ffmpeg 和 SDL学习(二)


      这里先整理以下音频播放的流程:1、从媒体文件中找出音频流的索引( AudioStream)(遍历AVFormatContext中的streams,通过判断pFormatCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type==CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO,找出视频流的索引);

2、根据音频流索引,找到音频流,再根据音频流,找到音频流的编解码上下文( AVCodecContext),再通过avcodec_find_decoder函数它找到解码器(AVCodec);3、通过avcodec_open打开解码器;4、初始化SDL音频设备(设置










//we must customize event





#define SDL_AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 //define audio buffer size

#define MAX_AUDIOQ_SIZE (5*16*1024)

#define MAX_VIDEOQ_SIZE (5*256*1024)

//define packet queue

typedef struct PacketQueue {

AVPacketList *first_pkt, *last_pkt;

int nb_packets;

int size;

SDL_mutex *mutex;

SDL_cond *cond;

} PacketQueue;

//define picture queue

typedef struct VideoPicture{

SDL_Overlay *bmp ;

int width ,height ;

int allocated ;//flag that indicate whether bmp is allocated or not

} VideoPicture ;

//for symplifying code ,we stuff all information into one logical unit (a structure )

//VideoState is like a big manager and makes to simplify code

typedef struct VideoState{

AVFormatContext *pFormatCtx ;//media format context

int videoStream,audioStream ;//video stream ID ,audio stream ID

AVStream *audio_st ;//audio stream

PacketQueue audioq ;//audio packet queue

uint8_t audio_buf[((AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE*3)/2)] ;//audio buffer

unsigned int audio_buf_size ;

unsigned int audio_buf_index ;

AVPacket audio_pkt ;//audio packet

uint8_t *audio_pkt_data ;

int audio_pkt_size ;

AVStream *video_st ;

PacketQueue videoq ;

    VideoPicture pictq[VIDEO_PICTURE_QUEUE_SIZE] ;

    int pictq_size,pictq_rindex,pictq_windex ;

    SDL_mutex *pictq_mutex ;

    SDL_cond *pictq_cond ;

    SDL_Thread *parse_tid ;

    SDL_Thread *video_tid ;

    char filename[256] ;//media filename

int quit ;

} VideoState ;

/* Since we only have one decoding thread, the Big Struct

  can be global in case we need it. */

VideoState *global_video_state;

SDL_Surface    *screen;

//init packet_queue ;

void packet_queue_init(PacketQueue *q) {

  memset(q, 0, sizeof(PacketQueue));//注意这里初始化结构体指针的方法,使用指针一定要先给其分配空间,不用时释放掉

  q->mutex = SDL_CreateMutex();

  q->cond = SDL_CreateCond();


//put audio packet in the queue

int packet_queue_put(PacketQueue *q, AVPacket *pkt) {

  AVPacketList *pkt1;

//if pkt is not allocated ,allocate it

if(av_dup_packet(pkt) < 0) {

return -1;


//allocate space for new member of queue

pkt1 = av_malloc(sizeof(AVPacketList));

if (!pkt1)

return -1;

//put pkt in pkt1

pkt1->pkt = *pkt;

pkt1->next = NULL;

//lock queue and wait until finishing put


//if last_pkt is NULL,it means that the queue is NULL,so put the packet in the first position

if (!q->last_pkt)

q->first_pkt = pkt1;


q->last_pkt->next = pkt1;

q->last_pkt = pkt1;


q->size += pkt1->pkt.size;

//send signal of finish



return 0;


//put audio packet in the queue

static int packet_queue_get(PacketQueue *q, AVPacket *pkt, int block) {

  AVPacketList *pkt1;

  int ret;


for(;;) {

if(global_video_state->quit) {

ret = -1;



    pkt1 = q->first_pkt;

    if (pkt1) {

      q->first_pkt = pkt1->next;

      if (!q->first_pkt)

    q->last_pkt = NULL;


      q->size -= pkt1->pkt.size;

