
资料来源该包手册。R社区已经有不少下载和处理TCGA数据的包,但目前能获取最新GRch38的应该只有TCGAbiolinks和本包,本包也是TCGA开发的官方R包,值得信赖。 比较麻烦的就是文件,样本ID的转换。


来自官网Genomic Data Commons (GDC) website的信息:

The National Cancer Institute’s (NCI’s) Genomic Data Commons (GDC) is a data sharing platform that promotes precision medicine in oncology. It is not just a database or a tool; it is an expandable knowledge network supporting the import and standardization of genomic and clinical data from cancer research programs.

The GDC contains NCI-generated data from some of the largest and most comprehensive cancer genomic datasets, including The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and Therapeutically Applicable Research to Generate Effective Therapies (TARGET). For the first time, these datasets have been harmonized using a common set of bioinformatics pipelines, so that the data can be directly compared.

As a growing knowledge system for cancer, the GDC also enables researchers to submit data, and harmonizes these data for import into the GDC. As more researchers add clinical and genomic data to the GDC, it will become an even more powerful tool for making discoveries about the molecular basis of cancer that may lead to better care for patients.

The data model for the GDC is complex, but it worth a quick overview. The data model is encoded as a so-called property graph. Nodes represent entities such as Projects, Cases, Diagnoses, Files (various kinds), and Annotations. The relationships between these entities are maintained as edges. Both nodes and edges may have Properties that supply instance details. The GDC API exposes these nodes and edges in a somewhat simplified set of RESTful endpoints.


这个软件尚在开发之中,希望收到用户的反馈。如果想要报告bug或者问题,要么submit a new issue或者在R中使用bug.report(package='GenomicDataCommons')







## $commit
## [1] "e9e20d6f97f2bf6dd3b3261e36ead57c56a4c7cc"
## $data_release
## [1] "Data Release 12.0 - June 13, 2018"
## $status
## [1] "OK"
## $tag
## [1] "1.14.1"
## $version
## [1] 1

If this statement results in an error such as SSL connect error, see the troubleshooting section below.


下面的代码构建了一个manifest用来引导原始数据的下载,使用HTSeq查找和过滤Ovarian Cancer的基因表达的原始计数。

ge_manifest = files() %>%
    filter( ~ cases.project.project_id == 'TCGA-OV' &
                type == 'gene_expression' &
                analysis.workflow_type == 'HTSeq - Counts') %>%


下面的代码块下载 379 个基因表达数据文件。使用多进程进行下载可以极快地提高下载速度。

destdir = tempdir()
fnames = lapply(ge_manifest$id[1:20],gdcdata)

如果下载的数据包含控制data,下载时需要包括一个token(有下载权限的标志)。具体请看the authentication section below.


