slave"


    "podTemplate": {

      "desiredState": {

        "manifest": {

          "version": "v1beta1",

          "id": "jenkins-slave",

          "containers": [


              "name": "jenkins-slave",

              "image": "csanchez/jenkins-swarm-slave:1.21",

              "command": [

                "sh", "-c", "/usr/local/bin/jenkins-slave.sh -master http://$JENKINS_SERVICE_HOST:$JENKINS_SERVICE_PORT -tunnel $JENKINS_SLAVE_SERVICE_HOST:$JENKINS_SLAVE_SERVICE_PORT -username jenkins -password jenkins -executors 1"






      "labels": {

        "name": "jenkins-slave"




  "labels": {

    "name": "jenkins-slave"



The podTemplate section allows the same configuration options as a

pod definition. In this case we want to make the Jenkins slave connect

automatically to our Jenkins master, instead of relying on Jenkins

multicast discovery. To do so we execute the jenkins-slave.sh command

with -master parameter to point the slave to the Jenkins master running

in Kubernetes. Note that we use the Kubernetes provided environment

variables for the Jenkins service definition (JENKINS_SERVICE_HOST and

JENKINS_SERVICE_PORT). The image command is overridden to configure the

container this way, useful to reuse existing images while taking

advantage of the service environment variables. It can be done in pod

definitions too.

Create the replicas with kubecfg:

$ ./cluster/kubecfg.sh -c kubernetes-jenkins/replication.json create replicationControllers

Name                Image(s)                            Selector            Replicas

----------          ----------                          ----------          ----------

jenkins-slave      csanchez/jenkins-swarm-slave:1.21  name=jenkins-slave  1

Listing the pods now would show new ones being created, up to the number of replicas defined in the replication controller.

$ ./cluster/kubecfg.sh list pods

Name                                  Image(s)                            Host                    Labels              Status

----------                            ----------                          ----------              ----------          ----------

jenkins                                csanchez/jenkins-swarm:1.565.3.3  name=jenkins        Running

07651754-4f88-11e4-b01e-0800279696e1  csanchez/jenkins-swarm-slave:1.21  name=jenkins-slave  Pending

The first time running jenkins-swarm-slave image the minion has to

download it from the Docker repository, but after a while, depending on

your internet connection, the slaves should automatically connect to the

Jenkins server. Going into the server where the slave is started,

docker ps has to show the container running and docker logs is useful to

debug any problems on container startup.

$ vagrant ssh minion-1 -c "docker ps"

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                              COMMAND                CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES

870665d50f68        csanchez/jenkins-swarm-slave:1.21  "/usr/local/bin/jenk  About a minute ago  Up About a minute                            k8s_jenkins-slave.74f1dda1_07651754-4f88-11e4-b01e-0800279696e1.default.etcd_11cac207-759f-11e4-bfd0-0800279696e1_9495d10e

cc44aa8743f0        kubernetes/pause:go                "/pause"              About a minute ago  Up About a minute                            k8s_net.dbcb7509_07651754-4f88-11e4-b01e-0800279696e1.default.etcd_11cac207-759f-11e4-bfd0-0800279696e1_4bf086ee

edff0e535a84        google/cadvisor:0.6.2              "/usr/bin/cadvisor"    27 minutes ago      Up 27 minutes                                k8s_cadvisor.b0dae998_cadvisormanifes12uqn2ohido76855gdecd9roadm7l0.default.file_cadvisormanifes12uqn2ohido76855gdecd9roadm7l0_588941b0

b7e23a7b68d0        kubernetes/pause:go                "/pause"              27 minutes ago      Up 27 minutes>8080/tcp  k8s_net.a0f18f6e_cadvisormanifes12uqn2ohido76855gdecd9roadm7l0.default.file_cadvisormanifes12uqn2ohido76855gdecd9roadm7l0_57a2b4de

The replication controller can automatically be resized to any number of desired replicas:

$ ./cluster/kubecfg.sh resize jenkins-slave 2

And again the pods are updated to show where each replica is running.

$ ./cluster/kubecfg.sh list pods

Name                                  Image(s)                            Host                    Labels              Status

----------                            ----------                          ----------              ----------          ----------

07651754-4f88-11e4-b01e-0800279696e1  csanchez/jenkins-swarm-slave:1.21  name=jenkins-slave  Running

a22e0d59-4f88-11e4-b01e-0800279696e1  csanchez/jenkins-swarm-slave:1.21  name=jenkins-slave  Pending

jenkins                                csanchez/jenkins-swarm:1.565.3.3  name=jenkins        Running


Right now the default scheduler is random, but resource based scheduling will be implemented soon. At the time of writing there are several issues opened to add scheduling based on memory and CPU usage. There is also work in progress in anApache Mesos based scheduler. Apache Mesos is a framework for distributed systems providing APIs for resource management and scheduling across entire datacenter and cloud environments.

Self healing

One of the benefits of using Kubernetes is the automated management and recovery of containers.

If the container running the Jenkins server dies for any reason, for

instance because the process being ran crashes, Kubernetes will notice

and will create a new container after a few seconds.