      *pkt = pkt1->pkt;


      ret = 1;


    } else if (!block) {

      ret = 0;


    } else {

      SDL_CondWait(q->cond, q->mutex);




  return ret;


//decode audio frame

int audio_decode_frame(VideoState *is, uint8_t *audio_buf,

                      int buf_size) {

  static AVPacket pkt;

  static uint8_t *audio_pkt_data = NULL;

  static int audio_pkt_size = 0;

  int len1, data_size;

  for(;;) {

    while(audio_pkt_size > 0) {

      data_size = buf_size;

      len1 = avcodec_decode_audio2(is->audio_st->codec, (int16_t *)audio_buf, &data_size,

audio_pkt_data, audio_pkt_size);

if(len1 < 0) {

/* if error, skip frame */

audio_pkt_size = 0;



audio_pkt_data += len1;

audio_pkt_size -= len1;

if(data_size <= 0) {

/* No data yet, get more frames */



/* We have data, return it and come back for more later */

return data_size;




    if(is->quit) {

      return -1;


    if(packet_queue_get(&is->audioq, &pkt, 1) < 0) {

      return -1;


    audio_pkt_data = pkt.data;

    audio_pkt_size = pkt.size;



//audio callback function

void audio_callback(void *userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len) {

  VideoState *is = (VideoState *)userdata;

  int len1, audio_size;

  static uint8_t audio_buf[(AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE * 3) / 2];

  static unsigned int audio_buf_size = 0;

  static unsigned int audio_buf_index = 0;

  while(len > 0) {

    if(audio_buf_index >= audio_buf_size) {

      /* We have already sent all our data; get more */

      audio_size = audio_decode_frame(is, is->audio_buf,


      if(audio_size < 0) {

    /* If error, output silence */

    is->audio_buf_size = 1024;

    memset(is->audio_buf, 0, is->audio_buf_size);

      } else {

    is->audio_buf_size = audio_size;


      is->audio_buf_index = 0;


    len1 = is->audio_buf_size - is->audio_buf_index;

    if(len1 > len)

      len1 = len;

    memcpy(stream, (uint8_t *)is->audio_buf + is->audio_buf_index, len1);

    len -= len1;

    stream += len1;

    is->audio_buf_index += len1;



static Uint32 sdl_refresh_timer_cb(Uint32 interval,void *opaque)


    SDL_Event event ;

    event.type = FF_REFRESH_EVENT ;

    event.user.data1 = opaque ;

    SDL_PushEvent(&event) ;

    return 0 ;/* 0 means stop timer*/


static void schedule_refresh(VideoState *is ,int delay)


    SDL_AddTimer(delay,sdl_refresh_timer_cb,is) ;


void video_display(VideoState *is)


    SDL_Rect rect ;

    VideoPicture *vp ;

    AVPicture pict ;

    float aspect_ratio ;

    int w,h,x,y ;

    int i ;

vp = &is -> pictq[is->pictq_rindex] ;



if(is->video_st->codec->sample_aspect_ratio.num == 0)


aspect_ratio = 0 ;



aspect_ratio = av_q2d(is->video_st->codec->sample_aspect_ratio)*

is->video_st->codec->width/is->video_st->codec->height ;


        if(aspect_ratio <= 0.0)


            aspect_ratio = (float)is->video_st->codec->width/

                (float)is ->video_st->codec->height ;


h=screen ->h ;

w=((int)rint(h*aspect_ratio)) & -3 ;

if(w >screen->w)


w = screen->w ;

h = ((int)rint(w /aspect_ratio)) & -3 ;


x = (screen ->w -w )/2 ;

y = (screen ->h -h )/2 ;

rect.x = x ;

rect.y = y ;

rect.w = w ;

rect.h = h ;

SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay(vp->bmp,&rect) ;



void video_refresh_timer(void *userdata)