expands = c("diagnoses","annotations",
clinResults = cases() %>%
    GenomicDataCommons::select(NULL) %>%
    GenomicDataCommons::expand(expands) %>%
## List of 4
##  $ diagnoses  :List of 50
##   ..$ 3562f2d3-a4ca-4eb3-a6a0-d2e9d68364c6:'data.frame': 1 obs. of  19 variables:
##   .. ..$ progression_or_recurrence        : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ classification_of_tumor          : chr "metastasis"
##   .. ..$ last_known_disease_status        : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ tumor_grade                      : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ tissue_or_organ_of_origin        : chr "Lung, NOS"
##   .. ..$ created_datetime                 : chr "2017-06-19T09:21:58.285024-05:00"
##   .. ..$ updated_datetime                 : chr "2017-10-13T13:38:40.036812-05:00"
##   .. ..$ primary_diagnosis                : chr "Adenocarcinoma, NOS"
##   .. ..$ submitter_id                     : chr "AD7376_diagnosis"
##   .. ..$ site_of_resection_or_biopsy      : chr "Liver"
##   .. .. [list output truncated]
##   ..$ 36a29f50-5081-4a45-ab83-b11164e6781a:'data.frame': 1 obs. of  19 variables:
##   .. ..$ progression_or_recurrence        : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ classification_of_tumor          : chr "metastasis"
##   .. ..$ last_known_disease_status        : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ tumor_grade                      : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ tissue_or_organ_of_origin        : chr "Lung, NOS"
##   .. ..$ created_datetime                 : chr "2017-06-16T16:15:26.111532-05:00"
##   .. ..$ updated_datetime                 : chr "2017-10-13T13:38:40.036812-05:00"
##   .. ..$ primary_diagnosis                : chr "Small cell carcinoma, NOS"
##   .. ..$ submitter_id                     : chr "AD15003_diagnosis"
##   .. ..$ site_of_resection_or_biopsy      : chr "Lymph node, NOS"
##   .. .. [list output truncated]
##   ..$ b8ed18f9-2582-4454-a5d8-529370d9da2b:'data.frame': 1 obs. of  19 variables:
##   .. ..$ progression_or_recurrence        : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ classification_of_tumor          : chr "Unknown"
##   .. ..$ last_known_disease_status        : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ tumor_grade                      : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ tissue_or_organ_of_origin        : chr "Head, face or neck, NOS"
##   .. ..$ created_datetime                 : chr "2017-06-16T16:04:08.462038-05:00"
##   .. ..$ updated_datetime                 : chr "2017-10-13T13:38:40.036812-05:00"
##   .. ..$ primary_diagnosis                : chr "Squamous cell carcinoma, NOS"
##   .. ..$ submitter_id                     : chr "AD4846_diagnosis"
##   .. ..$ site_of_resection_or_biopsy      : chr "Lung, NOS"
##   .. .. [list output truncated]
##   ..$ fd9ffb79-7d96-4a14-955e-236011d283b6:'data.frame': 1 obs. of  19 variables:
##   .. ..$ progression_or_recurrence        : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ classification_of_tumor          : chr "primary"
##   .. ..$ last_known_disease_status        : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ tumor_grade                      : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ tissue_or_organ_of_origin        : chr "Colon, NOS"
##   .. ..$ created_datetime                 : chr "2017-06-19T09:25:18.484242-05:00"
##   .. ..$ updated_datetime                 : chr "2017-10-13T13:38:40.036812-05:00"
##   .. ..$ primary_diagnosis                : chr "Adenocarcinoma, NOS"
##   .. ..$ submitter_id                     : chr "AD8471_diagnosis"
##   .. ..$ site_of_resection_or_biopsy      : chr "Colon, NOS"
##   .. .. [list output truncated]
##   ..$ 672fdc0b-0844-4bbf-8b3a-1bff693d17fc:'data.frame': 1 obs. of  19 variables:
##   .. ..$ progression_or_recurrence        : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ classification_of_tumor          : chr "primary"
##   .. ..$ last_known_disease_status        : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ tumor_grade                      : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ tissue_or_organ_of_origin        : chr "Stomach, NOS"
##   .. ..$ created_datetime                 : chr "2017-06-16T16:04:28.356056-05:00"
##   .. ..$ updated_datetime                 : chr "2017-10-13T13:38:40.036812-05:00"
##   .. ..$ primary_diagnosis                : chr "Adenocarcinoma, NOS"
##   .. ..$ submitter_id                     : chr "AD880_diagnosis"
##   .. ..$ site_of_resection_or_biopsy      : chr "Stomach, NOS"
##   .. .. [list output truncated]
##   ..$ 3468b376-b05e-40e7-851b-25bb9251378f:'data.frame': 1 obs. of  19 variables:
##   .. ..$ progression_or_recurrence        : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ classification_of_tumor          : chr "Unknown"
##   .. ..$ last_known_disease_status        : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ tumor_grade                      : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ tissue_or_organ_of_origin        : chr "Unknown"
##   .. ..$ created_datetime                 : chr "2017-06-16T16:05:07.197842-05:00"
##   .. ..$ updated_datetime                 : chr "2017-10-13T13:38:40.036812-05:00"
##   .. ..$ primary_diagnosis                : chr "Adenocarcinoma, NOS"
##   .. ..