Hi, 大家好 我是Tracy. 我毕业于瑞士酒店管理学校。我是一个充满探索欲的女生,求学期间, 经常脑洞大开, 来一场毫无计划说走就走的旅行。毕业后在马尔代夫,迪拜等地积累了一些酒店的工作经验。之后,向往自由的我又跳出酒店圈, 大胆地尝试了和教育相关的工作。无论是过去海外求学还是异国工作旅行经历, 又或者跨行的尝试 都让我感受到了文化差异碰撞的魅力。带着让文化传递快乐与价值的愿景,回到美丽的家乡杭州加入乐培互惠生。
Hi, Everyone, I am Tracy! I was graduated from Swiss Hotel Management School. I am quite adventurous and full of curiosity. During the time being abroad, backpacking was the most loved way I chose to travel. After graduation, I have worked in Maldives and Dubai respectively in Hospitality industry. However following working in hotels for sometime, I thought there was something missing in my life. I knew it was about freedom. Subsequently, I jumped out of the hosptality to education industry. From the oversea study experience, working abroad and getting in touch with education industry bring me the chance to explore the charm of culture difference diversity. Fortunately, I get the opportunity to work in Lopair to pass on the happiness and value in the way of culture exchange.