Good morning,everyone!I am your new English teacher. I hope we can make much progress together this term. First .I want to introduce myself to you. Some students used to call me “Mu Zi laoshi” . so what’s my family name? Yes ,you’re so clever! So you can call me “Mu Zi laoshi” or Miss Li. My English name is Alicia. Can you read it? let’s say hello to each other again, ok ?
---Hello, everyone! ---Hello, …….
Don’t: 不准上课往后看,交头接耳!不准把与课堂无关的内容带到班内:手机,小说,吃的!
Must: 必须按质按量按要求完成作业!
Part one: lead in
Now you know Miss Li, but I don’t know you, you don’t know each other. so talk with your desk mate , get to know his / her hobby and name. One minute.
ok, I will give you an example!
Try to use this sentence: She / He says that she/ he is AAA. She / He says she/he likes AAA.
Part two: word study
Today, Penny receives a card from Jimmy. But there are some news words, Let’s find out.
step one :read the words by yourselves.
step two: follow me to read the new words.
step three. try to memorize these new words.
step four: write down the words, and lets find out who is the first student to get 100.
Part three: passage study
step one: listen and try to answer the Questions
step two: Listen and try to imitate
step three: listen and fill in the blanks.
step four: role play!
step five: can you make rewrite Jimmy’s card?
Part four: Grammar study
step one: 直接引语和间接引语:
直接引语:有引号,直接引用别人的话 间接引语:没引号,转述别人的话。
E.g. He says,” I am staying at a youth hostel. ” ----- He says that he is staying at youth hostel.
Look at the Screen, and read more examples.
step two: Lets do some exercises.
step three: 反义疑问句 看例句:He doesn’t say very much, does he ?
得出结构:陈述句, 简略问句?
step four: Lets look at the screen and do some exercises.
Part five: conclusion. What have we learnt today?
Part Six: homework.
open your exercise book and turn to Page three. Here is today’s homework.
OK, that’s all for Today, see you everyone!