

英文 中文
My dad's in the hospital. 我爸进医院了
I don't know if he's gonna be okay. 我不知道他还会不会好起来
What's the situation? 情况怎样了
He's had a hemorrhagic stroke. 是出血性中风
My assistant's been in touch 我的助手联系了
with NYU and we might move Dad there. 纽约大学医院 我们可能会把爸转到那
No. He stays here. 不 他留在这里
I am his proxy. I am in charge. 我是他的代理人 我来决定
The board has a plan in the event of Logan's incapacitation. 董事会就洛根的现况制定了计划
I'll be taking temporary charge as CEO and chairman. 我会暂时代理执行总裁和董事主席
It wouldn't necessarily be you. It could be me. 也用不着你来做主 比如我
How can I not be the logical choice? 我怎么能不是合理的选择呢
Dad didn't want you running the company. 爸不想让你来管理公司
We got for it. Me and you. CEO and COO. 我俩联手 我和你 总裁和首席运营官
Okay. 好的
- Will you marry me? - Yeah, whatever. -你愿意嫁给我吗-你求我就同意
Yes? 真的
Do you know that he gave me a job? 你知不知道他给了我份工作
Come in and see me, and I'll look after you. 来找我 我会罩着你
There's a huge debt problem. Three billion. 我们面临巨大的债务问题 30亿
You're making it quite fucking difficult to savor this moment, 回味这一刻被你搞得真他妈困难
- Gerri. - Don't jump. -格丽-别跳
There's a lot of mess to be cleaned up, Kendall, 肯德尔 你还有很多麻烦事等着处理
but you can do it, son. 孩子 你能做到的
Richard, can you get me the price of the Waystar stock? 理查德 能帮我查一下韦斯达的股价吗
- At close last night, please. - How is he? -昨晚休市前的价格-他怎么样了
Good. A little clearer. He tried to put on a sock. 不错 清醒点了 他还试着穿袜子
Hey, Mondale. Wish me luck, buddy. 早啊 蒙代尔 祝我好运吧伙计
Wish me luck. 祝我好运吧
What's that? "Good luck, Tom! 你说什么 "祝你好运 汤姆
Hope it goes well!" OK, so, 愿你一切顺利" 好吧
just wanted to say goodbye. 我就想告个别
Have you seen the numbers? 你看到价格了吗
Man, poor Ken. He's like dysentery for the stock price. 老天 可怜的肯 他让股价跟痢疾似的一泻千里
You are walking into a burning barn. 你这可是跳火坑啊
Still excited. 还兴奋着呢
- Still rarin' to go. - Mm-hmm. -跃跃欲试-好吧
I'm just paying homage. 我只是来表表衷心
What's that? 你说什么
You miss me? Well, I miss you too. 想我了吗 我也想你啊
Maybe we should arrange a date while she's not around. 或许她不在的时候咱们应该约起来
- You're weird. - No, you are weird! OK! -你个怪人-不 你才怪人 好吧
- Goodbye. - Oh, Tom. -再见-汤姆
I'm gonna go see Dad. 我要去看看爸
If Marcia wants to be difficult, so can I. 如果玛西娅想来硬的 我也可以
So...can you come with me? 你能和我一起吗
Uh, I gotta stay in front on this one, baby. 我还是专心搞好这摊事吧 宝贝
It's a hugie. 是一摊大事
My first morning stepping up. 我的首次上位
Just say you went to see the big boss. 就说你想去看望大佬呗
- Don't make me choose, Shiv. - Come on. -别逼我做选择 小西-来吧
Please. Don't make me choose. 求你 别逼我做选择
It's a man's right not to choose. 不做选择是人的权利
Hey, Rava. Can you give me 30 seconds? 拉瓦 给我半分钟好吗
Sorry, I'm just getting the kids ready. 不好意思 我在帮孩子们做准备
Oh, Luanne, can you get... 露安 你能拿一下...
Yeah? OK. 可以吗 好了
- Hey. - Hi. -你好-你好
Uh, yeah, so... 那什么...
this is... this is dumb, but bank call this morning, 这事... 特别傻 但是今早银行来了电话
and I just wanted to ask... 我就是想问...
Wait. What bank? Our old joint account? 等下 什么银行 咱俩以前的联名账户吗
Um, no, no, Rava, the bank. 不是 拉瓦 那家银行
ICBC, who have apparently bankrolled the old man for years. 工商银行 一直给老爷子提供资金的那家
I'm sorry. I'm... just in a rush. OK. 不好意思 我赶时间 好的
Just two minutes? 就两分钟行吗
What's your read? 你怎么看
Do I go... do I go Hulk, or Bruce Banner? 我是... 我是直接暴走[绿巨人] 还是温和点谈呢[布鲁斯·班纳]
Well, K-Kendall, talk to your people about... 肯德尔 跟你公司的人谈去...
I know, you're just... you're 我知道 你就...
always so good with this stuff, and just, uh... 你一直很擅长这类东西就...
