2017-7-30 写作 笔记

Beginner & Expert:

Iss 27: In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important contributions. 


· Fewer restrictions

· Fewer stereotypes

· Imagination

· Creativity

· Social tolerance


· Reputation

· Experience

· Resources

· Knowledge


· 新人没有思想上的固化成建,没有regulations, 会有自己的guts去尝试

· 整个社会对新人会有更大的tolerance, 所以新人会有更多尝试和试错的即会,这样更容易成功,因为成功往往是通过试错得到的。


· 更丰富的经验和知识,所以遇到问题是可以通过经验来决定这些问题值不值的研究,而在研究的过程中自己的知识可以很好地帮助他们自己去获得解决方案。

· 专家积累了名气和资源,这些都能帮助他们做更好的研究,这样比新手更容易得到成果。

Iss 108: Critical judgement of work in any field has little value unless it comes from someone who is an expert in that field. 


1. Expert in that field = experience & knowledge: interception and promotion of the works and realize the public regognition and acceptance; the value of any auction items must be identified  by the experts in that field, and the public respect their knowledge and authorities. 


1. Not necessarily abolutly true: experts from that field tend to ignore the disparity in understanding  levels and knowledge of the public, and they alwats use the jargons to present / interpret = sometimes, experts from other fields could better facilitate the understanding and realize the value. Eg. When we try to appreciate the gothic music of Bach, the music experts simply talk about grandiosity and power of the melodies, but seriously, can the general public really understand or depict the grandiosity and power in one piece of music? Therefore, the evaluation and explanation from an architect expert could benifit the understanding. The architect expewrt oculd simply visualize the gothic shyle with pictures of Duomo in Milan of Cathedral in Cologne to help the understanding oof the Bach music = better convince the public of the value. (history and literature has connection too. 历史会帮助理解文学,例如莎士比亚的罗密欧与茱丽叶,肉蒲团)carnel prayer mat King Lear, Othello, Macbeth, Harmlet. 

2. Non-expert / beginning could bring fresh ideas when evaluation = overly respecting the authority might lead to public blindness, as is the case with the Emperor's new clothes story = sometimes the beginners have the guts to make adjustment without restrictions. 


Selective process+ fairly fair standard

Academic & professional improvement

Iss 82: Colleges and universities should require their students to spend at least one semester studying in foreign country. 

Study overseas:

1. "通用观点: Personal Development“

academically vs professionally:

1. different countries = different cultures = disparity in education concepts and systems = disparity in academic researches = students with new perspective + innovative know-how / knowledge;

2. Professionally: global citizen = working & researching cooperate with people different cultural background = teamwork = cultural tolerance = immersion in the country = one good way = one semester in foriegn countries. 

Not Study Overseas:

1. personal problems: Problems = exposed to a new cultrual / social environment: cultural tolerance vs cultrual shock: on the one hand, culture shock frustrates students = not focusing too much on the studying but struggling with the cultrual issues every day = loss of orientation; on the other hand, exposure to so many new intersting and exotic events, not focusing on studying but going for fun for most of the time, even try drugs / violence and other things they might not think of in homeland. 

2. "通用观点 Freewill" : University should require ??? Freewill vs obligation = require = ignorance of the personal willingness = might not be interested = waste of time and effort, especially or the students. IF universities sponsor the oversea studies = students not getting the expected result = waste of limited resources; IF students self-finance = expensicve + the results not ensured. SO, universites create the system to ensure the possibility, provide relevant offerings but not set a requirement for the students = unfair. 

Iss 13:Universities should require every student to take a variety of course outside the student's field of study. 

Study other courses:

1. "通用观点 Personal Development":

academically vs professionally:

1. interaction amoong different subjects = interdisciplinary = inspiration for problem solving : artificially created isolated knowledge system = better understanding within the area = connecting all the knowledge; critical thinking = philosophy = appilication to natural science; business vs psychology; in otder for the newly designed product to gain quick popularity in the market, designing students must have a profound understanding about the psycology of the targeting group. (education & psycology, mathematics & art, physics & biology). 

2. Problem solving require multi-knowledge = canditadate new requirement = universities not only education but also preparation for the society = equip the students with necessary skills = compound candidates for the society improvements. Steve Jobs " connecting the Dots". 

