Living the 80/20 way

1. If we understand the way the world is really organized-even though that may be completely opposite to what we expect- we can fit in with that way and get much more of what we care about with much less energy.

2. It's impossible to make real improvements to our lives unless we do things differently.

3. intensely

4. I can sing the praise of the 80/20 Way and say without hesitation how miraculous it is. 

5. 80 percent of results come from only 20 percent of causes or effort. 

6. It has turbo-boosted their careers, and enabled them to escape the rat-race treadmill.

7. In 1990 I ditched a conventional career. 

8. I've always allowed large tracts of time for family, friends, and sheer enjoyment of life.

9. I was taken aback when he said ...

10. Heard how great the book was, tried to get the hang of it, but I failed.

11. The book is breezy and easy.

12. It revolves around two ideas: The law of focus: less is more. The law of progress: we can create more with less. 

13. It is not necessary to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results.     ---Warren Buffett

14. Instead of working to live, we live to work.

15. greater social equalty and fraternity

16. dispite our increasingly frantic striving, rededes ever further from us

17. low social standing

18. missing out on the increasing material delights enjoyed by those on the fast track

19. But the fast track is not without its hazards. For many it means a single-minded obsession with getting ahead, total commitment to the job at the expense of personal relationships, and a frenzied lifestyle where work takes precedence over everything elso.

19. strike a chord

20. screw up our personal lives

21. I'm referring to the 80/20 principle, the observation that roughtly 80 percent of results stem from 20 percent or fewer of causes. 

22. drive progress throught the modern world

23. If it were so appllied, we could enjoy life much more, work less, and achieve more.

24. In reality, the best way to achieve more is to do less. Less is more when we concentrate on the few things that are truly important, not the least of which is happiness for ourselves and our loved ones. 

25. I mustn't run ahead of myself.

26. Let me introduce you properly to the 80/20 principle, one of the most mind-blowing, far-reaching, and surprising discoveries of the past 200 years. 

27. Make the wonky world even stranger.

28. in this curious and lopsided world

29. The world routinely divides into a few very powerful influences and the mass of totally unimportant ones.

30. The power of the 80/20 principle lies in the fact that it is counter-intuitive, it's not what we expect. 

31. an innate sense of fairness

32. It was staggered to learn that 17 percent of customers yielded 93 percent of profits.

33. In every age, it is the celebrated few scientists who make the vast majority of discoveries.

34. Crime statistics repertedly show that about 20 percent of thieves make off with 80 percent of the loot.

35. It may have fizzled out by the time you read this.

36. Note that 80/20 is simply shorthand for a very lopsided relationship between causes and results. The mubers don't have to add up to 100. In some cases, 30 percent of causes may lead to 70 percent of results.

37. bet fair, the world's leading 'betting exchange', where individuals take bets with other individuals, says that 90 percent of the money staked comes from 10 percent of its clients.

38. Stanley Milgram     'six degrees of separation'

39. in an outbreak of gonorrhea in ...

40. new ventures

41. History is full of cases where a tiny minority of players have diverted its whole course.

42. As the high performers are not 10 or 20 times more intelligent that other people, it is the methods and resources they use that are unusually powerful.

43. There are always a small minority of every powerful forces and a great mass of unimportant ones.

44. No prize for guessing the species.

45. be churned out time and again

46. inventories

47. The whole process of life is the perfect expression of the 80/20 principle, taken to its fullest extent.

48. Diminutive causes, massive results.

49. Evolution presents a stunning example of selectivity. 

50. The 80/20 principle works everythere in life. It's surprising and amazing. It's not what we expect. There is a big imbalance between causes and results. Most causes have little result, a few transform life.

51. elitist

52. It is a fallacy that there is any restriction on who uses the 80/20 principle or that it is a zero-sum gain.

53. To object to improvement on the grounds that it is elitist is wrong-headed: progress is desirable and helps everyone. Perfection and equality are equally impossible, and in my opinion equally undesirable. 

54. We use the 80/20 Way to go with the grain of the universe, producing better results more easily. 

55. We will always have something to improve.

56. The 80/20 principle can make us happy, fulfilled, and relaxed. We start by creating more with less ...

Chapter 2: Create More with Less

1. Many might go to heaven with half the labor they go to hell.  ---Ben Jonson

2. Computers keep getting cheaper, smaller, easier to use, and more powerful. They exemplify more with less.

3. We can often get more with less simply by leaving something out. 

4. It is scant exaggeration to say that more with less is the basic principle by which modern science, technology, and business advance living standards everywhere.

5. They can never rest on their laurels.

6. Life in the fast lane turns into work in the fast lane. There is certainly more challenge, more stimulation, and more money, but there is also total submission to work demands, more burnout, and pervasive anxiety.