$ submitter_id                     : chr "AD103_diagnosis"
##   .. ..$ site_of_resection_or_biopsy      : chr "Not Reported"
##   .. .. [list output truncated]
##   ..$ 2d29df1c-a548-4e95-8206-3c473e9ffdca:'data.frame': 1 obs. of  19 variables:
##   .. ..$ progression_or_recurrence        : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ classification_of_tumor          : chr "metastasis"
##   .. ..$ last_known_disease_status        : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ tumor_grade                      : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ tissue_or_organ_of_origin        : chr "Lung, NOS"
##   .. ..$ created_datetime                 : chr "2017-06-16T15:43:06.585011-05:00"
##   .. ..$ updated_datetime                 : chr "2018-01-29T14:25:29.405142-06:00"
##   .. ..$ primary_diagnosis                : chr "Adenocarcinoma, NOS"
##   .. ..$ submitter_id                     : chr "AD2816_diagnosis"
##   .. ..$ site_of_resection_or_biopsy      : chr "Connective, subcutaneous and other soft tissues, NOS"
##   .. .. [list output truncated]
##   ..$ 5bd74091-bef3-49a1-b617-45167f02baa6:'data.frame': 1 obs. of  19 variables:
##   .. ..$ progression_or_recurrence        : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ classification_of_tumor          : chr "Unknown"
##   .. ..$ last_known_disease_status        : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ tumor_grade                      : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ tissue_or_organ_of_origin        : chr "Unknown"
##   .. ..$ created_datetime                 : chr "2017-06-16T15:39:59.533998-05:00"
##   .. ..$ updated_datetime                 : chr "2017-10-13T13:38:40.036812-05:00"
##   .. ..$ primary_diagnosis                : chr "Adenocarcinoma, NOS"
##   .. ..$ submitter_id                     : chr "AD10160_diagnosis"
##   .. ..$ site_of_resection_or_biopsy      : chr "Bone, NOS"
##   .. .. [list output truncated]
##   ..$ 48758eeb-6d56-41ff-b0f5-e2e5bfa3e63a:'data.frame': 1 obs. of  19 variables:
##   .. ..$ progression_or_recurrence        : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ classification_of_tumor          : chr "metastasis"
##   .. ..$ last_known_disease_status        : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ tumor_grade                      : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ tissue_or_organ_of_origin        : chr "Anus, NOS"
##   .. ..$ created_datetime                 : chr "2017-06-19T09:33:40.540869-05:00"
##   .. ..$ updated_datetime                 : chr "2017-10-13T13:38:40.036812-05:00"
##   .. ..$ primary_diagnosis                : chr "Squamous cell carcinoma, NOS"
##   .. ..$ submitter_id                     : chr "AD9751_diagnosis"
##   .. ..$ site_of_resection_or_biopsy      : chr "Brain, NOS"
##   .. .. [list output truncated]
##   ..$ 2bac2a54-5843-498d-bfeb-6d795ba54665:'data.frame': 1 obs. of  19 variables:
##   .. ..$ progression_or_recurrence        : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ classification_of_tumor          : chr "primary"
##   .. ..$ last_known_disease_status        : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ tumor_grade                      : chr "not reported"
##   .. ..$ tissue_or_organ_of_origin        : chr "Kidney, NOS"
##   .. ..$ created_datetime                 : chr "2017-06-16T15:43:06.585011-05:00"
##   .. ..$ updated_datetime                 : chr "2017-10-13T13:38:40.036812-05:00"
##   .. ..$ primary_diagnosis                : chr "Papillary renal cell carcinoma"
##   .. ..$ submitter_id                     : chr "AD2814_diagnosis"
##   .. ..$ site_of_resection_or_biopsy      : chr "Kidney, NOS"
##   .. .. [list output truncated]
##   .. [list output truncated]
##  $ case_id    : chr [1:50] "3562f2d3-a4ca-4eb3-a6a0-d2e9d68364c6" "36a29f50-5081-4a45-ab83-b11164e6781a" "b8ed18f9-2582-4454-a5d8-529370d9da2b" "fd9ffb79-7d96-4a14-955e-236011d283b6" ...
##  $ demographic:'data.frame': 50 obs. of  8 variables:
##   ..$ updated_datetime: chr [1:50] "2017-10-13T13:38:40.036812-05:00" "2017-10-13T13:38:40.036812-05:00" "2017-10-13T13:38:40.036812-05:00" "2017-10-13T13:38:40.036812-05:00" ...
##   ..$ created_datetime: chr [1:50] "2017-06-19T11:44:09.223033-05:00" "2017-06-19T11:42:12.871583-05:00" "2017-06-19T11:33:07.960036-05:00" "2017-06-19T11:45:29.124685-05:00" ...
##   ..$ gender          : chr [1:50] "male" "male" "female" "female" ...
##   ..$ submitter_id    : chr [1:50] "AD7376_demographic" "AD15003_demographic" "AD4846_demographic" "AD8471_demographic" ...
##   ..$ state           : chr [1:50] "submitted" "submitted" "submitted" "submitted" ...
##   ..$ race            : chr [1:50] "not reported" "not reported" "not reported" "not reported" ...
##   ..$ demographic_id  : chr [1:50] "39e8ea37-69ca-4541-b26c-4dbaa5cd8b77" "3a456586-6198-44d7-9dfa-fb510796d3ad" "ec055724-878d-4c2f-881c-aae7fcf8e5aa" "6f286488-6b1d-432c-8014-bacf68423fd6" ...
##   ..$ ethnicity       : chr [1:50] "not reported" "not reported" "not reported" "not reported" ...
##  $ id         : chr [1:50] "3562f2d3-a4ca-4eb3-a6a0-d2e9d68364c6" "36a29f50-5081-4a45-ab83-b11164e6781a" "b8ed18f9-2582-4454-a5d8-529370d9da2b" "fd9ffb79-7d96-4a14-955e-236011d283b6" ...
##  - attr(*, "row.names")= int [1:50] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "GDCcasesResults" "GDCResults" "list"