NOT Study Other Courses. 

1. Specialization: the era has come to the time when qualified candidates should be at least semi-experts in the field they are engaged. Distraction on the other topics, espically irrelevant would be a burden that might consume their time and energy, which would not sufficiently let their sould devoted to the specialization. For example, not all students need to know about politics in order to excel in their area of expertise. However, most schools have mandatory politics classes as a general education requirement. 

2."通用观点 FreeWill" : University should require ??? Freewill vs obligation = require = ignorance of the personal willingness = might not be interested = waste of time and effort, especially or the students. IF universities sponsor the oversea studies = students not getting the expected result = waste of limited resources; IF students self-finance = expensicve + the results not ensured. SO, universites create the system to ensure the possibility, provide relevant offerings but not set a requirement for the students.

Iss 6:A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college. 

·  College = elite education = continuous selevtive process = standards: entrance examination = relatively fair standard to exclude some unqualified candidates = to ensure the mechanism, the government defines the rules of the game: based on experiences & expertise in mangagement = set up some principles = to some extent, reasonable necessity, as it is the case with SAT in USA, the nation entrance examination in China. 

· Nation = diversed social groups = 不一样的诉求和本身的学习能力以及学习的追求 =  全国统一的课程,在很大的程度上没有考虑到焦虑的特殊性, 和教育应该是tailor made / customized / 因材施教的: Chiristian school, public school, private school 在自己的教育 focus 和 教育 resources 以及教育的 purpose上都是有很大的差别的, 不能不加区分的做统一的要求,这样其实是在干涉democracy, Evolutionism VS Creationism. 

· Freewill vs Obligations: 提供一些课可参考意见,列举出这样的一项课程重要须知, if necessary the government can set the basis for recommended curriculum with their general understanding, and each social group has the delegated right to choose what they want their residents to learn. This means 让他们根据自己的situation做出选择,不是一个requirement。 Apart from setting some of the obligatory requirements as optional choices to give students more academic freedom, higher education institutions should also give high school students the chances to advance their studies ealrly such as Advanced Placement classes for early exposure to advanced theories and knowledge before they step into college. This way, students who are interesteed in certain field can focus their time and energy in learning what they want to obtain rather than wasting their focus on mundane curriculums. 


Iss 81: All parents should be required to volunteer time to their children's schools. 


1. Parent's involvement in the children's education: most time with parents= profound understanding of the children both at home as the parents' sweet heart and in the school as the friends' companies. Family kid vs social kid = improve the parental education = not overly rely on schools to educate, which is focusing mainly on academics. After all, they are their children that they should be paying attention to. 


1. Problems: parents' busy with their own work and hardly find a chance to schedule the volunteering = requirement = burden for the parents and also might influence the mental development of the children = kuds not understanding why her parents are absent. 

2. Different parents may also have different occupational and financial backgrounds, and that may potentially leads to peer pressure seeing other parents' success, feeling marginalized and inferior. 

3. Requirement : Freewill with obligation: Highlight the importance of parents' involvement in the children education, offer the chances but no obligation; other approcachens to have a profound understanding of the children = shedule family vacation + more family activities out of the school. 

Iss 50:Government officals should rely on their own judgement rather than unquestioningly carry out the will of the people they serve. 


“ People sacrifice their legal rights and money to form social groups in order to survive and thrive, in the hope of getting greater paybacks. ( 人们在一起抱团更好的话,然后总会有矛盾 )

     -----mandate from the public vs mandate of the gods. 

Public Will:

1. Government = serve the public = social / generation contract as defined in the Du Contrat Social of Jean Jacques Rousseau: people comprise or sacrifice benefits to provide support to the government = one of the governors' responsibilities is to ensure the wellbeing of the general public = listening to the public opinions which reflect the urgent social problems = solve = social stability + advancement. 

    -----Ostracism: It was a procedure under the Athenian democracy in which any citizen could be expelled from the city-state of Athens for ten years. While some instances clearly expressed popular anger at the citizen, ostracism was often used preemptively. It was used as a way of neutralizingsomeone thought to be a threat to the state of potential tyrant. It has been called an " honorable exile" by scholar P.J.Rhodes. The word " ostracism" continues to be used for various cases of social shunning. (pottery shards)

2. People's opinions = represent the benefits of certain social groups = social contract signed by many social groups = interest inevitably contradicting with each other = government harmonizes the diversified interests and creats the balance among different parties = mostly based on their own judgement 


So, we need someone to gather and harmonize the different interests and formulate decisions that most people could live with without much reluctance. 


