

在国外读过书的童鞋应该可以感同身受,课业一繁忙起来的时候,尤其是期中和期末考试周,整个人能被折磨疯了,恨不得与图书馆24小时绑定,什么淑女绅士仪表,娱乐八卦,都暂时先顾不上了。如果可以,为保证不累趴下睡着,头悬梁锥刺股,相信大家也是做得出的。但是我们不能让学校认为我们有自残倾向,这时候,能求助的对象,只有隔壁那家24小时营业的Tim Hortons/星爸爸了。






1. Strange Love


第一次拜访它,实在是因为机缘巧合。当时我碰巧有个美国朋友来拜访我,早上的时候,我们说,那找个咖啡店喝杯咖啡吧!于是我掏出Yelp开始查询附近的咖啡店。当时Strange Love新开,只有三两个评价。其中一个评价说“哇,这家店提供tonka beans shots,这在美国是禁止的。”我朋友一听美国禁止这种香料,立马来了兴致,于是我们风风火火地便赶过去了。

科普一下:Tonka Beans中文名为薰草豆,是来自南美亚马逊雨林深处的一种芳香种子,多用于法式烹饪及甜品。将它磨碎后加入食物,可以带来超凡的味道,因此被多位大厨誉为最神奇的香料!它闻起來像新鲜割下的青草,另外混入了焦糖,香草,丁香和甘草的味道,还带有一点温热的气息和木兰的香味。美国从1954年以来禁止销售tonka beans供食用,因为过量食用据说会导致中毒。但Strange Love的剂量是没问题的。

到了之后,我分别尝了他们家的Lover's Latte,Chai Latte以及Flat White,后面两个我们都有要求另加tonka bean shots。第一口下去我们就惊艳了!怎么说呢,喝开咖啡的童鞋应该知道,咖啡很苦,特别是这种expresso drinks,如果不加糖可能难以下咽。但是加了tonka beans的咖啡就是这么神奇,不用另外加糖,自带一股奇异的芳香,柔顺丝滑。反正我是不知不觉就喝完整整一大杯。

之后我推荐过好多朋友来这家咖啡店,全部好评。现在Yelp上也有80个评论了,还是5星好评,足见tonka beans魔力哈!

地址:101 Spadina Ave, Toronto

推荐:Lover's Latte, Flat White with tonka bean shot

2. Pilot Coffee

这家是多伦多本地的一家精品咖啡店,已经慢慢开了5家分店了,最新的一家在First Canadian Place地下一层。最火爆的一家店估计是图中这家在Union Station的Pilot Coffee了吧,上班下班途中就可以顺便带上一杯,非常方便。


Union店地址:The Great Hall, 65 Front St West, Toronto

推荐:他家espresso drinks都很不错,我个人喜欢Flat White

他家咖啡豆还可以网购哦,地址在这里 http://t.cn/RW3OkYI

3. Mos Mos

这家是位于多伦多金融区path的面向上班族的咖啡店,已经开了两家店了,分别在Commerce Court和Exchange Tower,每家店都大排长龙。


如果你喜欢Chai Latte,Mos Mos你可不能错过!这是我见过有最多Chai Lattes种类的咖啡店,包括6种,从传统到Masala Chai Latte到另辟蹊径的Mango Chai Latte,每样都值得尝试哦!

Commerce Court店地址:25 King Street West, Toronto

推荐:Chai Latte, 口味重的童鞋还可以选择加浓哦!

4. Versus coffee

如果你在喝咖啡之余,还想顺便拍几张相片上传Ins,尝试当网红的滋味,那么我劝你不要错过Versus Coffee。

这是一家小巧精致的咖啡店,不留意的话很容易错过,但是如果你也像我一样有留意Instagram上的网红最近都在光临哪家咖啡店,那么这家Versus Coffee绝对榜上有名,不因为什么,就是冲着他家颜值爆表的咖啡也要去尝尝!


地址:70 Adelaide St E, Toronto


5. Aroma Expresso Bar


这里我要推荐一家我的"Go To" Cafe - Aroma Expresso Bar。多伦多的童鞋应该有留意,这家店出现的频率没星巴克和Tim Hortons那么多,但每隔几个街角也有那么一家。他家Brewed Coffee是我喝过最顺滑的没有之一,非常适合紧急补充咖啡因,尤其针对在金融区上班的童鞋。

Fun fact:谁和我一样以为Aroma是加拿大本土咖啡连锁店?其实人家是来自耶路撒冷,以色列的咖啡连锁啦,在包括加拿大,美国在内的6个国家都有分店哦。

喜欢巧克力的同学也不能错过这家店,因为不管你买他家什么饮料,都赠送他家特产巧克力哟!还有,要尝试下他家特色Aroma Coffee,融合白巧克力以及来自南美,亚洲和非洲的咖啡豆研磨出来的咖啡,配有whipped cream和cocoa,赞!

