Week3 Mon精读笔记

When nudge comes to shove

文章标题来源文美国俚语when push comes to shove

(idiomatic)When the pressure is on; when the situation is critical or urgent; when the time has come for action, even if it is difficult.

He is not a particularly talented builder, but when push comes to shove, he can usually get the job done.


But they attended schools where few pupils progressed to university at age 18, and those that did were likely to go to their nearest one. 

progress 熟词生用,我觉得翻译成“升入大学”比较合适,因为progress当中含有“过程中人的能力的提升”之意。

[VERB]To progress means to move over a period of time to a stronger, more advanced, or more desirable state.

He will visit once a fortnight to see how his new staff are progressing...

Were you surprised that his disease progressed so quickly?...

[V to n]He started only five years ago, sketching first and then progressing to painting.

 That suggested the schools were poor at nurturing aspiration

搭配:nuture aspiration



Someone’s aspirations are their desire to achieve things.


VERB + ASPIRATION have|achieve, fulfil/fulfill, meet, realize, satisfy a political party that realizes the~s of the people


ADJECTIVE high, lofty He has high~sand wants to improve his qualifications.|human, personal, social|career,professional|political, presidential|academic, artistic, cultural, educational, literary|democratic, national


PREPOSITION~for an~for personal power|~to the country's~s to independence|~towards/toward~s towards/toward starting his own business


And the approach was less heavy-handed than imposing quotas for poorer pupils, an option previous governments had considered.


1[ADJ-GRADED (disapproval)]If you say that someone's behaviour isheavy-handed, you mean that they are too forceful or too rough.

//...heavy-handed police tactics...

The demonstration had been dealt with in a violent and heavy handed way...

You can't be heavy handed. You have to make people aware that you understand their concerns.

2[ADJ-GRADED: oft ADJ with n]If someone isheavy-handedwithsomething, they use too much of it or use it in a clumsy way.

It all depends on how heavy-handed you are with the paprika...

In fact she tends to be a little heavy-handed when she wears make-up.

学习搭配:impose quotas for

VERB + QUOTA allocate (esp. BrE), establish, impose, introduce (esp. BrE), set|increase|reduce|fill, fulfil/fulfill, meet, reach We had to increase our output to fill the~by the end of the year.|exceed Many countries are still exceeding their~s.

The trial was run by  the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), a company spun out of the British  government in 2014 and which remains in part publicly owned.

spin out

[PHRASAL VERB]If you spin something out, you make it last longer than it normally would.

[V n P]My wife's solicitor was anxious to spin things out for as long as possible...

[V P n (not pron)]The Government will try to spin out the conference into next autumn.

Others warned that governments were straying perilously close to mass manipulation.


strays, straying, strayed

1[VERB]If someone strays somewhere, they wander away from where they are supposed to be.

[V prep/adv]Tourists often get lost and stray into dangerous areas...

[V prep/adv]Crews stray outside to film the view from the pavement...

A railway line crosses the park so children must not be allowed to stray.


/ˈperələsli, ˈperɪləsli/ BrE  AmE  adverb literary or formal

in a way that is dangerous and likely to result in something bad soon SYN dangerously:

Karpov, the champion, came perilously close to losing.

By and large those doubts have been allayed. Even if  specific results turn out to be mistaken, an experimental, iterative, data-driven approach to policymaking is gaining ground in many  places, not just in dedicated units, but  throughout government.

allay [əleɪ]

allays, allaying, allayed

[VERB]If you allay someone's fears or doubts, you stop them feeling afraid or doubtful.

[V n]He did what he could to allay his wife's myriad fears.



relating to or involving iteration, especially of a mathematical or computational process


(Linguistics)denoting a grammatical rule that can be applied repeatedly


(Grammar). another term for frequentative

(语法)。 同 frequentative

dedicated [dedɪkeɪtɪd]

1[ADJ-GRADED: usu ADJ n]You use dedicated to describe someone who enjoys a particular activity very much and spends a lot of time doing it.

Her great-grandfather had clearly been a dedicated and stoical traveller.

//...dedicated followers of classical music.

2[ADJ: oft ADJ to n]You use dedicated to describe something that is made, built, or designed for one particular purpose or thing.

Such areas should also be served by dedicated cycle routes.

//...the world's first museum dedicated to ecology.

Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky described the mental short-cuts and biases that influence decision-making.

short cut

short cuts

Also:short-cut, shortcut

1[N-COUNT]A short cutis a quicker way of getting somewhere than the usual route.