  1. 基于GDC API终点的简单查询构建器
  2. 应用,修正过滤,字段选择和分面的动词集合并生成一个新的查询对象
  3. 执行查询和从GDC返回结果的动词集合

另外还有一些询问GDC API信息与可获取的字段,索引BAM文件,下载实际数据文件的函数。


  • Creating a query
    • projects()
    • cases()
    • files()
    • annotations()
  • Manipulating a query
    • filter()
    • facet()
    • select()
  • Introspection on the GDC API fields
    • mapping()
    • available_fields()
    • default_fields()
    • grep_fields()
    • field_picker()
    • available_values()
    • available_expand()
  • Executing an API call to retrieve query results
    • results()
    • count()
    • response()
  • Raw data file downloads
    • gdcdata()
    • transfer()
    • gdc_client()
  • Summarizing and aggregating field values (faceting)
    • aggregations()
  • Authentication
    • gdc_token()
  • BAM file slicing
    • slicing()


处理NCI GDC是存在两类操作。

  1. 查询元数据和查找数据文件 (例如,为某类癌症病人查找所有的基因表达定量数据文件)
  2. 从GDC传输原始或处理过的数据到另一台电脑



大量关于病人、文件、项目和所谓注释的元数据都可以通过NCI GDC API获取。通常,我们想要查询元数据,然后进行下载或者执行所谓的聚合操作(和table()类似的功能)

首先创建一个空查询获取元数据。我们然后经常想要filter查询,对retrieving results提前进行一些限制。GenomicDataCommons包有列出条目的帮助函数用来帮助过滤。



  • projects()
  • cases()
  • files()
  • annotations()
pquery = projects()


  • 字段:这是一个关于字段的字符串向量,在检索数据时会返回。如果没有指定字段,会使用默认字段 (查看 default_fields())。
  • filters: 在使用filter()方法后会返回结果用于对后续的结果检索进行过滤。
  • facets: 一个字段的字符串向量,在聚合数据(aggreations())时使用。
  • archive: 要么“default”要么“legacy”
  • token: 来自GDC的token字符串。查看the authentication section获取详情,注意,通常检索原始数据是不需要权限的,有些数据的下载需要。


## List of 5
##  $ fields : chr [1:16] "awg_review" "dbgap_accession_number" "disease_type" "in_review" ...
##  $ filters: NULL
##  $ facets : NULL
##  $ legacy : logi FALSE
##  $ expand : NULL
##  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "gdc_projects" "GDCQuery" "list"


[ GDC分页文档]

[ GDC排序文档 ]


pcount = count(pquery)
# 或者
pcount = pquery %>% count()
## [1] 40


presults = pquery %>% results()