    VideoState *is = (VideoState *)userdata ;

    VideoPicture *vp ;



if(is->pictq_size == 0)


schedule_refresh(is,1) ;



vp = &is->pictq[is->pictq_rindex] ;

/* Now, normally here goes a ton of code

about timing, etc. we're just going to

guess at a delay for now. You can

increase and decrease this value and hard code

the timing - but I don't suggest that ;)

We'll learn how to do it for real later.


schedule_refresh(is,10) ;

//show the picture

video_display(is) ;

//update queue for next picture

if(++is->pictq_rindex == VIDEO_PICTURE_QUEUE_SIZE)


is->pictq_rindex = 0 ;// notice this is a ring queue


SDL_LockMutex(is->pictq_mutex) ;

is->pictq_size-- ;

SDL_CondSignal(is->pictq_cond) ;

SDL_UnlockMutex(is->pictq_mutex) ;




        schedule_refresh(is,100) ;



void alloc_picture(void *userdata)


VideoState *is = (VideoState *)userdata ;

VideoPicture *vp ;

vp = &is->pictq[is->pictq_windex] ;



//we already have one ,make another ,bigger/smaller

SDL_FreeYUVOverlay(vp->bmp) ;


//allocate a place to put our YUV image on that screen

vp->bmp = SDL_CreateYUVOverlay(is->video_st->codec->width,


SDL_YV12_OVERLAY,screen) ;

vp->width = is ->video_st->codec->width ;

vp->height = is ->video_st->codec->height ;

SDL_LockMutex(is->pictq_mutex) ;

vp->allocated = 1 ;

SDL_CondSignal(is->pictq_cond) ;

SDL_UnlockMutex(is->pictq_mutex) ;


int queue_picture(VideoState *is ,AVFrame *pFrame)


VideoPicture *vp ;

//int dst_pix_fmt ;

AVPicture pict ;

struct SwsContext *img_convert_ctx=NULL;

//wait until we have space for a new picture

SDL_LockMutex(is->pictq_mutex) ;

while(is->pictq_size >= VIDEO_PICTURE_QUEUE_SIZE && !is->quit)


SDL_CondWait(is->pictq_cond,is->pictq_mutex) ;


SDL_UnlockMutex(is->pictq_mutex) ;


return -1 ;

//windex is set to 0 initially

vp = &is->pictq[is->pictq_windex] ;

//allocate or resize the buffer !

if(!vp->bmp ||

vp->width != is ->video_st->codec->width ||

vp->height != is->video_st->codec->height)


SDL_Event event ;

vp->allocated = 0 ;

//we have to do it in the main thread

event.type = FF_ALLOC_EVENT ;

event.user.data1 = is ;

SDL_PushEvent(&event) ;

//wait until we have a picture allocated

SDL_LockMutex(is->pictq_mutex) ;

while(!vp->allocated && !is->quit)


SDL_CondWait(is->pictq_cond,is->pictq_mutex) ;


SDL_UnlockMutex(is->pictq_mutex) ;


return -1 ;


//now we have a place to put out picture on the queue ;



SDL_LockYUVOverlay(vp->bmp) ;

//dst_pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV420P;

        pict.data[0]=vp->bmp->pixels[0] ;

        pict.data[1]=vp->bmp->pixels[2] ;

        pict.data[2]=vp->bmp->pixels[1] ;

        pict.linesize[0]=vp->bmp->pitches[0] ;

        pict.linesize[1]=vp->bmp->pitches[2] ;

        pict.linesize[2]=vp->bmp->pitches[1] ;





if (img_convert_ctx == NULL)


printf("can't init convert context!/n") ;

return -1 ;


sws_scale(img_convert_ctx, pFrame->data, pFrame->linesize,

0,is->video_st->codec->width, pict.data, pict.linesize);

SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay(vp->bmp) ;

if(++is->pictq_windex == VIDEO_PICTURE_QUEUE_SIZE)


is->pictq_windex = 0 ;


