


分别是lead-in、pre-reading、while-reading、post-reading、summary and homework。

本文以高中英语必修一第1课Anne’s Best friend为例展开


1.     lead-in

Hello! Boys and girls,how are you? You all look pretty good today! I feel good too!(开场问候,暖场)

Today we are going to have a reading class.(点明课型)

 I’d like to show you a picture/video. Please look at the screen, I have a question for you, listen carefully, what can you see in the picture?

You can think about it and then answer my question.(停顿两秒钟)

Who would like to have a try?

Ok, Linda please! Linda said there are two friends and they are talking to each other very closely.

Very good! It seems that you know so much about the picture.

So would you like to learn some more?

Today we are going to learn a new lesson, Anne’s Best friend.

Now I will divide all of you into several groups and there will be 4 students in each group. I’ll give you 1minute to arrange the group.



Now I’ll give you 1minute to brainstorm with your partners, what are the necessary qualities of a good friend?

You can discuss with your partners now.


Now, time is up. Who would like to have a try?

Jack, please.

“ Honesty,pretty good! Honesty means we should not lie to our friends. I agree with you.”

Anything else?

Loyalty. Great!

 Loyalty means that we should be loyal to our friends. 

That’s very important in a relationship.

What else?

Kindness. Yes! Kindness is also very important in a relationship.


Now with the help of the title, can you predict what will be talked about in the passage?

You can discuss with your partners and then answer this question group by group.

Group 3, please. Jim, in your opinion, what may be talked about in the passage?

Jim said the passage may talk about the lovely story between two friends.

Yeah, you are good at predicting. And we can check whether this information is talked about or not in the passage later.

Now we will learn some new words together so that we can understand the passage better.

Read after me.

Simplify. Simplify.

Upset. Upset.

Simplify means to make something easier. And in Chinese it is简化.

Upset here is a verb, meaning to make somebody embarrassed. And in Chinese it is使某人沮丧.


while reading

Skimming :

Since you have learnt the new words of the passage now you can read the passage quickly and think about two questions:

The first one is how is the passage organized.

And the second one is what is the main idea of the passage.

 I will give you some hints. 

A passage can be organized in the order of time, space, logic and so on.

It seems that most of you have finished the task.

So who would like to have a try?

Ok, Lily please. Lily said the passage is organized in the order of time.

Why do you think so? 

Because there are so many time expressions in the passage, such as in the early 1940s, two years later, three months ago and so on. 

Yeah, I agree with you!

Now the second question. What is the main idea of the passage?

Bob, please. Bob said the passage mainly talk about the story between Anne and her best friend Kitty.

Excellent! So can you further tell me how did you find out the answer?

Oh! You found out the answer by reading the first sentence and the last sentence of each paragraph.

That’s a very good way. So do you know what we usually call these sentences?

We usually call these sentences topic sentences. (主旨句)  

And we can figure out the main idea of the passage by reading the topic sentences.

All of you have done a very good job.

 Now I will introduce another task for you. Each of you need to read some of the passage to your group members. 

When everyone finishes reading, all the group members are supposed to work together to divide the passage into several parts and figure out the main idea of each part.

Now I will give you 5 minutes.

Ok, time is up. It seems most of you have finished the task. Now I will choose some groups to share your answer with us. Any volunteer?

Ok, group 2. Lisa please.

Lisa said the passage can be divided into 3 parts. Namely the beginning of the story, the development of the story and the conclusion of the story.

Any different opinions? 


No?Yes, exactly, you have done a very good job!


Now you are supposed to read the passage again and try to answer the following three questions.

The first one is when did the story happen?

The second one is where did the story happen?

The third one is who is the main character of the passage?


Have you finished? Let’s check the answer together and tell me where you find out the answer.


The answer of the first question is:

The story happened during the Second World War. And we can find it in the first sentence of paragraph 1.

The answer of the second question is:

The story happened in Netherland, and we can find out the answer in paragraph 2.

The answer of the third question is:

The main character of the passage is Anne and her friend Kitty. We can find the answer in paragraph 1-3.

Intensive reading

Now read the passage carefully and try to understand the whole passage and think about the following questions with your partners.

 What do you think of Anne and why?


Time is up. I will invite some volunteers to share with us.

Ok, Anna please.

Anna said in her opinion, Anne is a very positive and brave girl because she never lose hope in face of difficulties and disasters. So we should learn from her for life is not always smooth.



This passage is a very good example for us to follow if we are expected to write a similar subject like friends or friendship. 

Now go through the passage quickly again and pick out the words, expressions or sentence patterns that maybe helpful in your own writing.

And then share your ideas with us.

Now it’s your show time. Who would like to have a try?

Let’s welcome Jim. Jim, you can come to the stage and read aloud your sentences.

I am amazed by your excellent performance! All of the mentioned expressions will be very useful in your own writing. 

I hope you can memorize them and use them in your writing.

 summary and homework

 Today we have done a lot of things.

Firstly, we have talked about the necessary qualities of a good friend.

And then we have learnt the main idea and the structure of the passage.

Finally we have picked out the useful expressions such as … in the passage.

Since time is limited, I can not hear more creative ideas from you. Now I will arrange the homework.

First, read the passage again and try to retell the passage in your own words.

Second, search the internet to find more information about Anne’s Diary and share it with your partners next time.

Ok, so much for this class, see you next time.
















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