如果Fomo3D持续积累以太币,那么将抬高其他以太币的价值。如果Fomo3D合约中的以太币达到数百万量级,就有两个问题:1. 最终某人赢得大奖,立即获得大量以太币,影响市场稳定;2. Fomo3D合约被攻破,结果类似。
If it just keeps on accumulating ETH, then that would just increase the value of the remaining ETH. If the ETH inside it does get to multimillion levels, then the natural two concerns are (i) someone finally wins, and gets all the money all at once, leading to market instability, and (ii) it gets hacked, with similar consequences.
此外Justin Drake也参与了讨论,并列出关于矿池为赢得大奖作弊的几种可能性。