尽管这是介绍咖啡店的,还想多嘴一句推荐Aroma家的三明治,新鲜现做,特别好吃!尤其是Aroma A.C.E.,现烤的鸡胸肉,面包,鸡蛋搭配新鲜的牛油果酱和芝麻菜,健康又美味!

多伦多金融区店地址:121 King St W, Toronto

推荐:Aroma Coffee,Brewed Coffee, Aroma A.C.E. sandwich


5 Toronto Cafés with “Wow” Factor!

Who’s the big coffee lover here? ✋

Frankly, every morning, my first step of breakfast is coffee. A good coffee can certainly make my day, and it also helps me be more focused and energetic at work. (I am also obsessed with matcha latte, and I will have a post coming up recommending some nice matcha latte places I have been to in Toronto).

Today, I will list 5 cafés that I most frequently go to. Later I plan to take a craft café tour which I will involve 12 highly rated cafes that I haven’t been to. Be sure to subscribe to get an update in your mailbox!

Ok, let’s get started!

Strange Love

Oh....my...GOD, this coffee makes wonders!

That was the initial response of me and everyone I've introduced this to when we first tried the coffee here.

This is probably the smoothest coffee I ever had.

Two words that make Strange Love:Tonka beans. I urge everyone to get the shot option with any of their coffee. Tonka beans have an intense flavor that is widely used in French pastries and by lots of top chefs around the world. It comes from an aromatic seed of a giant tree, deep in the Amazon rainforest. It has this transcendent flavor profile, therefore it is regarded as the most delicious ingredient you could ever have.

Unfortunately, overdose of Tonka beans might be dangerous. Due to this reason,selling Tonka beans to eat has been illegal in the US since 1954.

I would say it does have the magic power that makes you obsessed with it.

My go-to recommendation would be the Lover’s Latte and Flat White with an extra shot of Tonka beans. Flat White is stronger if you prefer the stronger flavor of both coffee and tonka beans.

The decor of the cafe is very cute. Each table has several plants or books. There are also artworks on the wall for sell.

In addition to coffee, it has nice pastry and gelato. It’s always nice to have multiple options, isn’t it? :)

Mos Mos

I work in the financial district during weekdays. When I first started working, I just wanted to get my caffeine fix as soon as possible, so Starbucks used to be my top choice since they are conveniently located everywhere. (Still go to Starbucks sometimes). However, after having hundreds cups of Starbucks coffee, I was bored of the same old thing and decided to make my life more interesting by trying to visit different cafés whenever I want to have coffee.

I discovered Mos Mos earlier this year and was immediately hooked.

In the beginning, I ordered a latte with caramel sauce. This is much creamier than other lattes I had. If you like thick and creamy flavour, Mos Mos is definitely a place to stop by. They make latte so beautiful as well – I don’t remember if I ever get this beautiful latte art in Starbucks latte

For all you chai latte lovers, good news! Mos Mos has thebestchai latte I ever had. They also have the most options for chai latte I have ever seen.

Cardamom chai latte is a rarely found kind (Pakistani-style chai)

Masala chai latte with extra chai is me and my friend’s favourite. It is also thick and creamy, except with a kick of spice unlike any chai latte I had before.

Mango chai latte can be a hit or miss. I have colleagues say that they are totally in love with it, but other people claim it's a little bit weird.

Anyway, if you are interested, stop by and you won’t be disappointed.


This is the café to the restaurant Merchatto. It was also discovered by my intention to stay away from Starbucks and support some local shops instead.

I like the restaurant, and their café keeps up with the standard.

Their coffee beans are from local coffee beans suppliers within Canada.

I like their cappuccino, latte and Cortado.

Versus coffee

When it comes to coffee, I am either looking for good taste or unique presentation.

With Versus coffee, they have it all!

Just look at their beautiful coffee art, who wouldn’t love it!

The café is small but very elegant with an all white modern look and big floor-to-ceiling windows. It also got a small cute patio!

Their coffee comes from de Mello Palheta Roasters. Versus uses their house blend called Dancing Goats to ensure reliability and consistency. They also offer tea and pastries. Their teas are from Sloane, another local shop.

Fahrenheit coffee

This is a really highly rated coffee shop in Toronto.

It offers three different espresso origins, from Brazil, El Centro and Rutuma.

You definitely need to try its specialty – Cortado, which is also what I tried.

Please note though that they don't allow take out for a few of their coffees because it is best enjoyed immediately after they brew it.

They also offer pastries. I tried their chocolate croissant - yum!

The staff here are really friendly. I dropped by with my friend on an early Saturday morning and even though they were busy, they kept checking on us to make sure everything is alright.

Alright, above are all the cafés I want to recommend today.

Have you been to any of them? What do you think of them? Do you have other cafés in mind that you like?

Leave me a comment. Let's discuss!

Thank you for reading.

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