English Exercises: My 2016 Movie Report【1】

At the alternation of the old and new year, Douban Web will gather all the tiny records in the past year and publish a movie/book report for every web user. For me, who acturally read a small number of books have been a real movie fan for many years.

This movie report assisted me a lot in sorting my movie records out. Not only the UI designing of Douban Web but also the posters are artistic and exquisite. I  took screen shots of the report and reserved the pictures.

Picture 1

There're 5 movies drawn on the cover of the  report: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them(神奇动物在哪里), Doctor Strange(奇异博士), Zootopia(疯狂动物城), July and Ansheng(七月与安生), Your name(你的名字).

These 5 movies all gained nice performances in both box-offices and topic heat, the only one I watched in the cinema is Fantastic Beasts. It lasts more than 2 hours, but I didn't feel boring at all and kept focused on it although I wasn't a big fan of Harry Potter.

I took 2 pieces of paper notes when watching, planning to write a movie comment artical about it when back. However, it was difficult for me to make a fine comment, as I really felt unacquinted to the beasts and magics appeared in the movie. I must take a long time to seek materials before opened the notebook computer, otherwise I didn't know where to begin with actually.

When I was hesitating whether to start or give up and go to bed early that night, I found that an article titled Broom flying in the sky embellished of stars, We're all Enchanters in the Dark——to Fantastic Beasts appeared in the Jianshu Web, written by the author of Summer God.

I read it from the beginning to the end earnestly, then I thought that there’s no need to seek materials any more. Actually that’s no need for me to write anything,this article was so excellent that readers of the Jianshu web would be enjoyable enough to read the just one.

It was very popular when Doctor Strange came out, but I hasn’t been ready to watch it until today even the movie resource could be loaded from the web.

I remember that it came out later than Fantastice Beasts for about one week, At that time I was busy with work and finally missed it.

To put it bluntly, I didn’t have any intrest in Marvel Movies from the bottom of my heart, although the leading role is my favorite England actor Benedict Cumberbatch.

Zootopia came out in the spring, which might be the most popular movie of last year. Now more than 9 months have passed, the CP of fox&rabbit are still hot.

Actually I regard it as just a nice movie, not an excellent movie. I didn’t laugh much when watching and wasn’t aware of how cute of the animals in the movie. Even I felt bored of it becouse too many people liked to mention it.

My four-years-old nephew loved it so much that he had almost watched it at home more than 5 times. Is it worth of been watched for 5 times or mentioned so much? I don’t think so. I am that kind of person who has no much affection to animals all the time.

July and AnshengYour Name,the two movies have no big differences in my eyes. They’re both showing simple stories and naive emotions between young people. I don’t think it suites for the people older than 25 years old, but actually many of my friends moved to tears in the cinema.

I am speechless.

Picture 2

Last year I had watched 141 movies. But the time I had spent on movies was much longer than the duration of 141 movies.

I have a habit of watching movies for more than 2 times, especially the favorate ones. There’re many classical movies that I had watched for more than 3 or 4 times. For example, Drink Eat Man Women, Cook of Southland, Memory of Killing, Leon, and so on.

Maybe some boring movies were marked one star, I just watched several parts with the scroll bar of the player.

Last year I had watched 3 teleplays which now I can’t even remember their names. Maybe some short works of England or Japan?

Soap opera really wastes time and makes much less significance than movies which are only about 2 hours in length.

It is more than I thought that I actually watched 23 new movies. I really don’t go to cinema very often and enjoy old classical movies at home. Let me think about it, maybe less than 10 movies I watched in the cinema, and the remaining I loaded resouces on the web which updated in time.

20 movies were marked 5 stars? It’s beyond my expectation too. I estimated that most of the movies were marked 3 or 4 stars, I didn’t expect that 14 percent of the 141 movies got fullmark.

In the past year, I watched a movie every 2 and a half days. So frequently. With the accompany of so many movies, the year of 2016 was really NICE.


Next Artical:English Exercises: My 2016 Movie Report【2】

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