SDL_LockMutex(is->pictq_mutex) ;

is->pictq_size++ ;

SDL_UnlockMutex(is->pictq_mutex) ;


return 0 ;



**video decode thread:decode frame from video packet queue and

**put it into picture queue


int video_thread(void *arg)


VideoState *is = (VideoState *)arg ;

AVPacket pkt1 ,*packet = &pkt1 ;

int len1,frameFinished ;

AVFrame *pFrame ;

pFrame = avcodec_alloc_frame() ;





//means we quit getting packets ;

break ;


//decode video frame ;

len1 = avcodec_decode_video(is->video_st->codec,pFrame,&frameFinished,

packet->data,packet->size) ;

//a frame finished ?



if(queue_picture(is,pFrame) <0)

break ;


av_free_packet(packet) ;


av_free(pFrame) ;

return 0 ;



**INPUT :VideoState *is and int stream_index

**FUNCTION :find out codec decoder ,set audio device option ,save information to

**to VideoState (the big structure),launch our video and audio thread.At the same time

**in this function we also insert other options ,such as forcing the codec instead of

** autodetecting


int stream_component_open(VideoState *is,int stream_index)


AVFormatContext *pFormatCtx = is->pFormatCtx ;

AVCodecContext *codecCtx ;

AVCodec *codec ;

SDL_AudioSpec audio_spec ,spec ;

//make sure input parametre stream_index is correct

if(stream_index<0 || stream_index >= pFormatCtx->nb_streams)


        return -1 ;


//get a pointer to the codec context for the video stream

codecCtx = pFormatCtx->streams[stream_index]->codec ;

//if stream_index identifies  a audio stream

if(codecCtx->codec_type ==    CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO)


//set audio device options

audio_spec.freq = codecCtx->sample_rate ;

audio_spec.format = AUDIO_S16SYS;

audio_spec.channels = codecCtx->channels;

audio_spec.silence = 0;

audio_spec.samples = SDL_AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE;

audio_spec.callback = audio_callback ;

audio_spec.userdata = is ;

//open audio device



fprintf(stderr,"SDL_OpenAudio:%s/n",SDL_GetError()) ;

printf("test4/n") ;

return -1 ;



codec = avcodec_find_decoder(codecCtx->codec_id) ;

if(!codec || (avcodec_open(codecCtx,codec)<0))


fprintf(stderr,"Unsupported codec !/n") ;

        return -1 ;




        case CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO:

            is -> audioStream = stream_index ;

            is -> audio_st = pFormatCtx ->streams[stream_index] ;

            is -> audio_buf_size = 0 ;

            is -> audio_buf_index = 0 ;

            memset(&is->audio_pkt,0,sizeof(is -> audio_pkt)) ;

            packet_queue_init(&is ->audioq) ;

            SDL_PauseAudio(0) ;

            break ;

        case CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO:

            is ->videoStream = stream_index ;

            is ->video_st = pFormatCtx ->streams[stream_index] ;

packet_queue_init(&is->videoq) ;

//create video_thread for reading packet and put it on the right queue ;

is->video_tid = SDL_CreateThread(video_thread,is) ;

break ;


break ;


return 0 ;


int decode_interrupt_cb(void)


    return (global_video_state && global_video_state -> quit) ;



**INPUT : VideoState *is (a big manager manages all the system parameter)

**FUNCTION : init all kind of parametres and read packet from media file and insert it to audio queue or video queue



int decode_thread(void *arg)


VideoState *is = (VideoState*)arg ;

AVFormatContext *pFormatCtx ;

AVPacket pkt1,*packet = &pkt1 ;

int video_index = -1 ;

int audio_index = -1 ;

int i ;

is->videoStream = -1 ;

is->audioStream = -1 ;

global_video_state = is ;

//will interrupt blocking functions if we quit !