$ vagrant ssh minion-2 -c 'docker kill `docker ps | grep csanchez/jenkins-swarm: | sed -e "s/ .*//"`'


$ ./cluster/kubecfg.sh list pods

Name                                  Image(s)                            Host                    Labels              Status

----------                            ----------                          ----------              ----------          ----------

jenkins                                csanchez/jenkins-swarm:1.565.3.3  name=jenkins        Failed

07651754-4f88-11e4-b01e-0800279696e1  csanchez/jenkins-swarm-slave:1.21  name=jenkins-slave  Running

a22e0d59-4f88-11e4-b01e-0800279696e1  csanchez/jenkins-swarm-slave:1.21  name=jenkins-slave  Running

And some time later, typically no more than a minute...

Name                                  Image(s)                            Host                    Labels              Status

----------                            ----------                          ----------              ----------          ----------

jenkins                                csanchez/jenkins-swarm:1.565.3.3  name=jenkins        Running

07651754-4f88-11e4-b01e-0800279696e1  csanchez/jenkins-swarm-slave:1.21  name=jenkins-slave  Running

a22e0d59-4f88-11e4-b01e-0800279696e1  csanchez/jenkins-swarm-slave:1.21  name=jenkins-slave  Running

Running the Jenkins data dir in a volume we guarantee that the data

is kept even after the container dies, so we do not lose any Jenkins

jobs or data created. And because Kubernetes is proxying the services in

each minion the slaves will reconnect to the new Jenkins server

automagically no matter where they run! And exactly the same will happen

if any of the slave containers dies, the system will automatically

create a new container and thanks to the service discovery it will

automatically join the Jenkins server pool.

If something more drastic happens, like a minion dying, Kubernetes

does not offer yet the ability to reschedule the containers in the other

existing minions, it would just show the pods as Failed.

$ vagrant halt minion-2

==> minion-2: Attempting graceful shutdown of VM...

$ ./cluster/kubecfg.sh list pods

Name                                  Image(s)                            Host                    Labels              Status

----------                            ----------                          ----------              ----------          ----------

jenkins                                csanchez/jenkins-swarm:1.565.3.3  name=jenkins        Failed

07651754-4f88-11e4-b01e-0800279696e1  csanchez/jenkins-swarm-slave:1.21  name=jenkins-slave  Running

a22e0d59-4f88-11e4-b01e-0800279696e1  csanchez/jenkins-swarm-slave:1.21  name=jenkins-slave  Failed

Tearing down

kubecfg offers several commands to stop and delete the replication controllers, pods and services definitions.

To stop the replication controller, setting the number of replicas to

0, and causing the termination of all the Jenkins slaves containers:

$ ./cluster/kubecfg.sh stop jenkins-slave

To delete it:

$ ./cluster/kubecfg.sh rm jenkins-slave

To delete the jenkins server pod, causing the termination of the Jenkins master container:

$ ./cluster/kubecfg.sh delete pods/jenkins

To delete the services:

$ ./cluster/kubecfg.sh delete services/jenkins

$ ./cluster/kubecfg.sh delete services/jenkins-slave


Kubernetes is still a very young project, but highly promising to

manage Docker deployments across multiple servers and simplify the

execution of long running and distributed Docker containers. By

abstracting infrastructure concepts and working on states instead of

processes, it provides easy definition of clusters, including self

healing capabilities out of the box. In short, Kubernetes makes

management of Docker fleets easier.

About the Author

Carlos Sanchezhas been working on automation and quality of software development, QA and operations processes for over 10 years, from build tools and continuous integration to deployment automation, DevOps best practices and continuous delivery. He has delivered solutions to Fortune 500 companies, working at several US based startups, most recently MaestroDev, a company he cofounded. Carlos has been a speaker at several conferences around the world, including JavaOne, EclipseCON, ApacheCON, JavaZone, Fosdem or PuppetConf. Very involved in open source, he is a member of the Apache Software Foundation amongst other open source groups, contributing to several projects, such as Apache Maven, Fog or Puppet.

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  • 文/花漫 我一把揭开白布。 她就那样静静地躺着,像睡着了一般。 火红的嫁衣衬着肌肤如雪。 梳的纹丝不乱的头发上,一...
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  • 那天,我揣着相机与录音,去河边找鬼。 笑死,一个胖子当着我的面吹牛,可吹牛的内容都是我干的。 我是一名探鬼主播,决...
    沈念sama阅读 37,550评论 3 390
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我猛地睁开眼,长吁一口气:“原来是场噩梦啊……” “哼!你这毒妇竟也来了?” 一声冷哼从身侧响起,我...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 36,217评论 0 254
  • 序言:老挝万荣一对情侣失踪,失踪者是张志新(化名)和其女友刘颖,没想到半个月后,有当地人在树林里发现了一具尸体,经...
    沈念sama阅读 40,368评论 1 294
  • 正文 独居荒郊野岭守林人离奇死亡,尸身上长有42处带血的脓包…… 初始之章·张勋 以下内容为张勋视角 年9月15日...
    茶点故事阅读 35,298评论 2 317
  • 正文 我和宋清朗相恋三年,在试婚纱的时候发现自己被绿了。 大学时的朋友给我发了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃饭的照片。...
    茶点故事阅读 37,350评论 1 329
  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
    沈念sama阅读 33,027评论 3 315
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
    茶点故事阅读 38,623评论 3 303
  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 29,706评论 0 19
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 30,940评论 1 255
  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 42,349评论 2 346
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 41,936评论 2 341