## List of 8
##  $ dbgap_accession_number: chr [1:10] "phs001179" "phs000470" NA NA ...
##  $ disease_type          :List of 10
##   ..$ FM-AD    : chr [1:23] "Germ Cell Neoplasms" "Acinar Cell Neoplasms" "Miscellaneous Tumors" "Thymic Epithelial Neoplasms" ...
##   ..$ TARGET-RT: chr "Rhabdoid Tumor"
##   ..$ TCGA-UCS : chr "Uterine Carcinosarcoma"
##   ..$ TCGA-LUSC: chr "Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma"
##   ..$ TCGA-BRCA: chr "Breast Invasive Carcinoma"
##   ..$ TCGA-SKCM: chr "Skin Cutaneous Melanoma"
##   ..$ TARGET-OS: chr "Osteosarcoma"
##   ..$ TCGA-THYM: chr "Thymoma"
##   ..$ TARGET-WT: chr "High-Risk Wilms Tumor"
##   ..$ TCGA-ESCA: chr "Esophageal Carcinoma"
##  $ released              : logi [1:10] TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
##  $ state                 : chr [1:10] "open" "open" "open" "open" ...
##  $ primary_site          :List of 10
##   ..$ FM-AD    : chr [1:42] "Kidney" "Testis" "Unknown" "Other and unspecified parts of biliary tract" ...
##   ..$ TARGET-RT: chr "Kidney"
##   ..$ TCGA-UCS : chr "Uterus"
##   ..$ TCGA-LUSC: chr "Lung"
##   ..$ TCGA-BRCA: chr "Breast"
##   ..$ TCGA-SKCM: chr "Skin"
##   ..$ TARGET-OS: chr "Bone"
##   ..$ TCGA-THYM: chr "Thymus"
##   ..$ TARGET-WT: chr "Kidney"
##   ..$ TCGA-ESCA: chr "Esophagus"
##  $ project_id            : chr [1:10] "FM-AD" "TARGET-RT" "TCGA-UCS" "TCGA-LUSC" ...
##  $ id                    : chr [1:10] "FM-AD" "TARGET-RT" "TCGA-UCS" "TCGA-LUSC" ...
##  $ name                  : chr [1:10] "Foundation Medicine Adult Cancer Clinical Dataset (FM-AD)" "Rhabdoid Tumor" "Uterine Carcinosarcoma" "Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma" ...
##  - attr(*, "row.names")= int [1:10] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
##  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "GDCprojectsResults" "GDCResults" "list"


## [1] 10
presults = pquery %>% results_all()
## [1] 40
# 包含所有的记录
length(ids(presults)) == count(pquery)
## [1] TRUE

抽取结果的子集或者将结果变成更通用的R数据结构不是很简单,然后可以借助 purrrrlist、 和data.tree



[ GDC fields 文档 ]

查询和检索GDC数据的中心是指定想要返回的字段、根据字段与值进行过滤、分面或者聚合。本包包含两个简单地函数,available_fields()default_fields()。每个都可以操作“cases”, “files”, “annotations”, “projects”或者GDCQuery对象。

##  [1] "access"                "acl"                  
##  [3] "batch_id"              "created_datetime"     
##  [5] "data_category"         "data_format"          
##  [7] "data_type"             "error_type"           
##  [9] "experimental_strategy" "file_autocomplete"    
## [11] "file_id"               "file_name"            
## [13] "file_size"             "file_state"           
## [15] "imaging_date"          "magnification"        
## [17] "md5sum"                "origin"               
## [19] "platform"              "read_pair_number"     
## [21] "revision"              "state"                
## [23] "state_comment"         "submitter_id"         
## [25] "tags"                  "type"                 
## [27] "updated_datetime"
# The number of fields available for files endpoint
## [1] 703
# The first few fields available for files endpoint
## [1] "access"                    "acl"                      
## [3] "analysis.analysis_id"      "analysis.analysis_type"   
## [5] "analysis.batch_id"         "analysis.created_datetime"


# 这里是默认字段
qcases = cases()
##  [1] "aliquot_ids"              "analyte_ids"             
##  [3] "batch_id"                 "case_autocomplete"       
##  [5] "case_id"                  "created_datetime"        
##  [7] "days_to_index"            "days_to_lost_to_followup"
##  [9] "disease_type"             "index_date"              
## [11] "lost_to_followup"         "portion_ids"             
## [13] "primary_site"             "sample_ids"              
## [15] "slide_ids"                "state"                   
## [17] "submitter_aliquot_ids"    "submitter_analyte_ids"   
## [19] "submitter_id"             "submitter_portion_ids"   
## [21] "submitter_sample_ids"     "submitter_slide_ids"     
## [23] "updated_datetime"
# 使用所有的字段
# Note that checking of fields is done by select()
qcases = cases() %>% GenomicDataCommons::select(available_fields('cases'))
## [1] "case_id"                   "aliquot_ids"              
## [3] "analyte_ids"               "annotations.annotation_id"
## [5] "annotations.batch_id"      "annotations.case_id"



[ GDC facet 文档 ]