    url_set_interrupt_cb(decode_interrupt_cb) ;

//open video file ;


    return  -1;

is->pFormatCtx = pFormatCtx ;

//get stream information


return  -1;

//dump information about file onto standard errror

dump_format(pFormatCtx,0,is->filename,0) ;

//find the first video stream



if(pFormatCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO &&                video_index<0)


video_index = i ;


if(pFormatCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO &&                audio_index<0)


audio_index = i ;





        if(stream_component_open(is,audio_index )== -1)


                printf("audio stream open failed !/n")  ;





if(stream_component_open(is,video_index ) == -1)


printf("video stream open failed!/n") ;



    if(is->videoStream < 0 || is ->audioStream <0)


        fprintf(stderr,"%s :could not open codecs /n",is->filename) ;

goto fail ;






printf("quit/n") ;

break ;


//seek stuff goes here

if(is->audioq.size > MAX_AUDIOQ_SIZE ||

is ->videoq.size > MAX_VIDEOQ_SIZE)


SDL_Delay(10) ;

continue ;


//read packet from file

if(av_read_frame(is ->pFormatCtx,packet) <0)


if(url_ferror(&pFormatCtx->pb) == 0)


SDL_Delay(100) ;/* no error ; wait for user input */

continue ;



break ;



//is this from a packet from the video stream ?

if(packet->stream_index == is -> videoStream)


packet_queue_put(&is->videoq,packet) ;

}else if(packet->stream_index == is -> audioStream)


packet_queue_put(&is->audioq,packet) ;



av_free_packet(packet) ;



//all done ,wait for it



SDL_Delay(100) ;





SDL_Event event ;

event.type = FF_QUIT_EVENT ;

event.user.data1 = is ;

SDL_PushEvent(&event) ;


return 0 ;


int main()


    SDL_Event event ;

    VideoState *is ;

//notice :we must initial two libraries




fprintf(stderr, "Could not initialize SDL - %s/n", SDL_GetError());

return -1 ;


    #ifndef __DARWIN__

        screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 0, 0);


        screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 24, 0);


      if(!screen) {

        fprintf(stderr, "SDL: could not set video mode - exiting/n");



    is =av_mallocz(sizeof(VideoState)) ;// allocate space if we define a pointer

    //is->filename = "1.asf" ;//media file name ;

    //pstrcpy(is->filename, sizeof(is->filename), "1.asf");

    av_strlcpy(is->filename,"1.asf",sizeof(is->filename)) ;

//we must create mutex and conditional variable first to avoid race condition

//since we don't know who get information from picture queue first ,decode frame function or display function

is->pictq_mutex = SDL_CreateMutex() ;

is->pictq_cond = SDL_CreateCond() ;

//tell the system to pust a FF_REFRESH_EVENT after the specified number milliseconds

//this will call the video refresh function

schedule_refresh(is,40) ;

//create decode thread ,at the same time we pass 'is' structure as a arguement to the thread

//now we should understand why we define a pointer not a type,we can pass argurement to

//thread convenientely

is->parse_tid = SDL_CreateThread(decode_thread,is) ;



av_free(is) ;//remmember free allocated space for videostate

return -1 ;


//then the main event loop



//wait the incidence of event

SDL_WaitEvent(&event) ;

//by the type of envet impliment the corresponding function



            case FF_QUIT_EVENT :

            case SDL_QUIT :

                is->quit = 1 ;

exit(0) ;

                SDL_Quit() ;

                return 0 ;

                break ;

//allocate a bmp

            case FF_ALLOC_EVENT :

                alloc_picture(event.user.data1) ;

                break ;

//refresh display

            case FF_REFRESH_EVENT :

                video_refresh_timer(event.user.data1) ;

                break ;

            default :

                break ;



return 0 ;




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    开封第一讲书人阅读 30,185评论 1 250
  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 41,516评论 2 341
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 40,721评论 2 335
