

Wedding photographers of Reddit: can you tell if a couple is going to last or not? If so, how?





1. 眼神


I have an album of photos of my now ex-husband glaring at me. It'd be difficult for the photographer to have not noticed.


Not a professional photo, but at my parents' wedding, I think you can already see my mother beginning to have doubts.



2. 切蛋糕的姿势


This is going to sound totally cheesy but I feel even more strongly about this: what happens during the cake cutting. Sweetly feeding one another? Good sign. A playful smear of icing on the nose? No problem.



3. 拍照时的反应

I was told by our photographer - "If the man looks for the woman on how to position themselves rather than the person taking the pictures, there's going to be a shitstorm"


I had my friend whose been a wedding photographer for ten years with me to show me the ropes after doing a lot of second shooting with him.


So he poses a kissing shot of the couple, and when he asks them to kiss the bride goes "oh, no, no thank you" in this weird little mousey voice.


He has shot over a 100 weddings and said he never saw a couple so not into each other as much as they were.


4. 婚礼的致辞

What people who give speeches (maid of honor, best man, father of the bride) say about the person their friend/relative is marrying is a huge giveaway. Do they feel like this person enriches their new spouse's life? Do they see them as an extension of their family or as a close friend? Or are they simply "happy for them"?


I've heard some truly heartfelt, touching words shared during toasts... and have heard others that were seriously underwhelming. If it isn't easy for you to think of why this person is a good match for your friend, that's a bad sign.


In the Bride and Groom speeches, if they don't mention the other person, it's probably not a good sign. It reminds of when a director wins best picture and doesn't acknowledge the lead actor or vice versa.


Not a photographer (nor do I play one on TV) but I've been to a bunch of weddings. One that gave off alarm bells was a female friend's wedding - and when the best man (groom's brother) gave the speech, he didn't mention the bride ONCE. WTF. It wasn't off the cuff remarks and he forgot, it was a prepared, moderately long speech. No shocker here: divorced in 2 years...


5. 亲朋好友的反应

the differences we see in the families' and friends' behavior at a wedding - the bridesmaids talking, the groomsmen interacting, the parents' glances and body language, the frigging toasts - all are very telling about how much they think this is a good idea and how much community support there is around a couple.


Wedding photographer here, I probably have done more than a 150 wedding so far and most of the time yes I can tell if a couple is going to last or not. You can tell by the kind of people they are and by whom they are surrounded.

I admit, I tear up a bit during a great ceremony when the vows are real ( meaning personalised ) and filled with love. Then there those couples where they're constantly nagging at each other about stupid things, not to forget the groom hitting on the photographer (I'm a female photographer).



6. 新人认识时间太短

I've been shooting weddings for 4 years, at a rate of 12-15 a year. I've only known of one to be divorced, and in hindsight, their divorce doesn't surprise me. They only dated for a few months before they got engaged and got married even before their 1 year anniversary.


7. 对婚礼和婚姻的想法

Many couples, particularly young couples, pretty clearly have in mind a wedding but have put little thought and planning into a marriage.


A few things I have also noticed is some brides are almost more in love with the idea of a wedding rather then the person they are marrying. I shot one wedding where the girl had 4 different dresses for the entire day, elaborate jewelry and everything was over the top, but this was no interaction between the bride and groom at this wedding.


Not a photographer, but hairstylist. One wedding I did I could tell it wasn't going to last. She was young, couldn't even drink yet, he was at least ten years older. They were getting married because her family was very religious and I got the impression that they chose him and thought she should marry him more than she wanted to marry him, she liked the idea of a wedding (and moving out of her parents place) more than she was in love. A year later it was over but she was so much better off. She'd grown so much and had moved out on her own and had become a grown up. I was really happy for her.

我不是婚礼摄影师,而是发型师。有一场婚礼我可以确定那对新人不会长久。新娘很年轻,甚至不能喝酒,新郎则比她大10岁。但是他们最后结婚了,因为新娘的家人很传统,他们认为她应该嫁给她而不考虑她想不想嫁给他。而新娘呢,她对婚礼本身更感兴趣。一年以后, 他们离婚了,但是她解脱了。她成熟了很多,自己离开了那儿。我真心为她感到高兴。

8. 新人婚礼分头行动

I've taken my share of wedding pictures. When the bride and groom spend the whole reception apart, or you can't tear the groom out of the bar, or away from whatever sports game is on, it generally does not work out well.


9. 自私急躁新娘VS懒惰不成熟新郎

If I had to pick a trend, it would be really self centered brides (or quick tempered ones) or lazy/immature grooms. Really bad combination if both of them are that way.


10. 新娘强势、专横、喜欢指手画脚,轻视对方

I've worked for a portrait photographer in Myrtle Beach for the past eight years. The biggest sign for me is how bossy the bride is to the groom. If she's totally running the show to the point where he is getting a little annoyed, that's a huge sign.


Not a wedding photographer, but I planned events (mostly weddings) for several years. The number one I would say is contempt. If either of the couple has contempt for the other (not respecting their opinion, minimizing their thoughts, puts down their partner, etc) I guarantee the couple will divorce.





11. 婚礼摄影师自带加持或破坏,甚至毁灭属性


Wedding photog here. I often become Facebook friends with some of the clients, but not always. None have gotten divorced that I'm friends with. But the large percentage that I'm not friends with I have no idea about



My dad did wedding photography as a side project, and of the 27 couples he did over the course of 4 years, at least 20 have divorced.

tl;dr: Don't hire my dad unless you know a good divorce lawyer.



I did weddings for several years after I graduated from college in the 70's. Of all the weddings I remember photographing none of them are still together today. One of them lasted 30 years, declared their marriage a success, divorced, and both went on to try it again with other people.



My dad has a problem a bit like this but worse. He is a video producer, and he usually makes report videos for city halls and mayors. So far, 4 of the mayors he has worked with have died in car crashes or other kind of accidents. So that's that.



We spend 8, 10, 12 or more hours in a day looking at the bride and groom through a frame that isolates them alone and together, largely stripping away the broader context and focusing on their interactions. We are looking specifically for moments of contact, of intimacy, of emotional connection. It pretty quickly becomes evident when those things are there, and when they are not.












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