


Return Public Methods
void execSQL(String sql) 执行不是SELECT的单个SQL语句或任何其他返回数据的SQL语句。
long insert(String table, String nullColumnHack, ContentValues values)
int delete(String table, String whereClause, String[] whereArgs)
int update(String table, ContentValues values, String whereClause, String[] whereArgs)
Cursor query(boolean distinct, String table, String[] columns, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String groupBy, String having, String orderBy, String limit)
Cursor rawQuery(String sql, String[] selectionArgs)

SQLiteDatabase的insert方法的签名为long insert(String table,String nullColumnHack,ContentValues values),这个插入方法的参数说明如下:

  • table:代表想插入数据的表名。
  • nullColumnHack:代表强行插入null值的数据列的列名。
  • values:代表一行记录的数据。

insert方法插入的一行记录使用ContentValues存放,ContentValues类似于Map,它提供了put(String key,Xxx value)(其中key为数据列的列名)方法用于存入数据、getAsXxx(String key)方法用于取出数据。

ContentValues values=new ContentValues();
long rowid=db.insert("person_inf",null,values);

SQLiteDatabase的update方法签名为update(String table,ContentValues values,String whereClause,String[] whereArgs),这个更新方法的参数说明如下:

  • table:代表想要更新数据的表名。
  • values:代表想要更新的数据。
  • whereClause:满足该whereClause子句的记录将会被更新。
  • whereArgs:用于为whereArgs子句传递参数。


ContentValues values=new ContentValues();
int result=db.update("person_inf",values,"_id>?",new Integer[]{20});

SQLiteDatabase的delete方法签名为delete(String table,String whereClause,String[] whereArgs),这个删除的参数说明如下:

  • table:代表想删除数据的表名。
  • whereClause:满足该whereClause子句的记录将会被删除。
  • whereArgs:用于为whereArgs子句传入参数。


int result=db.delete("person_inf","person_name like ?",new String[]{"孙_"});

SQLiteDatabase的query方法签名为Cursor query(boolean distinct,String table,String[] columns,String selection,String[] selectionArgs,String groupBy,String having,String orderBy,String limit),这个query方法的参数说明如下:

  • distinct:指定是否去除重复记录。
  • table:执行查询数据的表名。
  • columns:要查询出来的列名。
  • selection:查询条件子句。
  • selectionArgs:用于为selection子句中占位符传入参数值,值在数组中的位置与占位符在语句中的位置必须一致,否则就会有异常。
  • groupBy:用于控制分组。
  • having:用于对分组进行过滤。
  • orderBy:用于对记录进行排序。
  • limit:用于进行分页。


Cursor cursor=db.query("person_inf",new String[]{"_id,name,age"},"name like ?",new String []{"孙%"},null,null,"personid desc","5,10");

if (cursor!=null) {
    String [] columns= cursor.getColumnNames();//返回一个字符串数组,其中包含结果集中所有列的名称,它们在结果中列出的顺序。
    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
        for (String columnName : columns) {
            Log.i("info", cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(columnName)));

直接定义sql语句,使用execSQL(String sql)方法调用,不过要注意sql语句中的空格、单双引号等问题

SQLiteDatabase sd=openOrCreateDatabase("stu.db",MODE_PRIVATE,null);
sd.execSQL("create table if not exists usertb (_id integer primary key autoincrement, name text not null , age integer not null , sex text not null )");
sd.execSQL("insert into usertb(name,sex,age) values('张三','男',18)");
sd.execSQL("insert into usertb(name,sex,age) values('李四','男',19)");
sd.execSQL("insert into usertb(name,sex,age) values('王五','男',20)");
Cursor c=sd.rawQuery("select * from usertb",null);//得到游标,类似一个集合;rawQuery(sql语句,查询条件)
    Log.i("info", "_id:"+c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex("_id")));
    Log.i("info", "name:"+c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("name")));
    Log.i("info", "age:"+c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex("age")));
    Log.i("info", "sex:"+c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("sex")));




Return Public Methods
synchronized void close()Close any open database object.
String getDatabaseName()Return the name of the SQLite database being opened, as given to the constructor.
SQLiteDatabase getReadableDatabase()Create and/or open a database.创建或打开一个只读数据库
SQLiteDatabase getWritableDatabase()Create and/or open a database that will be used for reading and writing.创建或打开一个读写数据库
void onConfigure(SQLiteDatabase db)Called when the database connection is being configured, to enable features such as write-ahead logging or foreign key support.
abstract void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db)Called when the database is created for the first time.创建数据库时调用
void onDowngrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion)Called when the database needs to be downgraded.
void onOpen(SQLiteDatabase db)Called when the database has been opened.
abstract void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion)Called when the database needs to be upgraded.版本更新时调用
void setWriteAheadLoggingEnabled(boolean enabled)Enables or disables the use of write-ahead logging for the database.