1. Governors = expert = experience + information advantages: compared with the general public, Govenors posssess much more knowledge and could make a comprehensive evaluation and decisions on the issue, while the general public might be easily misguided eithere by the lack of credible info or the emotions. 

Iss28:The surest indicator of a great nation is represented not by the achievement of the rulers, artists, or scientist, but by the general welfare of its people. 

General welfare:

1. Welfare, in general understanding, means the life quality, how the people are living their current lives. Nation = social demands satisfaction based on the social / generation contract of Rousseau: stable and happy life. No denying that for most of current great nations, those people are enjoying various benefits in daily life, away from wars, starvation and diseases; they could satisfy their life with all entertainments.

Not necessarily:

1. Hard to measure and compare the welfare in different background, simply with momentary standards = not sufficient: with the current general understanding, the monogolian people with Genghis Khan not materially ensured, the Macedonian Empire / Alexandra Empire, they have been regarde as great nations in the history, but the citizens were not living a " wellfare" life in modern definition. Must be other indicators. 

2. The achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists embody the comtemporary social demands and help build up great nations:" China scientists = gun-powder, compass, printing and paper making = advance the civilization, not for certain social groups; Egypt = Pyrimid, Characters,  Sphinx; Mongolia / Macedonia = leader achievement = for those worriors, the honor determines the glory of their lives, and the honor means conquering with the leaders = Genghis Khan / Alexander the Great expand and boundary to fulfill the honor = great nation. 

Iss 62:Leaders are created by the demands that are placed on them. 

Leaders created by demand:

1. Roosevely: great depression from 1929- 1939

美国人民水深火热,需要救赎,R带着新政策来了。 State regulation = 满足了当时的social demand: 解决了当时的social demands: 解决了freewill of the market 的危害,拯救了美国人民= leaders. OR Genghis Khan: 当时的蒙古人民需要救赎= GK 带着stability 和 power来了:蒙古人民的生活稳定了。 Elon Musk: Tesla : demand = clean energy + zero-emmission vehicles. 

Leaders not created by demand:

1. 有没有一种可能是leader创造了demand, 而不是demand 创造了leader: Adolf Hitler。当时德国的情况,其实是Hitler在政府外和政府内不停的创造者一些矛盾,计划一些冲突,从而更好地实现自己的一些利益,让自己以一个救世主Messiahs的身份出现在人们的面前,但是我们要看到,这是leaders为了自己的政治目的而创造的demand, 从而step further, 而不是说本身的 social demand 的一个 progress。 

2. Other approaches to create leades: system and mechanism: 这样的一个机制一方面在保证leader candidates 自身的qualification的提高,可以让他们更好地去竞争成为leaders; 另一方面,这是社会稳定和发展的一个正常机制,而不是一个刻意为之的demand。

Iss 36:Governments should not fund any scientific research whose consequences are unclear. 

Supporting the research: 

1. The essence of scienrtific research is the continuous exploration into the uncertainty and then etabilishment of the certainty, thereby advancing the human civilization. The unknown mysteries of the ocean never prevent us from exploring deep into the waters; the uncertainty of universe pales with human ambitions to expand their boundaries = destiny of the scientific research.

2. Nothing goes wrong with the scientific researches. It is human will that abuses the consequences of the researches. The simple goodwill aims to explore and advance, but the complex humnanity defines the risky consequences = government should more focus on establishing a good system.

        ----火药是为了炼丹, 指南针是算命, 后面被abuse了 ( Alchemy:炼丹)

Not supporting the research:

1. Risks elaboration: out of contol = disaster + catastrophe, Chernobyl nuclear station always marks one dark page in the human history as support of such a claim. Clone......(伦理+ 道德)

Robert Oppenheimer: "Now, I am become death, the destoryrt of the worlds. "

2. Focus more on certainly = with limited resources to achieve a bigger accomplishment within a shorter period = with more understanding = turn the previous uncertainty into current / future certainty = safe progress. 