7. a more balanced and relaxed life

8. Many of the things we do absorb energy but are worse than useless. Worry is a prime example. Worry is never useful. When we find ourselves worrying, we should either act and not worry, or decide not to act and not worry. If we can act to avoid a bad fate or reduce its chance of happening--and the action is worthwhile--then we should act and not worry. If, on the other hand, we can't control or influence what will happen, then worrying will cause us distress but not help us: we should not act and not worry. Worries will always arise but we can do without them, instantly deciding to act or not act, but in either case not to worry.

9. We have a big project ahead of us: nothing less thanthe reversal of modern work and living habits, the change from more with more to more with less in our personal, social, and professional lives.

10. Social fashions don't change all that easily or quickly.

11. The Calvinist notion that toil and trouble are essential for personal advancement is so deeply rooted in the culture and working assumptions of modern life that it will take a generation to uproot it.

11. It is always possible to improve anything in our lives, not by a small amount, but by a large amount. The way to make the improvement is to ask, "What will give me a much better result for much less energy?"

12. By deliberately cutting back on what we put into the task and yet asking for much more, we force ourselves to think hard and do something different. This is the root of all progress.

13. blunder

14. It's incredibly corny, but the best things in life are free or nearly free, giving a fantastic return on effort.

15. The reward is out of proprotion to the effort.

16. The only way to take leaps forward in our lives is to demand more with less.

17. A bit of upfront thinking is a small price for a huge lifetime reward.

18. One final element of more with less that can make a big difference to our lives is the role that habit plays. Anything we do is much more difficult the first time, and gets progressively easier the more we do it, to the point where it bacomes easier to do it than not to do it. A terrific example is exercise.

19. What's fieeicult becomes easy and what's easy often creates difficulties.

20. Why work hard for nothing, when a few habits that become second nature can give you a healthy rhythm every day?

21. We get more reward with less energy if we adopt rewarding habits earlier rather than later. But also, given human nature, we'd better be selective about the good habits we're going to adopt. We get more happiness with less effort if we carefully select a few excellent habits we'd like to have and master these, not bothering about all the other good habits we could in theory cultivate. There's a limit to the number of good habits most of us can practice. Yet a few habits can have a phenomenal effect on our happiness throughout life--we get a massive bonanza from a little upfront effort.

22. high-payoff new habits

23. You shouldn't choose a habit because it's morally 'good', but because of the huge benefit to you. Just choose seven super-rewarding habits that will be your friend for life.

24. overleaf

25. Examples of high lifetime payoff habits

Daily exercise:

Daily intellectual exercise

Doing one altruistic act a day

Meditating or quiet thinking each day

Daily nurturing of your lover

Always give praise or thanks where possible

Save and invest 10 percent of income

Being generous to friends

Always having 2-3 hours of pure relaxation every day

Never lying

Keeping calm and relaxed always

Focusing on what matters to you

Deciding never to worry: always to act and not worry or not act and not worry

Habitually asking yourself how to get more with less

Pick the few high-payoff habits that will make you happiest. This list is far from exhaustive, so add any habits that have the potential to make you very happy, then master your seven.

26. Time is a gentle god.   ----Sophocles

27. He decided to go to Tibet, enter a monastery, and undertake rigorous spiritual studies.

28. It took just a moment of inspiration, while he was relaxing, thinking about nothing much.

29. Time is like that: cussed when we try to speed up, a dear friend when we slow down.

30. In fact, being lazy---having plenty of time to think---may actually be a precondition for achieving a great deal.

31. Because most of us don't have to labor with our hands, we use our minds to create great wealth, science, and culture.

32. Here is a parabox. We have never been so free, yet failed to realize the extent of our freedom. We have never had so much time, yet felt we had so little. Modern life bullies us to speed up our lives. We use technology to do everything faster. But in racing against the clock, all we do is stress ourselves out. Going faster doesn't give us more time---it makes us feel that we're always behind. We battle against time, our imagined enemy. We perceive time as accelerating, draining out from our lives at an alarming rate.

33. There are two ways in which we experience time. There is the small quantity of time--the 20 percent or less..that delivers 80 percent of what we want. And there is the much larer quantity of time..the 80 percent or more..that delivers a miserable 20 percent.

34. Time doesn't run at a constant rate. Time flows in fits and starts, in gurgles and splurges, in trickles and floods. There are long periods when nothing happens, and short bursts when a tidal wave tranforms our world.

35. There are times when we are totally absorbed, absolutely happy, in tune with the universe---when time stands still. 

36. We can sharply boost the quality of our lives by changing our use of time.

37. a good rule of thumb

38. When they first hear about the 80/20 principle, many people get the wrong end of the stick.

39. I was worn out. 

40. I was goofing off.

41. Achievement islands are the small time periods when you are your most productive or creative: when you get more with less, accomplishing the most with little apparent effort in very little time.

42. Could you spend more time on the things you enjoy, even without quitting your day job? Could a hobby, interest, or sideline in your life blosson into a new career? Find out: spend more time on the things you enjoy. Try out your new projects while you are still working at your normal job. Experiment with different ideas until one clicks. 

