

S:That could be anybody.天知道这人是谁。

W:It could be, yeah. Lucky for you, I've been more than a little unemployed.好吧,是不好查。但算你走运,我正在待业中。

S:What do you mean?什么意思?

W:Lucky for you, Mrs Hudson and I watch far too much telly.算你走运,赫德森太太和我经常看电视。


Woman B:This one... is a bit...defective. Sorry. She's blind. This is...a funny one. I'll give you...12 hours.这个人有那么点缺陷,不好意思,她是个瞎子。这次的案子很有趣,我给你十二小时。

S:Why are you doing this? I like... to watch you... dance.你为什么要这么做?我喜欢在暗处看你翩翩起舞。

Continuing into the sudden death of the popular TVpersonality Connie Prince Miss Prince, famous for her makeoverprogrammes, was found dead two days ago by her brother in the house they shared...

L:Connie Prince, Shehad one of those makeover shows on the telly. Did you see it? 康妮·普林斯54岁,是电视上一个化妆节目的主持人。你看过么?


L:Very popular. She was going places.非常受欢迎,她很成功。

S:Not any more. Dead two days. According to one of her staff, Raoul de Santos, she cut her hand on a rusty nail in the garden. Nasty wound. Tetanus bacteria enters the bloodstream, good night, Vienna.但也到此为止了。死去两天了,她的员工乌尔·德桑托斯说,她被园子里一根锈钉子扎伤了手,伤口很严重,破伤风病菌进入血液循环,然后就拜拜了。

W:I s'pose.我想也是。

S:Something's wrong with this picture.我认为情况不是这么简单。


S:Can't be that simple, otherwise the bomber wouldn't be directing us towards it. Something's wrong.不可能这么简单,否则炸弹客不会将我们引导至此。肯定有哪里不对劲。



S:Cut on her hand, it's deep. Would have bled a lot, right?她手上的伤口非常深,应该会大量出血,是吧?


S:But the wound's clean. Very clean, and fresh. How long would the bacteria have been incubating inside her?但伤口周围很干净,很干净也很新鲜。细菌在她体内扩散需要多久?

W:Oh, eight, ten days.八到十天吧

S:The cut was made later. 割伤是死后造成的。

L:After she was dead?在她死后?

S:Must have been. The only question is, how did the tetanus enter the dead woman's system? You want to help, right?基本可以肯定。唯一的问题是病毒怎么进入死人体内的,你说过想帮我吧?

W:Of course.当然。

S:Connie Prince's background -family history, everything, get me data.康妮·普林斯的背景、家族史等资料都收集来。


L:There's something else that we haven't thought of.我们还忽略了一些事。

S:Is there?有么?

L:Yes. Why is he doing this the bomber? If this woman's death was suspicious, why point it up?没错,炸弹客为什么要这么做?就算她死得可疑,为什么要提醒我们?

S:Good Samaritan.人性本善呗。

L:Who press-gangs suicide bombers?那还逼人自爆?

S:Bad Samaritan.人性本恶呗

L:I'm...I'm serious, Sherlock. Listen, I'm cutting you slack here,I'm trusting you, but out there somewhere, some poor bastard's covered in Semtex and he's just waiting for you to solve the puzzle, so just tell me, what are we dealing with?没跟你开玩笑,夏洛克。听着,我让你参加,因为我相信你。但某处有个可怜人正浑身裹着炸弹,等你解开谜题救他一命。所以请告诉我,这究竟是什么情况?

S:Something new.之前从没遇到过就是了。

S:Connection,connection, connection. There must be a connection. Carl Powers, killed 20years ago. The bomber knew him,admitted that he knew him. The bomber's iPhonewas in the stationery from the Czech Republic. The first hostage fromCornwall,the second from London, the third from Yorkshire,judging by heraccent. What's he doing? Working his way round the world, showing off?  关联,关联,关联,肯定有关联存在。卡尔·鲍尔斯,二十年前被害,炸弹客承认认识这人。他的手机装在捷克产的信封里。第一个人质来自康沃尔,第二个伦敦,第三个听口音是约克夏。他在干什么?炫耀他的足迹遍布世界各地?

Woman B:You're enjoyingthis, aren't you? Joining the...dots. Three hours. Boom...boom.你很喜欢这样吧?一步步地抽丝剥茧,还有三个小时,不然就炸上天咯。

Mr Prince:We're devastated, of  course we are.伤心欲绝,真的是伤心欲绝。

Man B:Can I get you anything, sir?喝点什么,先生?