有点类似R的table方法,GDC API提供了称为聚合或分面的操作,通过指定一个或多个字段,GDC会返回所有可能值的计数。

# 指定文件类型的综述
res = files() %>% facet(c('type','data_type')) %>% aggregations()
##                            key doc_count
## 1      simple_somatic_mutation     64015
## 2   annotated_somatic_mutation     63580
## 3                aligned_reads     45985
## 4          copy_number_segment     44752
## 5              gene_expression     34713
## 6                  slide_image     30036
## 7       biospecimen_supplement     25151
## 8             mirna_expression     22976
## 9          clinical_supplement     12496
## 10      methylation_beta_value     12359
## 11 aggregated_somatic_mutation       186
## 12     masked_somatic_mutation       132


[ GDC filtering 文档 ]

The GenomicDataCommons package 使用了一种非标准的评估形式来指定类似于R的查询,然后翻译为R列表。这个R表达式使用了公式接口,如Hadley Wickham 在vignette on non-standard evaluation中所建议。

It’s best to use a formula because a formula captures both the expression to evaluate and the environment where the evaluation occurs. This is important if the expression is a mixture of variables in a data frame and objects in the local environment [for example].


qfiles = files()
qfiles %>% count() # all files
## [1] 356381


qfiles = files() %>% filter(~ type == 'gene_expression')
# here is what the filter looks like after translation
## List of 2
##  $ op     : 'scalar' chr "="
##  $ content:List of 2
##   ..$ field: chr "type"
##   ..$ value: chr "gene_expression"



##  [1] "cases.diagnoses.progression_free_survival"               
##  [2] "cases.diagnoses.progression_free_survival_event"         
##  [3] "cases.diagnoses.progression_or_recurrence"               
##  [4] "cases.project.awg_review"                                
##  [5] "cases.project.dbgap_accession_number"                    
##  [6] "cases.project.disease_type"                              
##  [7] "cases.project.in_review"                                 
##  [8] "cases.project.intended_release_date"                     
##  [9] "cases.project.is_legacy"                                 
## [10] "cases.project.name"                                      
## [11] "cases.project.primary_site"                              
## [12] "cases.project.program.dbgap_accession_number"            
## [13] "cases.project.program.name"                              
## [14] "cases.project.program.program_id"                        
## [15] "cases.project.project_id"                                
## [16] "cases.project.releasable"                                
## [17] "cases.project.release_requested"                         
## [18] "cases.project.released"                                  
## [19] "cases.project.request_submission"                        
## [20] "cases.project.state"                                     
## [21] "cases.project.submission_enabled"                        
## [22] "cases.samples.days_to_sample_procurement"                
## [23] "cases.samples.method_of_sample_procurement"              
## [24] "cases.samples.portions.slides.number_proliferating_cells"
## [25] "cases.tissue_source_site.project"


files() %>% facet('cases.project.project_id') %>% aggregations()
## $cases.project.project_id
##            key doc_count
## 1        FM-AD     36134
## 2    TCGA-BRCA     31511
## 3    TCGA-LUAD     17051
## 4    TCGA-UCEC     16130
## 5    TCGA-HNSC     15266
## 6      TCGA-OV     15057
## 7    TCGA-THCA     14420
## 8    TCGA-LUSC     15323
## 9     TCGA-LGG     14723
## 10   TCGA-KIRC     15082
## 11   TCGA-PRAD     14287
## 12   TCGA-COAD     14270
## 13    TCGA-GBM     11973
## 14   TCGA-SKCM     12724
## 15   TCGA-STAD     12845
## 16   TCGA-BLCA     11710
## 17   TCGA-LIHC     10814
## 18   TCGA-CESC      8593
## 19   TCGA-KIRP      8506
## 20   TCGA-SARC      7493
## 21   TCGA-PAAD      5306
## 22   TCGA-ESCA      5270
## 23   TCGA-PCPG      5032
## 24   TCGA-READ      4918
## 25   TCGA-TGCT      4217
## 26   TCGA-THYM      3444
## 27   TCGA-LAML      3960
## 28  TARGET-NBL      2795
## 29    TCGA-ACC      2546
## 30   TCGA-KICH      2324
## 31   TCGA-MESO      2330
## 32  TARGET-AML      2170
## 33    TCGA-UVM      2179
## 34    TCGA-UCS      1658
## 35   TARGET-WT      1406
## 36   TCGA-DLBC      1330
## 37   TCGA-CHOL      1348
## 38   TARGET-OS        47
## 39   TARGET-RT       174
## 40 TARGET-CCSK        15


