Pool party


That was the dawn of Aug.9th 1969, the sky is beautifully dressed in veils of red.

Homeless and blue, I was sitting on a bench in a commonplace park which is situated in philadelphia, Pennsylvania with a old-fashioned radio playing random songs by Beatles by my side , thinking about the one whom I would never get a chance to spend my whole life with, and how pale and monotonous anything would be.

"Hey! help me light my cigarette if you can."

A slender blonde girl about 6 feet tall who has hair of beautiful curves and ruby red lip just like fire wearing black eyeshadows popped up in front me with a cigarette in her beautiful left hand.

Hypothetically, she was a New Yorker because of her cute accent.

There was only my blurry melancholic figure in her widely open eyes of the bluest sky when she looked into my eyes.

"Well, my beautiful lady, I don't often smoke actually, I'm afraid that I cannot help you with that.."

Maybe I should have taken a lighter with me when I left that house where no love can be found..

A lighter can definitely make this lovely lady who has flawless skin stay a little bit longer.

"Okay, nevermind... what brought you here so alone, young man?"

Then she sat besides me, trying to mimicked my slight British accent which is exactly what 5 years of living in Liverpool endowed me with.

"I had been living in Liverpool, you know,northern Britain for the one whom I loved deeply for the past five years...I am originally from philadelphia. Yes, this is my hometown. I came back to my hometown sadly with the fact that the one whom I loved will never be mine. You know, I sold my house when I left America, maybe I got nowhere to go now. All my friends are gone. That is why I am being here all alone. I don't even have money for rents. "

the girl was kind of taken aback, then offered me a smile.

"Dear, you had been living in Liverpool and you listen to the Beatles. You are so cool.beatle here beatle there"

The words made me raptured, especially when it was said by so pretty a blondie.

Then she added:"You are such a ghetto boy, and I like it. I guess you won't be homeless and alone anymore. Why don't you just come with me? Do you want to get a job which can help you sustain your life? That is exactly what I can provide u with. Okay then, just follow me. "

Her beautiful appearance made me follow with no doubt .

Holding an obsolete radio which was playing " she loves you " by Beatles in my left hand , I was leaving for a new life.  All my sadness dissipated in the balmy air of the mid-summer.

Lead light

Apparently emotionless,in hot summer air on August,9th 1969 that I can still recall, I was strolling in the park with no money but a Cuba imported cigarette which was the last thing he left for me in my pocket, thinking about why he would have left me without a word.

Someone was playing the Beatles on the radio. The poor quality of audios didn't even make the joy that only songs by Beatles can bring me decline. Maybe it was always the past that sank unwept into oblivion..

Having been roaming in the park aimlessly for so long, all the thing I wanted to do was to have a rest. I guessed my legs would swell if I didn't have a seat immediately.

Looking around, there was only one bench in this park. Such a strange thing. Thousands of trees with only one bench. Well, it seemed that the only bench was occupied by a black-haired Jewish boy.

Okay, maybe I will get no place to sit on I guess.  

Why not just have one last cigarette and let every goddamn thing that I hate go?

All right,I don't even have a lighter. Maybe that ghetto boy does. Cool boys always smoke, don't they?

But this cute boy looks so sad, maybe I should not bother him.

But I really want to have this cigarette.

So I came to him and tryed to make him notice me. Radio on, this Jewish boy just kept his head down enjoying Beatles without having a look at me. He was completely in his own world. Okay, maybe I would have to disturb him a little bit.

"Hey! help me light my cigarette if you can."

The moment he looked into my eyes I was totally petrified .He is the best-looking boy I have ever met. His eyes are beautifully brown as if they are made of chocolate. His melancholic aura made me so obsessed. His face and that glance completely captured my soul.

He did not answer me.

I was nervous because I thought he would be so angry with my disturbance.

"Well, my beautiful lady, I don't often smoke actually, I'm afraid that I cannot help you with that.."

Wait? He just called me beautiful! And his British accent is so attractive.

But how could a cute boy like that not smoke? It does not make sense.

I put this damn cigarette into my pocket and sat besides him. I assumed he would not mind.

"Okay, nevermind... what brought you here so alone, young man?"

"I had been living in Liverpool,northern Britain for the past five years ,you know,for the one whom I loved deeply ...But I am originally from philadelphia. Yes, this is my hometown. I came back to my hometown sadly with the fact that the one whom I loved will never be mine. You know, I sold my house when I left America, maybe I got nowhere to go now. All my friends are gone. That is why I am being here all alone. I don't even have money for rents. "

Wow, no way....Liverpool,where Beatles are from...So damn coool.this boy had been working in Liverpool.:"Dear, you had been living in Liverpool and you listen to the Beatles. You are so cool.beatle here beatle there"

But he already had beloved one.

And his love can not be with him.

So sad the story is.

And It seems that he can not even sustain his life.

Maybe I should help him, as long as he trusts me.

"You are such a ghetto boy, and I like it. I guess you won't be homeless and alone anymore. Why don't you just come with me? Do you want to get a job which can help you sustain your life? That is exactly what I can provide u with. Okay then, just follow me. "

Without any hestitation, he followed me with his radio playing " she loves you".

In the hot summer air, the cute boy is going to embrace everything new I guess.

I'm going to take him to the bar where I work and have some so shoots first.

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