W:Er, no. No, thanks.不了,谢谢。

Mr Prince:Raoul is my rock. I don't think I could have managed. We didn't always see eye to eye...but my sister was very dear to me.拉乌尔是我的救星,没了她我真不知该怎么办。我们有过些小摩擦,但姐姐跟我还是很亲的。

W:And to the, er, public, Mr Prince.对公众也是,普林斯先生。

Mr Prince:Oh, she was adored. I've seen her take girls who looked like the back end of Routemasters and turn them into princesses. Still, it's a relief, in a way, to know that she's beyond this vale of tears.她是大众偶像。我见过她把那些平凡无奇的女孩子变成闪亮迷人的公主。 从某种程度上而言,想到她这么妙手回春,也算是一种安慰吧。


S:Great. Thank you. Thanks again.好极了。谢谢,多谢。

MrsHudson:It's a real shame. Iliked her. She taught you how to do your colours. 真可惜,我真的很喜欢她。她教人如何搭配颜色。


MrsHudson:You know, what goesbest with what. I should never wear cerise, apparently. Drains me. 如何搭配起来好看。显然我不适合穿樱桃红的衣服,衬得我很苍白。

L:Who's that?那是谁的电话?

S:Home Office.内政部。

L:Home Office?内政部?

S:Well, HomeSecretary, actually.Owes me a favour.其实是内政部大臣欠我个人情。

MrsHudson:A pretty girl, but she messed about with herself too much. They all do these days. People can hardly move their faces. It's silly, isn't it? Did you ever see her show?是个美女,但惹了一身麻烦,明星都打肉毒杆菌,他们脸都僵住了,太愚蠢了,不是么?你看过她的节目么?

S:Not until now.这就看。

MrsHudson:That's the brother. No love lost there, if you can believe the papers.这个是她弟弟,他俩关系很差,如果你信报纸上的话。

S:So I gather. I've just had a fruitful chat with people who love this show. The fan site's indispensable for gossip.我在收集资料,刚才跟节目粉丝们聊了聊,收获颇丰。粉丝站是八卦的不二来源。

W:It's more common than people think. The tetanus is in the soil, people cut themselves on rose  bushes, garden forks, that sort of thing, and if left un...treated...比常人想象得更普遍,破伤风菌广泛存在于泥土中。人们被玫瑰花丛,园丁剪割伤,诸如此类,若放任不管…

Mr Prince:I don't know what I'm going to do now. I mean, she's left me this place...which is lovely... but it's not the same without her.我不知道该怎么办了,她把这房子留给了我,这很好。但没有她就不一样了。

W:That's why... my paper wanted to get the, um...the full story straight from the horse's mouth. Are you sure it's not too soon?所以我们报纸想要取得消息来源确切可靠的第一手资料。你确定现在能承受采访吗?

Mr Prince:No.能


Mr Prince:You fire away.你尽管问。


W:Hi. Look, get over here quickly. I think I'm onto something. You'll need to pick up some stuff first. Got a pen?喂,快过来,我有新发现。路上要买点儿东西,手边有笔么?

S:I'll remember.我记得住。

W:That'll be him.就是他了。

Mr Prince:What?谁?

S:Ah, Mr Prince, isn't it?您是普林斯先生吧?

Mr Prince:Yes.是我。

S:Very good to meet you.很高兴见到你。

Mr Prince:Yes, thank you.我也是。

S:So sorry to hear about...请节哀顺变。

Mr Prince:Yes, yes, very kind.多谢您关心。

W:Shall we, er...? You were right, the bacteria got into her another way.过来一下。你说得对病菌从别的途径进入她体内。

S:Oh, yes?是么?


Mr Prince:Right, are we all set?好了,能开始了吗?

W:Er, yes. Shall we, um...?能,来吧。

Mr Prince:Not too close. I'm raw from crying.别拍太近,我刚哭完。

S:Oh, who's this?咦,这是谁?

Mr Prince:Sekhmet. Named after the Egyptian goddess.塞荷迈,以埃及女神命名。

S:How nice. Was she Connie's?真好听,康妮养的?

Mr Prince:Yes, a little present from yours truly.对,粉丝送给她的小礼物。

W:Sherlock, light reading?夏洛克,闪光灯准备好了吗?

Mr Prince:Bloody hell! What are you playing at?你在干什么?


Mr Prince:You're like Laurel and bloody Hardy, you two! What's going on?你俩像劳莱与哈代的山寨版,怎么回事?

W:I think we've got what we came for. Excuse us.我们已经完工了,失陪。

Mr Prince:What?什么?



W:We've got deadlines.走了,赶发稿了。

Mr Prince:But you've not taken anything!但你们什么都没问呢!

