第二阶段 - 基础班 - 权益类收益 - 2-3

Main Functions of the Financial Market (Totally three functions)

 Fulfill different entities’ requirements: Save and borrow money, raise equity capital, manage risks, trade assets currently or in the future, and trade based on their estimates of asset values.

Determine interest rates :Determine the returns (i.e., interest rates) that equate the total supply of savings with the total demand for borrowing.

 Allocation of capital to the best uses: Economies are said to be allocationally efficient when their financial systems allocate capital (funds) to those uses that are most productive.

First function: fulfill different entities’ requirements

Second function: Determining Rates of Return

Third function: Allocate capital to its most efficient uses

Intermediaries of Financial Market (Summary)

􀁺 Brokers, Dealers and Exchange

􀁺 Securitizers

􀁺 Depository Institutions

􀁺 Insurance Companies

􀁺 Arbitrageurs

􀁺 Clearinghouses and Custodians

􀁺 Hedgers

Brokers, Dealers and Exchange


Securitizers purchase and repackage assets or mortgages and put them into a pool in order to sell them in shares.

Depository Institutions

􀁺 Raise funds from depositors and other investors and lend it to borrowers

􀁺 Provide transaction services on one hand, and then make loans with the deposits on the other hand.

Insurance Companies


􀁺 Arbitrageurs are intermediaries who seek to gain certain return without bearing any risk.

􀁺 If information about prices is readily available to market participants, pure arbitrages involving the same instrument will be quite rare.

Clearinghouses and Custodians

􀁺 Clearinghouses: act as buyers when customers want to sell assets and as sellers when customers want to buy assets, and thus limit counterparty risk.

􀁺 Custodians: help prevent the loss of securities through fraud, oversight, or natural disaster by holding securities on behalf of their clients.

A well functioned financial market: allows entities to achieve their purposes.

Characteristics of a well functioned financial Market

􀁺 Complete markets: Savers receive a return, borrowers can obtain capital. hedgers can manage risks, and traders can acquire needed assets.

􀁺 Operational efficiency: Trading costs are low.

􀁺 Informational efficiency: Prices reflect fundamental information quickly.

􀁺 Allocational efficiency: Capital is allocated to its most productive use.

Market Regulation

Classification of assets (Summary)

Security (Fixed income vs. Equity Securities)

Security (Public vs. private)

􀀹 Public securities: trade in liquid markets in which sellers can easily find buyers for their securities.

􀀹 Private securities: are not traded in public markets which are often illiquid and not subject to regulation.


􀀹 issued by national monetary authorities.

􀀹 Some of these currencies are regarded as reserve currencies. Reserve currencies are currencies that national central banks and other monetary authorities hold in significant quantities.


􀀹 are agreements between two parties that require some action in the future, such as exchanging an asset for cash.


􀀹 Commodities are goods like precious metals, industrial metals, agricultural products, energy products, and credits for carbon reduction that are traded in spot, forward, and futures markets.

􀀹 Note: Spot markets are for immediate delivery while forwards, futures, and options markets are for the future delivery of physical and financial assets.

Real Assets:

􀀹 Real assets include such tangible properties as real estate, airplanes, machinery, or lumber stands.

    􀀹 Characteristics:

       􀂋Provide income, tax advantage, diversification benefits

       􀂋Entail substantial management costs

       􀂋Require substantial due diligence before investing

Classification of markets

Primary vs. Secondary markets

Primary market: the place for firms to publicly rise capital:

􀂋IPO (initial public offerings): The first time a company offer its securities to market.

􀂋Seasoned offerings (secondary issues): A listed company issues new shares to the market.

Money vs. Capital markets

􀀹 Money markets: The market for short-term debt instruments (oneyear maturity or less).

􀀹 Capital markets: Financial markets that trade securities of longer duration, such as bonds and equities.

Traditional vs. Alternative markets

􀀹 Traditional investment markets: Markets for traditional investments, include all publicly traded debts and equities.

􀀹 Alternative markets: Market for investments other than traditional securities investments (i.e. traditional common and preferred shares and traditional fixed income instruments).

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