




1. our 的弱读 /ar/

2. all our 的连读和弱读 /al+ar/

3. 气息:站着读,用腹部呼吸


1. 断裂句(强调句):主语部分含有实意动词do的同时,句中还有 all, the first, the best 等表示所有、唯一、最等概念的词时,或由 what 引导的主语从句,后面的不定式省略to

All I do is (to) wait.

All I do is learn English.

All I want to do is find a way back into love.

What I wanna do is perfect my English.

2. nit-picking 鸡蛋里挑骨头

3. carry weight

(1) carry the weight

carry the weight

(2) carry weight: If a person or their opinion carries weight, they are respected and are able to influence people. 有份量

Your words carry strong/considerable/significant weight. 话太重了,言过其实

4. late/tardy

5. 虚拟语气的缩写和弱读 should've done = shoulda done

6. I hate to say that you're fired. 我不得不说你被解雇了。

7. be well spent 过得很愉快 Yesterday was well spent.

8. in (an) ecstasy 狂喜、欣喜若狂

9. (as) much as = although 尽管

As much as I hate to do it, I must stay home and finish my paper.

I can't leave you here. Much as I'd like to.

Much as I'd like to play Mafia with you, I gotta go now.

10. devil

devil's advocate 故意唱反调的人 He is always a devil's advocate.

deviled egg: halved hard-cooked egg with the yolk mashed with mayonnaise and seasonings and returned to the white 一种蛋的做法

deviled egg

better the devil you know 选择你相对熟悉的(降低风险)

talk/speak of the devil 说曹操,曹操到

The devil's in the details.(这里的devil的意思是 the difficult, deceptive, or problematic part of something)

11. breakdown

(1) 抛锚 The car broke down on the halfway.

(2) 精神崩溃 have a mental breakdown

12. When I was young I'd listen to the radio waiting for my favorite songs. 可以直接在口语中用起来

13. Music is an antidote to loneliness, boredom and basically everything. 音乐是一切的解药

14. grow up + ing 做……长大的

I grow up listening to classical music / crosstalk. 我听古典音乐/相声长大的

15. dance to the music = to the beat 伴着音乐起舞

16. unsung hero 幕后英雄

17. Roger/Copy that 收到 

18. He's my all-time favorite musician. 始终是我最喜欢的

19. rain or shine 风雨无阻;through thick and thin 同甘共苦

20. tear-jerking 催人泪下的;tear-jerker 催人泪下的故事

拓展:page-turner 引人入胜的著作

21. elicit 启发;scratch your head 挠头

22. Those old melodies still sound so good to me, as they melt the years away. 慢慢消失

23. goodie oldie days 美好的旧时光 

拓展:oldie but goodie

24. déjà vu 似曾相识

25. Let bygones be bygones. = Let it go. 过去的事就让它过去吧

26. has-been = be not a big draw anymore 过气的

27. make a comeback = back in fashion 东山再起、复出

It made a comeback. 它又流行起来了。 I'm gonna make a comeback.

28. strong suit 强项

29. stretch 的相关表达

stretch a dollar 节衣缩食,把一分钱掰成两半花;living paycheck to paycheck 月光族

stretch the truth 夸大其词;stretch the rules = band the rules 通融

例如 I'm not asking anyone to stretch/bend the rules, I just want justice to be done.

stretch your legs 散散步

stretch oneself with 全力以赴做某事;sb. was not stretched enough 没有发挥出潜质;sb. is fully stretched 拼命了

He would study for eight to ten hours at a stretch. 他会一口气学习8到10个小时,这里stretch和period, spell一个意思,表示一段时间

30. XX could've used a little work. 委婉地表示可以做得更好、还有改进空间

31. stultify/stultifying 使思维迟钝/无聊

This education is stultifying. 

32. chill / chill out 的实用表达

(1) chill / chill out = easy/relax 淡定点

You can dance to it or just chill to it.

(2) I was just chilling. 我就是随便逛逛(逛商场)

(3) chill with sb = hang out with sb 出去玩

(4) take the chill off it 驱赶寒气

Put it in the oven for a few moments just to take the chill off it.

33. lay back = kick back and relax 放松

34. Let it be. 顺其自然

35. I like the way you are. 我喜欢你的这种方式

36. one on one 一对一 one on one course

37. watch your back 总觉得身后有人的感觉,小心点

拓展:pat your back 拍拍后背

38. stay where you are / stay put 待在原地

39. complex/complicated 的区别

complex 内部组成成分的数量之多;complicated 不重数量,主要强调各个组成部分之间的关系错综复杂

40. buy/purchase 语源不同,导致应用场景不同

41. nuance 细微差别

42. vote with someone's feet 用脚投票,表示反对

43. come over unannounced = show up unannounced 没打招呼突然拜访

拓展:I came prepared. 有备而来

44. strike 的相关表达

(1) strike your pose 摆pose

(2) strick sb. as 让某人觉得

例如:He struck me as a serious but friendly person. 

What struck me as interesting is how much we judge other people by the clothes they wear. 让我倍觉有趣的是我们常常以穿着判断别人

You've always struck me as being an angry man. 