I tried to take a short cut and got lost.

2[N-COUNT: oft N to n]A short cut is a method of achieving something more quickly or more easily than if you use the usual methods.

Fame can be a shortcut to love and money...

There is no short cut from dictatorship to democracy.

But governments’ use of psychological insights to achieve policy goals was occasional and unsystematic.


not organized into a clear system无系统的;紊乱的;杂乱无章的

The book attacked the assumption of rational decision-making inherent in most economic models and showed how “choice architecture”, or context, could be changed to “nudge” people to make better choices.


[ɪnherənt, -hɪər-]

[ADJ: usu ADJ n] The inherent qualities of something are the necessary and natural parts of it.

Stress is an inherent part of dieting.

//...the dangers inherent in an outbreak of war.

architecture [ɑ:(r)kɪtektʃə(r)]


[N-UNCOUNT: also N in pl, N of n]The architecture of something is its structure.[FORMAL]

//...the crumbling intellectual architecture of modern society.

//...the architecture of muscle fibres.

Not all these schemes involve a dedicated nudge unit. Many draw on initiatives that predate BIT. But all use similar insights from behavioural psychology to design and test policy tweaks. These are summed up in EAST, a mnemonic devised by BIT: in order to change behaviour, make good choices easy, attractive, social and timely.

predate [pri:deɪt]

predates, predating, predated

[VERB]If you say that one thing predated another, you mean that the first thing happened or existed some time before the second thing.

[V n]His troubles predated the recession...

[V n]The monument predates the arrival of the druids in Britain.

tweak [twi:k]

tweaks, tweaking, tweaked

1[VERB]If yout weak something, especially part of someone's body, you hold it between your finger and thumb and twist it or pull it.

[V n]He tweaked Guy's ear roughly...

[V n]`A handsome offer', she replied, tweaking his cheek.

2[VERB]If you tweak something such as a system or a design, you improve it by making a slight change.[INFORMAL]

[V n]He expects the system to get even better as the engineers tweak its performance.

[N-COUNT]Tweak is also a noun.

Regular readers may notice a few changes in this issue - nothing too radical, just a tweak here and there.

mnemonic [nɪmɒnɪk]


[N-COUNT: oft N n]A mnemonic is a word, short poem, or sentence that is intended to help you remember things such as scientific rules or spelling rules. For example, `i before e, except after c' is a mnemonic to help people remember how to spell words like `believe' and `receive'.帮助记忆的词句(或诗歌等);助记符号

Like many mnemonic devices these depend for effect upon their bizarreness.

In 2014 Hamad Medical Corporation, a health-care provider in Qatar, raised take-up rates for diabetes screening by offering it during Ramadan.


[N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp, oft N of n]Take-up is the rate at which people apply for or buy something which is offered, for example financial help from the government or shares in a company.[mainly BRIT]

//...a major campaign to increase the take-up of welfare benefits.


To screen for a disease means to examine people to make sure that they do not have it.

[V for n]//...a quick saliva test that would screen for people at risk of tooth decay. [Also V n]

Derived word:screening

[N-VAR] [usu N for n]Britain has an enviable record on breast screening for cancer.

Many of the early critics of nudge techniques regarded them as infantilising, or even a type of government mind control.


in¦fant¦il|ize /ɪnˈfantɪlʌɪz/

(also infantilise)

VERB[with object]Treat (someone) as a child or in a way which denies their maturity in age or experience.

Laws in some American states that have suppressed black people’s votes, such as those passed by North Carolina in 2013, look remarkably like nefarious nudges, from limiting the types of IDs that can be used for registration to banning out-of-precinct voting.



[ADJ-GRADED: usu ADJ n]If you describe an activity as nefarious, you mean that it is wicked and immoral.[LITERARY]

Why make a whole village prisoner if it was not to some nefarious purpose?


/ˈpri:sɪŋkt/ noun

1 (BrE) a commercial area in a town where cars cannot go 步行商业区

a pedestrian/ shopping precinct


2 (NAmE) one of the parts into which a town or city is divided in order to organize elections 选区

3 (NAmE) a part of a city that has its own police station; the police station in this area 警区;分区警察局;派出所

Detective Hennessy of the 44th precinct

第44 警区的亨尼西警探

The murder occurred just a block from the precinct.


4 [usually pl.] the area around a place or a building, sometimes surrounded by a wall (建筑物等的)外围,围墙内区域

the cathedral/ college precincts


within the precincts of the castle


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