import android.content.Context;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper;
 * Created by Administrator on 2016/10/29.
public class ShareOpen extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
    public ShareOpen(Context context, String name, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory, int version) {
        super(context, name, factory, version);
    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {              
        db.execSQL("create table if not exists usertb (_id integer primary key autoincrement, name text not null , age integer not null , sex text not null )");
        db.execSQL("insert into usertb(name,sex,age) values('张三','男',18)");
        db.execSQL("insert into usertb(name,sex,age) values('李四','男',19)");
        db.execSQL("insert into usertb(name,sex,age) values('王五','男',20)");
    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {


import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        ShareOpen shareOpen=new ShareOpen(MainActivity.this,"stu.db",null,1);
        SQLiteDatabase db=shareOpen.getWritableDatabase();
        final Cursor cursor=db.rawQuery("select * from usertb",null);
        String[] columnNames=cursor.getColumnNames();
        if (cursor!=null) {
            while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
                for (String name : columnNames) {
                    Log.i("SQLiteopenHelper", columnNames + ": " + cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(name)));


Return | Public Methods
-------- | ---
abstract | void close()Closes the Cursor, releasing all of its resources and making it completely invalid.
abstract | void copyStringToBuffer(int columnIndex, CharArrayBuffer buffer)Retrieves the requested column text and stores it in the buffer provided.
abstract | void deactivate()    This method was deprecated in API level 16.Since requery() is deprecated, so too is this.
abstract | byte[]   getBlob(int columnIndex)Returns the value of the requested column as a byte array.
abstract | int  getColumnCount()Return total number of columns
 abstract |  int    getColumnIndex(String columnName)Returns the zero-based index for the given column name, or -1 if the column doesn't exist.
abstract | int  getColumnIndexOrThrow(String columnName)Returns the zero-based index for the given column name, or throws IllegalArgumentException if the column doesn't exist.
abstract | String   getColumnName(int columnIndex)Returns the column name at the given zero-based column index.
 abstract | String[]    getColumnNames()Returns a string array holding the names of all of the columns in the result set in the order in which they were listed in the result.
abstract | int  getCount()Returns the numbers of rows in the cursor.
abstract | double   getDouble(int columnIndex)Returns the value of the requested column as a double.
abstract | Bundle   getExtras()Returns a bundle of extra values.
abstract | float    getFloat(int columnIndex)Returns the value of the requested column as a float.
abstract | int  getInt(int columnIndex)Returns the value of the requested column as an int.
abstract |  long    getLong(int columnIndex)Returns the value of the requested column as a long.
abstract | Uri  getNotificationUri()Return the URI at which notifications of changes in this Cursor's data will be delivered, as previously set by setNotificationUri(ContentResolver, Uri).
abstract | int  getPosition()Returns the current position of the cursor in the row set.
 abstract | short   getShort(int columnIndex)Returns the value of the requested column as a short.
abstract | String   getString(int columnIndex)Returns the value of the requested column as a String.
abstract |  int getType(int columnIndex)Returns data type of the given column's value.
abstract |  boolean getWantsAllOnMoveCalls()onMove() will only be called across processes if this method returns true.
abstract |  boolean isAfterLast()Returns whether the cursor is pointing to the position after the last row.
 abstract | boolean isBeforeFirst()Returns whether the cursor is pointing to the position before the first row.
abstract |  boolean isClosed()return true if the cursor is closed
 abstract |  boolean    isFirst()Returns whether the cursor is pointing to the first row.
abstract | boolean  isLast()Returns whether the cursor is pointing to the last row.
abstract |  boolean isNull(int columnIndex)Returns true if the value in the indicated column is null.
abstract |  boolean move(int offset)Move the cursor by a relative amount, forward or backward, from the current position.
abstract | boolean  moveToFirst()Move the cursor to the first row.
abstract | boolean  moveToLast()Move the cursor to the last row.
 abstract |  boolean    moveToNext()Move the cursor to the next row.
 abstract | boolean moveToPosition(int position)Move the cursor to an absolute position.
 abstract |  boolean    moveToPrevious()Move the cursor to the previous row.
 abstract |  void   registerContentObserver(ContentObserver observer)Register an observer that is called when changes happen to the content backing this cursor.
 abstract | void    registerDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver observer)Register an observer that is called when changes happen to the contents of the this cursors data set, for example, when the data set is changed via requery(), deactivate(), or close().
 abstract |  boolean    requery()   This method was deprecated in API level 11.Don't use this. Just request a new cursor, so you can do this asynchronously and update your list view once the new cursor comes back.
abstract |   Bundle respond(Bundle extras)This is an out-of-band way for the the user of a cursor to communicate with the cursor.
abstract |   void   setNotificationUri(ContentResolver cr, Uri uri)Register to watch a content URI for changes.
 abstract |  void   unregisterContentObserver(ContentObserver observer)Unregister an observer that has previously been registered with this cursor via registerContentObserver(ContentObserver).
abstract | void unregisterDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver observer)Unregister an observer that has previously been registered with this cursor via registerContentObserver(ContentObserver).
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