Iss 12:Government should offer a free university education to any student who has been admitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition. 

Government offer free education to the poor:

Provide the chance for the poor students to get education = better coverage of elite education = fair plat form / possibility for the students to develop into responsible candidates to improve the world / more and better labor for building a better society. Equal chances of higher education = opportunities for moving up the social ladder / classes / hierarchy for the poor. 

Government not offering free education to the poor:

1. Dishonest: Some people may take advantage of this policy. How to define the incapability to afford the tuition: we cannot deny the fact that many families are actually poor to support the academic pursuit of the students, but when such an assistance has become a policy, it is quite possible that many families and students might fabricate some documents to avoid the tuition burden, and those families could easily use their powers to take advantage of the policy to benefit themselves by taking . occupying the free education quota = governmenta burden. 

* 不要做亡羊补牢的事---要向着未雨绸缪的方向发展 *

2. Free is not necessary = burden on government & laziness / dependence on students = proverty becomes privilege, so better solutions include student loan and work study. 

             ----a. University and institutions could give a hand : education sponsering : paid working in universities: scholarship in names of the university or the institution = social responsibilities = not only the government duty. 

            ----b: Government could use the saved money to boost the economy to ensure that fewer qualified students should need the external support. 

Student grant / loan

Iss 18:The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority. 


Iss 16: Some people believe that in order to be effective, political leaders must yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise. Others believe that the most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. 


Iss 151:Some people claim that the goal of politics should be the pursuit of an ideal. Others argue that the goal should be finding common ground and reaching reasonable consensus. 

Pursuit of an ideal:

1. Idealistic: the ultimate goal of politics is to realize "Utopia" and bring the benefits to real life. No denying that the politicans should focus on such goals. Politicans should focus on such goals. Politicans = representatives of different social groups = harmonized interests-concentration = expertise + experience + capabilities = envision the future and depict the blueprint for the groups who choose them -> ignore the ideal = social groups, propioritizing their own interests, usually commit to temporary blindness = politics remind them of the long-term goal as collectivism. Examples: communism = ideal encouraged many working class to pursue a better society in the past. 

Finding common ground + consensus: 

1. However, centralized government / monopoly's pursuit of an ideal = incubator for tyranny = not only carry out ideals that does not match the need of its people, but also may involve personal ambitious = Government may mislead its people towards destruction if ideal is too self-centered / inhuman. 

2. Du Contrat Social (social contract) of Jean Jacques Rousseau: Politicans = representatives of different social froups = appreances = common ground & reasonable consensus: compromises of individual interests in the hope of greater paybacks:  stable political action finds consensus among different interest groups = should not, the politics would fall. 

Ideal 和 common ground 其实是可以不冲突的,ideal是理想化的东西,非常的theoretical, 但是put into practice 的时候会有问题,这些问题可以大家一起讨论得到结果,所以ideal是引领我们的理论,然后大家讨论得出方式一起前进。

Realistic: realistic stability is the premise for the realization of the ideal. Soviet Union should be a great example here. Great ideal did exist in the history of the Soviet Union, and influenced several generations of its people. Failed to maintain the common ground and public consensus among different social groups, simply thinking that the ideal itself could unite all the forces = dissolution of the ideal. 

--------Eg.Zootopia: mayor tried to keep the ideal, but when the public cannot reach the consensus between preys and predators, the Zootopia almost fell into pieces with conflicts and chaos = system got re-established and the ideal came back to the political topics again only when the officers recreated the consensus among different species and groups. Mongoliea = conquering - ideal, but the social welfare - consensus, the Mongolia nobles enjoy the priorities and stability, the citizens suffer. 

Iss 25: Government should offer college and university education free of charge to all students. 

Government offer free education:

1. Provide the chance for everyone who has the ability to attain acceptance to higher education = more and equal chances for all able able-students = smallerdisparity between the rich and the poor = erase the possiblity of the poor people become poorer because their unaffordablity to higher education = improve the overall education level of the people = more and better labor for building a better society. 

Government not offering free education:

1. Free is not necessary = financial burden on government leads to exhaustion of national resource = not enough money to pay for the facilities of institutions and the salary of professors = potentially lowering of the level of current higher education. 

2. Laziness / dependence of the people = not paying means less motivation to study for some. 

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