
  1. fertilizers

  • Lake sludge mixed with reeds is the best organic fertilizers(有机肥).
  1. respiration

  • We release this food energy using chemical reactions, like combustion and respiration.
  • Respiration rate falls(呼吸频率下降), and the brain sometimes interprets this as the body dying, so it sends a pulse to wake it up.
  • Respiration becomes rapid and shallow. 呼吸短浅和急促。(Shallow respiration)
  1. sustainable

  • The Tesseract could be the key to unlimited sustainable energy(可持续能源)
  • Does it made from sustainable materials?(可持续材料)
  • The bank has promised billions to sustainable development(可持续发展).
  1. contaminate

  • Make sure no one contaminate my crime scene(破坏犯罪现场)
  • Salmonella can contaminate foods in the field or sometimes in the processing plant.
  • We have to find out what's contaminating the water.
  1. reptile

  • With just a look he cowed the reptiles in the swamp.
  1. amputation

  • We did an amputation of a lower leg.
  1. nourish

  • Its flesh has nourished life for miles around.
  • Every thing nourishes what is strong already.
  • The Chinese believe that water nourishes the spirit and mind of people.
  • Man, I'm well nourished right now!
  • It nourishes and sustains us.
  • We should always nourish a hope in our mind.
  1. reproduce

  • The race is on to reproduce(这里居然是繁殖的意思) and grow before the next freeze begins.
  • But cells of different organs reproduce(细胞繁殖) at different rates.
  1. retreat

  • No retreat. No surrender. That is Spartan law.
  • ice\winter retreats.冰雪、冬季消融,这是个固定用法
  1. emission

  • Global warming emissions\Global greenhouse gas emissions.全球温室气体排放
  • carbon dioxide emissions. 二氧化碳排放
  1. rotate

  • Now I rotate it horizontally on its center axis.沿中轴水平旋转
  • OK, let's rotate.换岗
  1. fossils

  • Fossil samples. 化石样本
  1. catalyst

  • We need a social catalyst.
  1. reimburse

  • You don't need to reimburse me because I'm not paying.
  • Sheldon, I'm sorry. I'll be happy to reimburse you for the fine.
  1. combustion

  • We release this food energy using chemical reactions, like combustion and respiration.(这里是氧化的意思,不过燃烧本来就是剧烈的氧化现象)
  • Combustion chambers. 内燃室
  1. insufficient

  • I'm told that I have insufficient funds.存款不足
  • Words are insufficient for the elevation of his feelings.
  1. intimidate

  • My courage always rises with every attempt to intimidate me.
  1. emit

  • Sparks were emitted from small black boxes.
  • It emits a gamma signature.
  • Emit a real round sound.吹出圆润的哨音
  1. condense

  • The water it carries candense into clouds.
  • Let me condense now,(长话短说) I am sick of the subject.
  1. surveillance

  • Under surveillance.监视之下
  1. integrity

  • You have integrity. 你有正直(这是个名词)
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