W:Yes! Ooh, yes!哦,太赞了!

S:You think it was the cat.It wasn't the cat.你认为是猫?其实不然。

W:What? Yes. Yeah, it is. It must be. It's how he got the tetanus into her system. Its paws stink of disinfectant.什么?就是,肯定是。他就是利用猫,使她感染破伤风菌,它爪子上有消毒水味。

S:Lovely idea.想法很可爱。

W:No, he coated it onto the claws of her cat. It's a new pet,bound to be a bit jumpy around her. A scratch is almost inevitable.不,他让猫爪沾上细菌,她初来乍到,在她身边必会略感不安,抓伤根本难以避免。

S:I thought of it when I saw the scratches on her arm, but it's too random and clever for the brother.看到她手臂上的伤我就想到了,但这这招对她弟弟而言过于随意和高明了。

W:He murdered hissister for her money.他为了遗产谋杀了她。

S:Did he?是么?

W:Didn't he?不是么?

S:Nope. It was revenge.不,这是复仇。

W:Rev...? Who wanted revenge?复仇?谁要复仇?

S:Raoul, the houseboy. Kenny Prince was the bu of his sister's jokes. Virtual bullying campaign. Finally, he had enough, fell out with her badly. It's all on the website. She threatened to disinherit Kenny, Raoul had grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle... Wait. Wait!拉乌尔,那个男仆。肯尼是他姐姐调笑的对象,名副其实的受辱对象,最后他受够了,和姐姐一拍两散,网上到处写着。她威胁要取消他的继承权,而拉乌尔已经习惯了这种生活。

W:Wait!Wait!Wait a second. What about the disinfectant on the cat's claws?等等,等一下猫爪子上的消毒水怎么解释呢

S:Raoul keeps a veryclean house. You came through the kitchen door, saw the state of that floor-scrubbed within an inch of its life. You smell of disinfectant. No, the catdoesn't come into it. Raoul's internet records do, though. I hope we can get a cab from here.拉乌尔把家打扫得一尘不染,你穿过厨房门进去没留意到地面状况吗?被人擦得亮晶晶的,有消毒水味的是你自己,猫是无辜的。不过和拉乌尔的上网记录有关。希望在这能叫到车。

S:Raoul de Santos is your killer. Kenny Prince's houseboy. Second autopsy shows it wasn't tetanus that poisoned Connie Prince, it was botulinum toxin. We've been here before Carl Powers. Tut-tut. Our bomber's repeated himself.凶手是拉乌尔·德桑托斯,肯尼·普林斯的男仆。第二次尸检发现康妮·普林斯并非死于破伤风而是肉毒杆菌毒素。又是这样,卡尔·鲍尔斯案。炸弹客在故技重施。

L:So how'd he do it?怎么做到的?

S:Botox injection.肉毒素注射。


S:Botox is a diluted form of botulinum. Among other things, Raoul de Santos was employed to give Connie her regular facial injections. My contact at the Home Office gave me the complete records of Raoul's internet purchases. He's been bulk-ordering Botox for months. Bided his time, then upped the strength to a fatal dose.肉毒素是稀释的肉毒杆菌,此外,拉乌尔·德桑托斯的工作还有给康妮做面部注射。我内政部的内线给了我拉乌尔的网购记录,他连续数月批量购买肉毒素。伺机而动,然后一鼓作气注入致命剂量。

L:Are you sure about this?你确定?

S:I'm sure.我确定。

L:All right, my office.好,到我办公室来。

W:Hey, Sherlock, howlong?夏洛克,多久了?


W:How long have you known?你是何时破案的?

S:Well, this one wasquite simple. And the bomber repeated himself. That was a mistake. 此案毫无难度。而且如我所言,炸弹客故技重施,他犯了错,

W:No, but Sherlock, the hostage,the old woman, she's been there all this time!但是夏洛克那名人质,那位老婆婆,她正命悬一线。

S:I knew I could saveher. I also knew that the bomber had given us 12 hours. I solved the casequickly, that gave me time to get on with other things. Don't you see? We'reone up on him. 我确定我能救她,我也知道我们有十二小时。如果我尽快解决,我就有时间去查别的,还不懂?这次我们技高一筹。


Woman B:Help me!救我!

S:Tell us where you are. Address?告诉我你在哪儿?地址

Woman B:He was so...His voice...他非常的...他的声音…

S:No, no, no, no! Tell me nothing about him, nothing.不不,不要跟我说他。

Woman B:He sounded so soft.他的声音非常温柔


L:Sherlock? What's happened?夏洛克?发生什么了?

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