Often, with a distainful sneer, I make secret plans to exile myself: I can give up the advantages of a city life – its hustle and bustle, its flow of traffic, and even applauses from a possibly large audience – to go to the north.
Then, I begin to think about Li Shutong and Xu Dishan – think about their knowledge and composure, their helplessness and endurance.
Sometimes, how I wish I could be forever free from being headless – nor suspicious, not pondering, not illogical, not complicated, not even responsive or impulsive!
Although I know it is ridiculous to wish for eternal truth, I cannot help doing so sometimes – wishing for the eternity of beauty, the eternity of life, the eternity of benevolence, the non-existence of a power that can destroy a life, and the non-existence of an evil life that can destroy power and determination.
It is winter again – a long winter pervaded by continuous and never-dispersing cloudy smoke.
With a headache bordering dizziness, and feeling half-asleep and half-awake for the entire night-like, tormenting long winter, I remain in an inactive state and sit there without a word; I do not even want to shed any more tears – the cold and dim winter is not worth my diamond-shinny, crystal-clear, and lingering tears.
1. 散文翻译较为追求对称美,对原文可以适当增补(如 to go to the north)或删减(如 lingering)。
2. 眼尖的小伙伴可能发现了,中译英时,找好前呼后应的词语(详见英文加粗部分),就可以使用破折号美化句子结构。
节选自《英译中国当代美文选》《躁动的平静 Anxiety Pacified》一文。