qfiles = files() %>%
    filter( ~ cases.project.project_id == 'TCGA-OV' & type == 'gene_expression')
## List of 2
##  $ op     : 'scalar' chr "and"
##  $ content:List of 2
##   ..$ :List of 2
##   .. ..$ op     : 'scalar' chr "="
##   .. ..$ content:List of 2
##   .. .. ..$ field: chr "cases.project.project_id"
##   .. .. ..$ value: chr "TCGA-OV"
##   ..$ :List of 2
##   .. ..$ op     : 'scalar' chr "="
##   .. ..$ content:List of 2
##   .. .. ..$ field: chr "type"
##   .. .. ..$ value: chr "gene_expression"
qfiles %>% count()
## [1] 1137


manifest_df = qfiles %>% manifest()
## # A tibble: 6 x 5
##   id                                   filename      md5        size state
##   <chr>                                <chr>         <chr>     <int> <chr>
## 1 567ced20-00cf-46f4-8bb8-a8553eba7f4b b2552f6f-dd1~ 9af0d99~ 258324 live 
## 2 05692746-1770-47bd-8faa-f864a37e0084 701b8c71-6c0~ 8e9816f~ 526537 live 
## 3 e2d47640-8565-4383-b2dd-0d3e2762e3da b2552f6f-dd1~ e05190e~ 543367 live 
## 4 bc6dab72-dc5a-4ca6-aef3-f7242fa8e329 a1c4f19e-079~ 110d8cd~ 253059 live 
## 5 0a176c20-f3f3-4bc9-bfe2-b2469e745025 01eac123-1e2~ b40921f~ 540592 live 
## 6 2ae73487-7acf-4282-85d8-927f2ab8f18b 12c8b289-b9d~ 4d3c2b9~ 549437 live

注意我们可能处理的有些问题。查下文件名,存在很多文件包含“FPKM”, “FPKM-UQ”或 “counts”之类的。所以还需要进行过滤:

qfiles = files() %>% filter( ~ cases.project.project_id == 'TCGA-OV' &
                            type == 'gene_expression' &
                            analysis.workflow_type == 'HTSeq - Counts')
manifest_df = qfiles %>% manifest()
## [1] 379

现在可以使用GDC 数据传输工具(在R中使用transfer()或者使用命令行)进行所有文件的下载。查看the bulk downloads section


[ GDC 认证 documentation ]

GDC提供控制和开放数据。控制的数据需要获得授权才能下载,请查看going through the process of obtaining access.

获取控制数据的授权后就可以下载了,首先要拿到一个种子文件(access a GDC authentication token),然后使用该包进行下载。

本包使用认证种子下载数据(查看transfergdcdata 文档),包含一个帮助函数gdc_token,它会用下面三种方式查找(按顺序)种子文件:

  1. 字符串,存储为环境变量GDC_TOKEN
  2. 文件路径,存为环境变量GDC_TOKEN_FILE
  3. 用户家目录下的文件.gdc_token


token = gdc_token()
# 或者


通过GDC API进行数据下载


fnames = gdcdata(manifest_df$id[1:2],progress=FALSE)




fnames = gdcdata(manifest_df$id[3:10], access_method = 'client')




res = cases() %>% facet("project.project_id") %>% aggregations()
## $project.project_id
##            key doc_count
## 1        FM-AD     18004
## 2   TARGET-NBL      1127
## 3    TCGA-BRCA      1098
## 4   TARGET-AML       988
## 5    TARGET-WT       652
## 6     TCGA-GBM       617
## 7      TCGA-OV       608
## 8    TCGA-LUAD       585
## 9    TCGA-UCEC       560
## 10   TCGA-KIRC       537
## 11   TCGA-HNSC       528
## 12    TCGA-LGG       516
## 13   TCGA-THCA       507
## 14   TCGA-LUSC       504
## 15   TCGA-PRAD       500
## 16   TCGA-SKCM       470
## 17   TCGA-COAD       461
## 18   TCGA-STAD       443
## 19   TCGA-BLCA       412
## 20   TARGET-OS       381
## 21   TCGA-LIHC       377
## 22   TCGA-CESC       307
## 23   TCGA-KIRP       291
## 24   TCGA-SARC       261
## 25   TCGA-LAML       200
## 26   TCGA-ESCA       185
## 27   TCGA-PAAD       185
## 28   TCGA-PCPG       179
## 29   TCGA-READ       172
## 30   TCGA-TGCT       150
## 31   TCGA-THYM       124
## 32   TCGA-KICH       113
## 33    TCGA-ACC        92
## 34   TCGA-MESO        87
## 35    TCGA-UVM        80
## 36   TARGET-RT        75
## 37   TCGA-DLBC        58
## 38    TCGA-UCS        57
## 39   TCGA-CHOL        51
## 40 TARGET-CCSK        13
ggplot(res$project.project_id,aes(x = key, y = doc_count)) +
    geom_bar(stat='identity') +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))



