那不勒斯四部曲IV-失踪的孩子 中英双语版29

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I can’t believe it myself. I’ve finished

  this story that I thought would never end. I finished it and patiently reread

  it not so much to improve the quality of the writing as to find out if there

  are even a few lines where it’s possible to trace the evidence that Lila

  entered my text and decided to contribute to writing it. But I have had to

  acknowledge that all these pages are mine alone. What Lila often threatened

  to do—enter my computer—she hasn’t done, maybe she wasn’t even capable of

  doing, it was long a fantasy I had as an old woman inexperienced in networks,

  cables, connections, electronic spirits. Lila is not in these words. There is

  only what I’ve been able to put down. Unless, by imagining what she would

  write and how, I am no longer able to distinguish what’s mine and what’s



Often, during this work, I telephoned

  Rino, I asked about his mother. He doesn’t know anything, the police limited

  themselves to summoning him three or four times to show him the bodies of

  nameless old women—so many of them disappear. A couple of times I had to go

  to Naples, and I met him in the old apartment in the neighborhood, a space

  darker, more run-down than it had been. There really wasn’t anything of Lila

  anymore, everything that had been hers was gone. As for the son, he seemed

  more distracted than usual, as if his mother had definitively gone out of his



I returned to the city for two funerals,

  first my father’s, then Lidia’s, Nino’s mother. I missed the funeral of

  Donato, not out of bitterness, only because I was abroad. When I came to the

  neighborhood for my father there was a great uproar because a young man had

  just been murdered at the entrance to the library. That made me think that

  this story would continue forever, recounting now the efforts of children

  without privileges to improve themselves by getting books from the old

  shelves, as Lila and I had done as girls, and now the thread of seductive

  chatter, promises, deceptions, of blood that prevents any true improvement in

  my city or in the world.


The day of Lidia’s funeral was overcast,

  the city seemed tranquil, I felt tranquil, too. Then Nino arrived and all he

  did was talk loudly, joke, even laugh, as if we were not at his mother’s

  funeral. I found him large, bloated, a big ruddy man with thinning hair who

  was constantly celebrating himself. Getting rid of him, after the funeral,

  was difficult. I didn’t want to listen to him or even look at him. He gave me

  an impression of wasted time, of useless labor, that I feared would stay in

  my mind, extending into me, into everything.


On the occasion of both funerals I made

  plans ahead of time to visit Pasquale. In those years I did that whenever I

  could. In prison he had studied a lot, had received his high school diploma,

  and, recently, a degree in astronomical geography.


“If I’d known that to get a diploma and a

  degree all you needed to have was free time, to be shut up in a place without

  worrying about earning a living, and, with discipline, learning by heart

  pages and pages of some books, I would have done it before,” he said once, in

  a teasing tone.


Today he’s an old man, he speaks

  serenely, he is much better preserved than Nino. With me he rarely resorts to

  dialect. But he hasn’t moved even a hairsbreadth out of the space of generous

  ideas in which his father enclosed him as a boy. When I saw him after Lidia’s

  funeral and told him about Lila he burst out laughing. She must be doing her

  intelligent and imaginative things somewhere, he muttered. And it moved him

  to remember the time in the neighborhood library when the teacher assigned

  prizes to the most diligent readers, and the most diligent was Lila, who took

  out books illegally with her relatives’ cards. Ah, Lila the shoemaker, Lila

  who imitated Kennedy’s wife, Lila the artist and designer, Lila the worker,

  Lila the programmer, Lila always in the same place and always out of place.


“Who took Tina from her?” I asked.


“The Solaras.”




He smiled, showing his bad teeth. I

  understood that he wasn’t telling the truth—maybe he didn’t know it and it

  didn’t even interest him—but was proclaiming the unshakable faith, based on

  the primary experience of injustice, the experience of the neighborhood,

  that—in spite of the reading he had done, the degree he had taken, the

  clandestine journeys, the crimes he had committed or been accused of—remained

  the currency of every certainty he had. He answered:


“Do you also want me to tell you who

  murdered those two pieces of shit?”


