中文 Chinese & 英文English
1. 仰臥 & lie down on your back
2. 俯臥 & lie down on your stomach
3. 以英雄式坐下 & sit in Virasana
4. 跪立在墊子上 & kneel on the mat
5. 雙膝保持併攏 & keep the knees together
6.雙腳分開 & spread the feet apart
7.山式站立 & stand in Tadasana
8. 深吸氣,雙腳抬高,保持雙腿伸直 & raise your legs while taking a deep breath and keep them straight up
9. 雙手托住背部,軀幹往上抬 & rasie your torso using your hands on your back as support
10. 雙腿盡量伸直 & stretch your legs up as straight as you can
11.呼氣時,緩慢地將身體放低到地面上 & lower your torso on the ground slowly while exhale
12.抓住腳踝 & hold your anckles
13.身軀向前傾斜 & tip your torso forward
14.左腿折疊 & fold your left leg
15.拉長腰椎 & lengthen your lumbar spine
16.旋轉胸椎 & rotate through your thoracic spine
17.向上拉長脊柱 & lengthen up through your spine
18.下巴往下收至胸骨 & tuck your chin down into your sternum
19.脊柱後彎 & curve the spine back
20.頭向後仰 & throw the head back
21.吸氣,身體轉向右側 & inhale, turn the trunk to the right
22.雙手放在膝蓋上 & bring your hands to your knees
23.大拇指和食指相扣 & join the tips of the thumbs and forefingers
24.其他手指伸直 & keep the other fingers extended
25.完全放鬆身體 & completely relax your body
26.眉心舒展放鬆 & relax the space between the brows
27.躺下 & lie down
28.蓋上毯子休息 & cover yourself with a blanket,and rest
29.雙手放在身體兩側的墊子上,掌心向上 & keep your hands on the ground next to your body, palms up