gossip girl 经典台词

  • Gossip girl: Hey, east siders, gossip girl here, your one and only source into the life of Manhattan’s elites. And who am I? That’s a secret I’ll never tell. You know you love me, XOXO, gossip girl。
  • Gossip girl: Long ago, when European royals grew bored with palace balls, they took a page from the peons and added some pageantry. Couture and canapé are just another Saturday night until you add a mask, but preparing for a ball is an event in itself, which is why queens invented handmaidens.

  • Gossip girl: On the Upper East Side, appearances are often deceiving, from friends to hair color, there's always more than meets the eye.

  • Gossip girl: What was it we said about appearances? Yes, they can be deceiving. But most of the time, what you see is what you get.

  • girl: Looks like cold hard cash can get you the cold hard truth.

  • Gossip girl: When the cat's away, the mice will play. Have fun, little rodents.

  • Gossip girl: As you might have guessed, upper east siders, prohibition never stood a chance against exhibition. It's human nature to be free. And no matter how long you try to be good, you can't keep a bad girl down.

  • Gossip girl: On the upper East Side, it's easy to think that the world is exactly as it appears, refined, elegant, imposing. But sometimes, all it takes is a little key , to open the door to the wild side.

  • Gossip girl: Some presents might end up getting returned... But some gifts are for keeps. Other presents come when you least expect them.
    有些礼物很有可能会被退回去... 而有些礼物可以一直保留,还有些礼物出乎你的意料。

  • Gossip girl: For a scandal to really blow up, all it needs is an unexpected turn.
    要想丑闻完全的曝光 ,需要的只是一个偶然的转折点。

  • Gossip girl: One may be the loneliest number... But sometimes only the lonely can play.
    1或许是最孤独的数字... 但是,有时候只有孤独的人才玩得起。

  • Gossip Girl: In the city that never sleeps, a lot can happen in one night.

  • Gossip girl: They say in fashion, you can become a success overnight . But one minute you're in, and the next you're out.

  • Gossip girl: One thing about making a deal with the devil . He always comes to collect.

  • Gossip girl: It seems the saying's true-- Like mother,like daughter. Or is it the other way around?

  • Gossip Girl: Scampering about in a slip is one way to shed old skin, but will embracing free love be as easy as flinging off a pair of Fendi flats?
    摆脱束缚也是一种超越自我, 拥抱自由的恋爱会像扔掉一双 Fendi 鞋一样容易吗?

  • Gossip girl: There's nothing quite like autumn in New York . But it's not only the leaves that change. Something in the air brings out the true colors in everyone .

  • Gossip Girl: They say a leopard can't change his spots, but some things do change. . .
    他们说江山易改,本性难移,但有些却会改变. .

  • Gossip girl: The problem with fairy tales is that they set a girl up for disappointment. In real life, the prince goes off with the wrong princess. Or the spell wears off and two lovers realize they are better off as... Well , whatever they are.

  • Gossip Girl: Just because you finally tell the truth doesn't mean there won't be consequences.

  • Gossip Girl :We all know one nation couldn't have two queens.

  • Gossip girl: Sometimes in order to spread the most outrageous rumors, we look over the very thing that even more scandalous. The truth and the only thing more shocking than the truth are the lies people tell to cover it up.

  • Gossip girl: Never mix business with pleasure.

  • Gossip Girl: Forget a grand entrance. Everybody knows it's the exit they'll remember.

  • Queen B :You need to be cold to be queen . Anne Boleyn thought only with her heart . And she got her head chopped off . So her daughter Elizabeth made a vow never to marry a man . She married her country .

  • Gossip girl: One good scandal deserves another.

  • Gossip girl: Any good general knows you never let your soldiers see you sweat.

  • Gossip girl: Age really does come before beauty.

  • Gossip girl: Every great leader knows you don't send your girls into the field unarmed.

  • Gossip girl: Now that you're a big fish, there are a lot more sharks in this pond.

  • Gossip girl: Sometimes the only thing left to do is to wrap your arms around each other one last time and then just let it go.

  • Gossip girl: Sticks and stones may break bones, but a poison pen is the best revenge.

  • Gossip girl: Eventually, every queen finds herself in unfamiliar territory outside the castle walls.

  • Gossip girl: New year, the same old story. The darkest secrets are the ones that hit closest to home.

  • Gossip girl: Whoever said, "You can't have it all,"

  • Gossip girl: There's a weak link in every chain, and it’s just a matter of time before this one snaps.

  • Gossip girl: They say that when someone dies, their secrets are buried with them, But on the upper east side, sometimes the dead still speak. You have one unheard message.

  • Gossip Girl: things always turn up for better , or for worse.

  • Gossip girl: One thing about being on top of the world-- it gives you a long, long way to fall.

  • Gossip Girl: Just because you get out of the game . Doesn't mean someone isn't waiting on the bench to take your place.

  • Gossip girl: It's often said that no matter the truth, people see what they want to see. Some people might take a step back and find out they were looking at the same big picture. Some people might see that their lies have almost caught up to them. Some people may see what was there all along. And then there are those other people-- the ones who run as far as they can, so they don't have to look at themselves.

  • Gossip girl: And as for me? I can see clearly now. x.o.x.o., gossip girl.

  • Gossip girl: Another way the truth comes out when you don't even mean it to... Or when, without saying a word, it's still loud and clear. But the worst thing the truth can do is when you finally tell it , it doesn't set you free, but locks you away forever.

  • Gossip Girl: A beautiful blonde phoenix rising from the ashes of a major public humiliation

  • Gossip girl: Sometimes the most important thing to know is when to get out. And when to give in.

  • Gossip girl: If the lord is our shepherd, it looks like one of his lambs has lost his way,or maybe make that a black sheep. We bring nothing into the world , and we leave nothing behind . But that doesn't mean we don't leave a big ole mess when we go.
    如果上帝就是那放羊的 Shepherd ,看起来其中一只已经成了迷途羔羊,或是成为害群之黑羊。我们生不带来,死不带去,但那并不意味着,逝者不会就此留下难以收拾的残局。

  • Gossip Girl: Too bad it may be too late to do any good.

  • Gossip girl: Shoulder pads may come and go, but a BFF is forever because even when you’re not sure where you’re headed, it helps to know you are not going there alone. No one has all the answers and sometimes the best we can do is just apologize and let the past be the past. Other times we need to look to the future and know that even when we think we’ve seen it at all, life can still surprise us and we can still surprise ourselves.

  • Gossip Girl: Sometimes the biggest surprises are the ones you spring on yourself.

  • Gossip Girl: Snowflake or snow fake, either way is gonna be a ball.

  • Gossip girl: Tonight's no different from the rest. These things always happen around here.

  • Gossip girl: New year, the same old story. The darkest secrets are the ones that hit closest to home.

  • Gossip girl: I guess the new year isn’t about what happened. It’s about what to come. For the past is always with us, just waiting to mess with the present. And when it does, I'll be watching.

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