43. Once there was a wayward school kid. Expelled for being disruptive, he found a badly paid job as a junior clerical officer. 

44. In his mid-twenties he rocked the scientifil world with teh theory of relativity.

45. He relished the rest of his life as the first "celebrity scientist."

46. Many great ideas have come from people doing ordinary jobs. Time that would otherwise be wasted and miserable can become hugely creative and enjoyable.

47. Think about the 80/20 questions overleaf. To answer them, try thinking about or writing down everything that really excites you, that you love doing in any part of life---at work, your hobbies and sports, the best minutes of each day. Then either choose one of these activities and make it central to your life, or work out what the activities have in common and do more of that, and less of everything else. 

48. My life took a turn for the better when I realized that what I loved doing was evoking enthusiasm.

49. It's the thing I enjoy most and do best has led me to a fuller and richer life, while also doing less. 

50. Down with time management, up with time revolution.

 51. In today's faster world, hours are longer, work less leisurely, and pressure more intense.

52. With time management, we work more and relax less. 

53. Time revolution says the opposite. We have too much time, not too little. It is because we have so much time that we squander it.

54. To detonate your time revolution, slow down. Stop worrying. Do fewer things.

55. Chuck your to do list, make a not to do list.

56. Act less, think more. Reflect on what really matters to you. Stop doing anything that isn't valuable, that doesn't make you happy. Savor life.

57. Reclaim time for yourself and the people you care about.

58. business acumen

59. He was always dressed immaculately.

60. languidly writing down ...

61. The present moment is vital. Don't live in the past or the future. Don't worry about the past or the future. Get more with less---confine yourself to the present moment and enjoy concentrating on it.

62. We can be proud of our past and we can hope for our future, but we can only live in the present.

63. We have the precious gift of life today, to be enjoyed and experienced how we choose. Each moment of life has the quality of eternity, the stamp of our own individuality. When time stands still, we are totally absorbed in the present. We are everything and we are nothing. Time is fleeting and eternal. We are happy, life has meaning. We're part of time, and also out-side it.

64. When the present moment has meaning, time is one seamless whole, valuable yet inconspicuous. 

65. The rush is over, anxieties recede, bliss increases. We can be intensely happy in no time at all. When we are at one with life and the universe, we step outside time. We reach the highest form of more with less.

66.  We can apply less is more and more with less to our life. 

67. We will develop a personal action plan enabling us to thrive in the modern world while elegantly side-stepping its wearisome woes.

Chapter 4: Focus on Your Best 20 Percent

1. I've got more energy now than when I was younger because I know exactly what I want to do.

                                 ---Legendary ballet master George Balanchine

2. He ducked out of the standard tour to find a real movie being made.

3. buttonhole

4. He commandeered a deserted trailer.

5. He became a fixture on the lot.

6. He made a string a hits.

7. Focus is the secret of all personal power, happiness, and success. Focus means doing less; being less. Focus makes less more. Few people focus, yet focus is easy. Focus expands individuality, the essence of being human.

8. Life's greatest mystery is human character and uniqueness. We craft individuality. Other animals can't. 

9. We're not totally subject to our genes.

10. Our destiny lies in becoming individuals---creating and fulfilling our unique potential. We each evolve differently and unpredictably.

11. Individuality implies differentiation. Becoming different requires editing, subtraction, focus. We become dissimilar by focusing on our distinctive and authentic parts.

12. True, we're not blank slates. Our genes determine our appearance and have a big say in many other matters.

13. We become individuals though subtraction. Less is more. We have the wonderful opportunity to let go of the bits of ourselves that are not authentic, not 'really us' --- the parts imposed by background, parents, and environment. The authentic self is a small part of our total self, yet it's the vital self. We all have special gifts, unique imaginations, our little bit of genius: the spark of life that's wholly ours.

13. When we focus our self, we give up doing what many other people do, thinking what others think. Is this a loss? Of quantity, yes; but not of quality. In quality, less is more. By narrowing our interests, we deepen and intensify them. By focusing on our best, unique attributes, we become more individual, more human. We focus our power, our singularity, and our ability to enjoy life profoundly and uniquely.

14. Developing individuality is a consicous process. It involves deciding who you are and who yuo are not; who you want to become and who you don't want to become. We become more distinctive individuals through deliberate decisions and actions, honing and increasing what is different and best about us. 

15. Many people meander through life, muddling along without great hope or direction.

16. Are they short-changing themselves?

17. All of these decisions exclude. They simplify life, close off options, eliminate excess choice. They concentrate energy.

18. a sounding board

19. Whether you believe you can do something or you beliee you can't, you are right.

20. Focus decreases doubt and turbo-charges confidence and power.

21. The subconscious can resolve dilemmas, breed brilliant ideas, bring us peace and joy.

22. Eureka!

23. 33页

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