Suddenly I read in his gaze something

  that horrified me—an inextinguishable rancor—and I said no. He shook his

  head, and continued to smile. He said:


“You’ll see that when Lila decides to,

  she’ll show up.”


But there was not a trace of her. On

  those two occasions for mourning I walked through the neighborhood, I asked

  around out of curiosity: no one remembered her, or maybe they were

  pretending. I couldn’t even talk about her with Carmen. Roberto died, she left

  the gas pump, went to live with one of her sons, in Formia.


What is the point of all these pages,

  then? I intended to capture her, to have her beside me again, and I will die

  without knowing if I succeeded. Sometimes I wonder where she vanished. At the

  bottom of the sea. Through a fissure or down some subterranean tunnel whose

  existence she alone knows. In an old bathtub filled with a powerful acid. In

  an ancient garbage pit, one of those she devoted so many words to. In the

  crypt of an abandoned church in the mountains. In one of the many dimensions

  that we don’t know yet but Lila does, and now she’s there with her daughter.


Will she return?


Will they return together, Lila old, Tina

  a grown woman?


This morning, sitting on the balcony that

  looks out over the Po, I’m waiting.



I have breakfast every day at seven, I go

  to the newsstand with the Labrador I got recently, I spend a good part of the

  morning in the Valentino playing with the dog, leafing through the papers.

  Yesterday, when I got back, I found on top of my mailbox a package roughly

  wrapped in newspaper. I took it, perplexed. Nothing indicated that it had

  been left for me or for any other tenant. There was no note with it and it

  didn’t even have my last name written in pen somewhere.


I cautiously opened one edge of the

  wrapping, and that was enough. Tina and Nu leaped out of memory even before I

  got them completely out of the newspaper. I immediately recognized the dolls

  that one after the other, almost six decades earlier, had been thrown—mine by

  Lila, Lila’s by me—into a cellar in the neighborhood. They were the dolls we

  had never found, although we had descended underground to look for them. They

  were the ones that Lila had pushed me to go and retrieve from the house of

  Don Achille, ogre and thief, and Don Achille had claimed that he hadn’t taken

  them, and maybe he had imagined that it was his son Alfonso who stole them,

  and so had compensated us with money to buy new ones. But we hadn’t bought

  dolls with that money—how could we have replaced Tina and Nu?—instead we

  bought Little Women, the novel that had led Lila to write The Blue Fairy and

  me to become what I was today, the author of many books and, most important,

  of a remarkably successful story entitled A Friendship.


The lobby of the building was silent, no

  voices or other sounds came from the apartments. I looked around anxiously. I

  wanted Lila to emerge from stairway A or B or from the deserted porter’s

  room, thin, gray, her back bent. I wished it more than any other thing, I

  wished it more than an unexpected visit from my daughters with their

  children. I expected that she would say in her usual mocking way: Do you like

  this gift? But it didn’t happen and I burst into tears. Here’s what she had

  done: she had deceived me, she had dragged me wherever she wanted, from the

  beginning of our friendship. All our lives she had told a story of redemption

  that was hers, using my living body and my existence.


Or maybe not. Maybe those two dolls that

  had crossed more than half a century and had come all the way to Turin meant

  only that she was well and loved me, that she had broken her confines and

  finally intended to travel the world by now no less small than hers, living

  in old age, according to a new truth, the life that in youth had been

  forbidden to her and that she had forbidden herself.


I went up in the elevator, I shut myself

  in my apartment. I examined the two dolls carefully, I smelled the odor of

  mold, I arranged them against the spines of my books. Seeing how cheap and

  ugly they were I felt confused. Unlike stories, real life, when it has

  passed, inclines toward obscurity, not clarity. I thought: now that Lila has

  let herself be seen so plainly, I must resign myself to not seeing her




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