cases() %>% filter(~ project.program.name=='TARGET') %>% count()
## [1] 3236

有多少个案例包含在所有项目中? How many cases are included in all TCGA projects?

cases() %>% filter(~ project.program.name=='TCGA') %>% count()
## [1] 11315


# The need to do the "&" here is a requirement of the
# current version of the GDC API. I have filed a feature
# request to remove this requirement.
resp = cases() %>% filter(~ project.project_id=='TCGA-BRCA' &
                              project.project_id=='TCGA-BRCA' ) %>%
    facet('samples.sample_type') %>% aggregations()
##                    key doc_count
## 1        Primary Tumor      1098
## 2 Blood Derived Normal      1011
## 3  Solid Tissue Normal       162
## 4           Metastatic         7


# The need to do the "&" here is a requirement of the
# current version of the GDC API. I have filed a feature
# request to remove this requirement.
resp = cases() %>% filter(~ project.project_id=='TCGA-BRCA' &
                              samples.sample_type=='Solid Tissue Normal') %>%
    GenomicDataCommons::select(c(default_fields(cases()),'samples.sample_type')) %>%
## [1] 162
res = resp %>% results()
## List of 1
##  $ updated_datetime: chr [1:162] "2018-05-21T16:07:40.645885-05:00" "2018-05-21T16:07:40.645885-05:00" "2018-05-21T16:07:40.645885-05:00" "2018-05-21T16:07:40.645885-05:00" ...
## [1] "6fa2a667-9c36-4526-8a58-1975e863a806"
## [2] "ef4cbd38-bc79-4d60-a715-647edd2ebe9e"
## [3] "dd3bfb26-b534-4917-9c4d-9fe7b6477762"
## [4] "9ddc3e7b-8b54-4a83-8335-8053940f56c1"
## [5] "f130f376-5801-40f9-975d-a7e2f7b5670d"
## [6] "af577366-0258-49e7-b6af-e70056c081a4"



res = files() %>% facet('type') %>% aggregations()
##                            key doc_count
## 1      simple_somatic_mutation     64015
## 2   annotated_somatic_mutation     63580
## 3                aligned_reads     45985
## 4          copy_number_segment     44752
## 5              gene_expression     34713
## 6                  slide_image     30036
## 7       biospecimen_supplement     25151
## 8             mirna_expression     22976
## 9          clinical_supplement     12496
## 10      methylation_beta_value     12359
## 11 aggregated_somatic_mutation       186
## 12     masked_somatic_mutation       132
ggplot(res$type,aes(x = key,y = doc_count)) + geom_bar(stat='identity') +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))



q = files() %>%
    GenomicDataCommons::select(available_fields('files')) %>%
    filter(~ cases.project.project_id=='TCGA-GBM' &
               data_type=='Gene Expression Quantification')
q %>% facet('analysis.workflow_type') %>% aggregations()
## $analysis.workflow_type
##               key doc_count
## 1  HTSeq - Counts       174
## 2    HTSeq - FPKM       174
## 3 HTSeq - FPKM-UQ       174
# so need to add another filter
file_ids = q %>% filter(~ cases.project.project_id=='TCGA-GBM' &
                            data_type=='Gene Expression Quantification' &
                            analysis.workflow_type == 'HTSeq - Counts') %>%
    GenomicDataCommons::select('file_id') %>%
    response_all() %>%



q = files() %>%
    GenomicDataCommons::select(available_fields('files')) %>%
    filter(~ cases.project.project_id == 'TCGA-GBM' &
               data_type == 'Aligned Reads' &
               experimental_strategy == 'RNA-Seq' &
               data_format == 'BAM')
file_ids = q %>% response_all() %>% ids()
bamfile = slicing(file_ids[1],regions="chr12:6534405-6538375",token=gdc_token())
aligns = readGAlignments(bamfile)




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