CGO – Chief Growth Officer,多译为“首席增长官”,或译成“首席发展官”。是企业C Level管理层的一员。
2017年,可口可乐宣布不再设立“CMO”职位,取而代之的是新设立的“CGO”一职。一个字母的差别,让营销界出了好几本书来探讨。今年,联合利华宣布,现任CMO退休后将不再聘任新的CMO。消息一出,业界许多猜测,猜得最多的是CMO是不是被CGO取代。我对联合利华的下一步的动作没那么大的兴趣,但对CGO这一职位感兴趣,尤其是对它所负责的“G – Growth(增长)”非常感兴趣。原因很简单,在一个技术和理念快速迭代的时期,商业环境留给企业或个人的出路是“不进则退,退无可退”,因此,Growth (增长) 已经不是一个锦上添花的可选项,而是关乎生存的必选项。带着危机感和紧迫感,我读了手边的几本关于“增长”的书,有很多启发,不过略有隔靴搔痒的感觉。于是,萌生了对CGO做访谈的想法,希望从在访谈中向这些增长的实践者讨教第一手的增长之道,并且分享给对增长话题感兴趣的人。
1、Why – 企业为什么需要CGO?
2、What – CGO的职责包含哪些?
3、How – 如何做好一名CGO?
赘述至此,带来第一篇访谈。访谈对象是Kelvin Emmanuel Ng,新加坡PopScoot联合创始人和CGO,PopScoot是新加坡共享电动滑板车初创企业。
With the proliferation of hyper-competition in the new economy, it means that companies need to continually optimisetheir understanding of and engagement with the market in order to grow marketshare or revenue.
And to do so thesedays requires a toolkit like never before. Given the sophistication of businessesand audiences, a multi-disciplinary role – pulling together disciplines across corporatestrategy, marketing and tech, among others – is required to chart a strategyfor growth that accounts for Businesses’Relevanceto the market, Differentiation from competitors, and Creditabilityin terms of the Technology required to pull it off.
如今,要做到这一点,需要一个前所未有的工具包。鉴于商业的复杂度和受众的成熟度,企业需要一个横跨多学科、多部门、多领域的角色,即首席增长官(CGO),这一角色需要能整合企业战略、市场营销、技术等不同领域的专长。CGO将主导企业的增长战略,对以下原本是分开的领域和职责,全面负责:企业与市场的相关性; 与传统的、现有的和未来的竞争对手的区别; 成功所需的技术的可信性。
Due to the holisticnature of such a position, I believe a CGO can be seen as a co-CEO with amandate focused on growth.
Start-ups, in particular tech-enabled ones, tend toface the above challenges in an intense manner. PopScoot is just such astart-up, hence a CGO would be important in its case.
What is more, many start-ups, seek to disrupt themarket. As in the case of PopScoot, this often means the introduction of newtechnology that forces some change in consumer behaviour. Every marketer knowsthe latter is a tough ask. In order to pull it off, the business needs to understandmarket psychology, deploy tech in a manner that truly enhances product propositionand develop strategy that can successfully navigate competition and government.
My career path has been a little unique and myexperiences put me in good stead for the CGO role at PopScoot. Starting with abusiness degree I served at a public listed company successfully launchingtheir first retail concept before heading back to design school full time.After which worked on an International portfolio of projects at a WPP BrandAgency, leaving later to found my own Brand Agency with offices in Singaporeand China – before co-founding PopScoot.
The experience has afforded me the breadth as wellas depth of knowledge that I believe CGOs require. Having helped developstrategy for and position market leading brands globally, executed marketingcampaigns at the granular level and operate as an entrepreneur for over adecade – one grasps a good perspective of all levels and learns to buildsynergy as well as alliances between functions.
My mission is togrow the user base and revenue through the alignment of Marketing, Tech andCorporate Strategy to PopScoot’s long term brand vision. As a result of thediverse teams that I deal with, every day is a learning opportunity and it isinteresting to learn their idiosyncrasies and soak in the differentperspectives.
We kicked off a year-long Proof of Concept trial with a limited fleet of e-scooters. Our key objectives were to understand user behaviour and travel patterns through location-based A/B testing. Even with the controlled experiment, the user base rose to20,000+ across the year, with usage frequency steadily increasingthroughout the period.
起初,我们通过小规模地投放电动滑板车,做了一年的概念验证(Proof of Concept,简称POC)。通过基于地理位置的A/B testing(A/B测试),POC的主要目的是了解用户的行为习惯和出行规律。单单是在我们控制试验的一年当中,我们就积累了2万多名用户,并且我们发现,在试验期内,用户对电动滑板车的使用频次稳步上升。
What we were looking to accomplish was notnecessarily speed of user acquisition but sustained growth that took intoconsideration a community’s not always positive perception of e-scooters. Henceit was important for us not only to win over wallets but the win over hearts aswell. We accomplished this with branding strategy that emphasised socialresponsibility. For example, we encouraged community engagement by activating ridingcircuits where we educated the public on safe riding.
As a result, the communities in the neighbourhoodswe operated felt a sense of pride that they were chosen for the trials. Andwith proliferation through social media, other neighbourhoods startedpetitioning us to initiate the service in their areas.
Founded as an e-scooter sharing company,PopScoot provides an affordable, fun, and easy-to-use option for riders who are looking to tour leisure spots, commute to work, or make deliveries. As a pioneer in the market, PopScoot has helped e-scooters become a mainstream mode of travel in Singapore – redefining the first/last mile transit category. A large part can be attributed to how the role of CGO manages to pull the efforts of diverse teams into a shared focus and achieve results greater than the whole of the parts. PopScoot has since morphed from a pure e-scooter service provider, into an innovator of Mobility-related solutions for Commuters as well as Brands. This provides a new and exciting challenge in my role as CGO.
Finally, this role requires creativity, making connections where others may not be able to identify. I believe my love for travel has provided an open mind, while my pass time as an electric guitarist helped identify patterns and expand the repertoire of PopScoot.
本文照片来源:被访者照片由其本人提供。其他照片为PopScoot APP中公开照片的截屏。
文字来源:英文内容来自被访者,英文原文前后顺序专栏作者有调整。中文由作者撰写,或由百度翻译,专栏作者粗改。| 访谈形式:书面。