The Hulk is the incredible one, right? The Hulk. 绿巨人很无敌 对吧 绿巨人
We have to go. I'm sorry. 我得挂了 实在抱歉
Why don't you ask Roman? OK? 你去问罗曼吧 好吗
- Guys? - Roma... Rava. Come on. -伙计们-罗曼... 拉瓦 别这样
- Seriously? - I'm sorry. -真的吗-我很抱歉
Bye! 再见
Bye, guys. Bye-bye. I love you. 再见 孩子们 给你们比心
- Out of ten? - Uh, seven. -十成痛感 你有几成-七成
Ok. 好的
You're in decent shape, 你的体态很好
you're a little sloppy, but I can get you tight as a drum. 皮肉稍微有点松 但我能把你练得像鼓面一样紧绷
Ah. Well, I trust Pax, and Pax says you're the best. 我相信帕克斯 帕克斯说你无人能及
I'm only gonna say one thing, Roman, OK? 我就说一件事 罗曼
Go for it. 说吧
I take my shit serious, 我对待工作相当认真
that's why I have the reputation that I do, 所以我在圈子里名声这么好
and I need you to take it serious, too. OK? 我需要你也认真对待这事 好吗
Dude, I'm... I'm onboard, 大哥 我... 我来都来了
so you can skip the whole speech bullshit, OK? 你就省省口舌吧
- I'm down. - All right. 5:30 every day. -我肯定认真-好的 每天五点半过来
Yeah, man, I'm serious. I'm serious as cancer. 大哥 我很严肃啊 比癌症还严肃[重]
Fuckin' more serious. Fuckin' money cancer. 比那更严肃 操他娘的孔方兄之癌
You know, I'm COO now. 我现在是COO了
- Mm-hmm. - Yeah. -是吗-是啊
That's Chief Operating Officer. 就是首席运营官
It's Waystar Royco, so if it operates, I chief it. 在韦斯达·罗伊科公司 公司运营事项我说了算
Flip over on your belly. 翻个身
Yeah. Ahh.
But yeah, no, 5:30, that's perfect. 但是 好吧 五点半 很好
- A.M. Right? - Yup. -早上 是吗-是
Well, good, because the other 5:30 I'll be at work, ya know? 那就好 因为下午五点半的时候我在工作呢 你知道不
Being an agent of change and fuckin' firing people. 作为变革推动者搞事情 解雇职员什么的
Thank you. 谢谢
Ask her to wait there. 让她在那儿等着
Oh! She's here. 她在这儿呢
It's the morphine. 是吗啡的错
- It's not that unusual. - I know. I'm fine. -司空见惯了-我知道 我还好
- Is everything all right? - Hi, Shiv. -没什么事吧-你好 小西
- Hi! - Hi, Tom. -你好-你好 汤姆
Hey. I'm afraid I can't stay. 恐怕我不能久留
- Excuse me one second. - First day. -恕我失陪-第一天
- Hi. - What's the... -你好-出什么...
What's going on? 出什么事了
- Nothing. - No? -没事-没有吗
Staff. 员工情绪
Good to see you. 见到你很高兴
Yeah. I know you said that he wasn't great, 我知道你说过他状态不是很好
but I was passing by, 但是我路过这边
so I thought I'd just drop in. 就想顺便拜访一下
That is so sweet. 你太贴心了
But you know, he's not seeing people right now. 但是他现在还不想见人
Yeah, but I thought I could just pop up. 我知道 但我就想露个面
Even if, you know, he's grumpy. 就算他发飙也没事
I think it's best you don't. 我觉得你最好不要
Marcia, I've seen my dad do the Master Cleanse. 玛西娅 我见过老爸断食的样子
I can take him a little bit grouchy. 应该能顶得住他的怒火
I'm afraid that is out of the question. 我觉得这事没得商量
Um, do you... Might it be an idea 你... 能不能
to check and see whether he's changed his mind? 去问问他是否转变了心意呢
- Yeah. - Perked up a little bit? -是啊-精神稍微振作了点呢
Of course. 当然
What the fuck? 什么鬼
I know. I have to go. 谁说不是呢 我得走了
Yeah, I know. 好 我知道
Oh, hey. Hello. Hi! 你好啊 你好
I'm Shiv. 我是小西
Logan's daughter. 洛根的女儿
I just... I wanted to say thank you for... 我只是... 想说句谢谢...
for all your work. 谢谢你做的一切
You're quite welcome. 你太客气了
- Yeah. It's much appreciated.- Thank you. -我们很感激-谢谢
And how does he seem today? 他今天怎么样了
Good? 还好吗
Oh... you know. 就那样... 你懂的
Actually, we don't. 事实上 我们不大懂
We heard all about the sock. 我们听说了袜子的事
It'll stabilize. 股价会稳定下来的
I know. I know it will. 我知道 一定会的
So... I've been thinking. 那个... 我一直在想
I've got a new game plan for the call. 我针对这通电话制定了新的战术
Uh-huh. 然后呢
Can you try and not look so fuckin' nervous? 你能试着别摆出一副紧张死了的样子吗
I know what I'm doing. 我清楚自己在做什么
I'm relaxed. 我不紧张
I just think it's a little late, considering the gravity 只是考虑到事态的严重性 和改善关系的需要
and the need to get the relationship right. 这个改动怕是有些迟


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