The parents who devote time to their children even when it is not demanded by glaring misdeeds will perceive in them subtle needs for discipline,to which they will respond with gentle urging or reprimand or structure or praise,administered with thoughtfulness and care.They will observe how their children eat cake,how they study,when they tell subtle falsehoods,when they run away from problems rather than face them.They will take the time to make these minor correctionss and adjustments,listening to their children,responding to them,tightening a little here,loosening a little there,giving them little lectures,little stories,little hugs and kisses,little admonishments,little pats on the back.
So it is that the quality of discipline afforded by loving parents is superior to the discipline of unloving parents.But this is just the beginning.In taking the time to observe and to think about their children's needs,loving parents will frequently agonize over the decisions to be made,and will,in a very real sense,suffer along with their children.The children are not blind to this.They perceive it when their parents are willing to suffer with them,and although they may not respond with immediate gratitude,they will learn also to suffer."If my parents are willing to suffer with me,"They will tell themselves ,"then suffering must not be so bad,and I should be willing to suffer with myself." This is the beginning of self-discipline.
The time and the quality of the time that their parents devote to them indicate to children the degree to which they are valued by their parents. Some basically unloving parents,in an attempt to cover up their lack of caring,make frequent professions of love to their children,repetitively and mechanically telling them how much they are valued,but not devoting significant time of high quality to them.Their children are never totally deceived by such hollow words.Consciously they may cling to them,wanting to believe that they are loved,but unconsciously they know that their parents' words do not match up with their deeds.
On the other hand,children who are truly loved,although in moments of pique they may consiciously feel or proclaim that they are being neglected,unconsciously know themselves to be valued.This knowledge is worth more than any gold.For when children know that they are valued,when they truly feel valued in the deepest parts of themselves,then they feel valuable.
The feeling of being valuable--"I am a valuable person"--is essential to mental health and is a cornerstone of self-discipline.It is direct product of a parental love.Such a convition must be gained in childhood;it is extremely difficult to acquire it during adulthood.Conversely,when children have learned through the love of their parents to feel valuable,it is almost impossible for the vicissitudes of adult-hood to destroy their spirit.