45. crack sb. up = make sb. laugh out 让某人哈哈大笑;cheer sb. up 让某人高兴起来

46. crank up 把音量调大 

47. I promise/guarantee you.

48. down in the dumps / feel blue / shit happens 沮丧、气馁 ;under the weather = slightly ill

49. out of blue 突然

50. hang me out to dry 把我晾这儿了

51. from rags to riches, from zero to hero 从白手起家,逆袭

523. hide 兽皮

拓展:have/tan sb's hide 扒了某人的皮、惩戒

53. a runaway success =  一举成功、一炮打响;get off the ground 顺利开始

54.  through and through 彻底

I'm Chinese /I made in China /I born and raised in China through and through. 我是彻彻底底的中国制造

He knows me through and through. = He knows me well. 他对我了如指掌

55. There is no such thing as a free lunch. 天下没有免费的午餐

56. You have a heart of gold. 你有一颗金子般的心

57. if, but 作名词的用法

That's a big if. 我还不知道呢

Let's have no buts. 别找借口了

There are still a lot of ifs and buts. 还有很多不确定因素

58. assume/shoulder the responsibility 承担责任

59. trillion 万亿;astronomical figure = zillion 天文数字;bajillion 太多了;

I've got a bajillion things/work to do. = I'm too busy.

补充:gazillion of = a very large number of

60. a dime a dozen 白菜价

61. go downhill = go south 走下坡路

Their relationship goes south / is on the rocks. 他们的关系变差了

62. This is my grandpa on my mother's/father's side. 姥爷/爷爷

63. When the days are getting hard.

64. The best things in life, they're free.

65. heaven 

(1) 天堂 in heaven (单数、没有冠词)

(2) 天空 the heavens = the sky

66. No pressure, relish it.

67. shadow 作动词

shadow someone 带带某人 You can shadow him.

68. 有关 sleep 的表达

Let me sleep on it. 让我先好好想一想

sleep like a log 熟睡

69. dwell on = linger on = trap in the past 沉湎于过去

Don't dwell on the past. Time past.

70. clear

The fog clears. 放晴

The coast is clear. (观察时)危险解除

71. shed light on 对...提供线索/透露情况、阐明 clear up 揭开谜团

72. It speaks to me. 深深地打动我

73. out-and-out = through and through 完全地、彻底地

74. through 完成的

I'm through. 我受够了;I'm through with the explaining... 我不想再揭示了

be through with 做完了 I'm through with beer. 我喝完啤酒了

Are you through with it? = Are you finished?

75. stars

shoot/reach for the stars 雄心勃勃

Eric stars in this movie. This movie stars Eric. 主演

76. could use 的用法

The podcast could use some work. 这播客还有很大的提升空间 

I could use some help. 我(真的)需要帮助

76. suggest 的用法

(1) 推荐 suggest sb./sth. for sth. = recommend sth. to sb.

The government suggested constructing another railway link to the mainland.

(2) 建议 suggest to sb.; suggest doing sth. = advise sb. to do sth.

He suggested Smith to us as a suitable intern. 他建议Smith做我们的实习生

He suggested to parents that they should adopt a different way of bringing up their children.

77. in God we trust 美国硬币上的而一句话(倒装)

78. doctor 篡改(v.);docorate 博士学位

79. easy come easy go (钱)来得快去得也快(表示不在乎)

80. leave + adj/介宾短语

81. awe 心生敬畏

82. XX is a shocker. / I was taken aback. 震惊 / awestruck 肃然起敬

83. He is the more handsome version

84. Don't hold your breath. 别期待那么高

85. smell 的拓展:reek 散发臭味

86. Any takers?

87. Watch the company you keep and the crowd you bring.

88. I went out to buy some drinks, they card me. 要求我出示证件

89. Come on, act your age! 有点这个年龄该有的样子

90. Nobody says you have to ...

91. hoes before bros 重色轻友

92. Ghetto 贫民窟

93. shit on you 恶劣地对待

94. y'all guys

95. pull an all-nighter = burn the midnight oil

96. a badge of honor 荣誉的象征

97. ass-in-seat mentality 装模作样地认真工作

98. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻

99. stand by 袖手旁观

100. what it takes 成功的必要条件

101. start with a clean slate 重新开始

102. mental notes 腹稿

103. pitch 作动词

pitch my/an idea 兜售

pitch a tent = set up a tent 

pitch a story/line 编谎话

104. crystal clear 一清二楚 / clear-cut 易懂的、明确的;stagnate 停滞不前 / stifle 压制

I can see you crystal clear.

105. go ahead 也可作名词

I got a greenlight. =  I got the go ahead. 得到许可

106. sell sb. out = rat sb. out 出卖

107. lay bare 揭露

108. underestimate/overestimate 低估/高估;overperform/underperform 超常发挥/表现不佳;overwhelming/underwhelming 极强烈的、无法抗拒的/不够强烈的、索然无味的

109. You can't have it all. = You can't have your cake and eat it.

110. That's another story. = It's different.

111. The rest is history. 剩下的就不需要我多说了,大家都知道了。

112. in-depth discussion/research 深入的

113. bless 的拓展

count your blessings 别身在福中不知福 

a blessing in disguise 因祸得福

god bless you

114. treasure/price your eyes 珍视

115. reap what you sow 自食其果;karma as a bitch 因果报应(karma 可以表示小费)

116. 唱歌的相关表达

bravo(对男性说) / brava(对女性说) 好棒!(表演精彩时的喝彩)

encore 再来一首

bring the house down 赢得了满堂彩 You brought the house down.

117. lap up 欣然接受、照单全收

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