
On Practice VII 【修行 (七) -英文】


What does it mean when we say that someone looks solemn and sublime? When one does not act upon ignorance and delusion, when one constantly purifies one's body and mind, he/she will acquire a natural solemn and sublime manner. When one enacts the ideas of kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity, when one conducts him/herself in good manners, he/she will look solemn and sublime.


We practitioners should dedicate ourselves to "attain buddhahood and deliver all sentient beings." However, we must work on our own salvation first so that we may acquire the ability to deliver others. The first step is to forgo our desire to eat, dress, and live lavishly, and to forsake our secular affections, attachments, and our incessant pursuit of wealth and fame. Only when our minds and bodies become pure and free of hindrance can we begin to talk about preaching Buddhadharma for the benefit of all sentient beings. Otherwise, with our own minds enslaved by secular attachments, how can we help to free others from such bondage?


As practitioners, we ought to relinquish all cravings for good food, nice clothing, comfortable housing, wealth and fame, etc. In other words, we can begin our practice by curbing desires stimulated by what we see, hear, smell, taste, touch, and think, thereby shake off the fetters of sensual passions. This is how the strength of our practice may grow. Therefore, we monastic practitioner sought to content ourselves with a simple life and really devote ourselves to practice. Only by so doing can we hope to win the confidence and respect of all beings and become genuine masters who, while liberating ourselves, can guide them out of their sufferings.


We ought to recognize that "Only through endurance can we transcend hardships, and only through forbearance can we gain blessed rewards." The amount of karmic obstructions we can reduce is proportional to the hardships we endure and the efforts we put into practice. Similarly, merits can only be earned through diligent practice, not external pursuits.


Do understand that sitting meditation does not mean sitting there idly, doing nothing. Most important of all, do not cling to the ideas that "I am meditating," "I am reciting the name of the Buddha," or "I am practicing Zen," otherwise, we will be practicing with the omnipresence of the sense of "self." If we continue to dwell on the idea that "I am doing this and that," we are still clinging to erroneous and illusive thoughts and can never be genuinely free. In this way, even if we meditate for thousands of years, the effect will be the same as cooking rocks or steaming sands--all useless in terms of getting ourselves to transcend the cycle of birth and death. Forsake all forms, attach our mind to nothing, and think not of what we are doing. Also, conduct our daily activities (be it moving, staying, sitting, or sleeping) without clinging to any idea of purity, or dwell on any dharma. Only by steering clear of all discrimination and differentiation can we transcend the three realms and break out of the prison of samsara.


Real life is very much like a soap opera in which everyone plays a role. We all have the experience of following the emotional swings of the characters of soap operas. However, we rarely sense that the ensuing sentiments, of joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness are but distinctions made by our own minds. It is much the same in real life. More often than not, we allow our distinction of circumstances or judgments of people to take charge of our emotions without even being conscious about it. Furthermore, it seems that we always find it easier to emulate bad examples than good one. This is because our delusions accumulated through the eons can easily overwhelm us. Hence, we are often swayed by circumstances befitting our sinister desires. On the other hand, how often have we claimed that "to tolerate the intolerable and practice the impracticable" is the attainment of buddhas and bodhisattvas, thereby excusing ourselves for not following their examples but merely praising them with empty words? The most unfortunate result is that we keep on ingraining bad habits while shunning the good. This is what we called the misconception of an ordinary person, and it is due largely to our lack of firm resolve (to practice).


——Translated from Analects of Master Kuang-chin(编译自《广钦老和尚开示录》)On Practice VIII 【修行 (八) -英文】


The reason that some people are affluent and prestigious is because they have accumulated a great deal of virtues through generous giving in previous lives. However, there is a catch taking pleasure from such rewards. Without realizing the sufferings of impermanence and all sorts of frustration, people may easily revel and not be aware of what they really need, let alone search for the means to escape the prison of samsara. When the time comes that they have used up all their rewards, they will be driven by other karmic forces and continue to roam in the eternal cycle of rebirths.


Keep reminding ourselves that we are practicing for the benefit of all beings, and this will in turn bring us immeasurable rewards. Only by doing in this way can we transcend the captivity of discrimination between the self and the others, and keep away from attachments to the appearance of the self, the inverted dreams, as well as greed, anger, and ignorance, etc. We can also gradually be free of the vexations caused by the attachment to the appearance of the self, and the infinite samadhi of our true nature will then unfold. Therefore, the premise of our practice should always be for the benefit of the others, for the deliverance of all beings. Only then can we have less on our plate and be more broad-minded.


We monastic practitioners ought not to have fear of adverse circumstances, for it is exactly those "baffled, confounded, unfitting, and uncomfortable" conditions that we practice to tackle. These adverse courses will help, along our way of practice, to unfold our wisdom, enhance our tolerance, and gradually free us from all fetters. And as our wisdom develops to a certain level, we would naturally overcome vexations of that level. Therefore, those who really know the meaning of practice never feel apprehensive about adverse circumstances.


Ascetic practice means to train our minds through our daily chores. In carrying out our tasks, we should learn to bear hardships and extend the level of our tolerance. After a while, we may find the tasks less unbearable, indicating the waning of our karmic obstructions. On the other hand, if we feel growing pain and impatience, we are under the full swing of our karmic obstructions. As we know, buddhas and bodhisattvas, with all their karmic obstructions eradicated through ascetic practice, are free of vexations and pain. They have attained perfect freedom hence having no sense that they are "doing something" or "delivering sentient beings".


The sun does not discriminate: it shines on virtuous people as well as on immoral ones. This is how we should treat others. The morality of others is their concern only; we ought to treat everyone with similar compassion and kindness. If we discriminate against some people because they are immoral, then we are not that much different from them.


When carrying out our daily tasks about the temple, do not feel that we are doing it for the buddhas, the bodhisattvas, or the Master. In fact, we are doing it solely for the reduction of our own karmic obstructions. As I often tell you "There isn't much to learn from me; all I do is asking you to sweep the floor and do other laborious chores." However, do not think floor sweeping is an easy matter. If not doing it right, you may feel vexed and come under the sway of your delusive karma. Therefore, not only should you sweep the floor clean, but also do it gladly: feel that you are at the same time sweeping away all delusive vexations, all obstructions of arrogance, envy, and ignorance, and all dusts clouding your wisdom, and while doing this, fill your mind with dharmic joy. Were you able to do so, you can claim that you truly know how to sweep the floor. Practice, then, means mindfully carrying out daily tasks and, through which, eliminating all vexations so as to break out of the cycle of birth and death.

——Translated from Analects of Master Kuang-chin(编译自《广钦老和尚开示录》)


On Practice IX 【修行 (九) -英文】


Our practice will be enhanced by the realization that we are but an ordinary person. It makes us humble hence more willing to embrace teachings of masters and practice diligently. Otherwise, we might be too arrogant to learn and, consequently, unwilling to practice. Practice means to walk the path step by step, to adjust and discipline our mind through challenges, to eliminate all delusions and vexations, and to be unsusceptible to the swing of circumstances. Only then can there be hope for attainment in practice. Therefore, practice should begin with the training of "our own mind", which no one else can do for us. If we practice to the extent that our mind is free of all fetters, the true self will be found, the Buddha nature will be seen and wisdom will unfold.


Ascetic practice is the best way to expel erroneous and illusive thoughts. When dealing with impossible and unbearable circumstances, learn to let go of all aspirations and attachments. When handling them with an undivided mind, we won't discriminate and, therefore, have no vexations, and our karmic obstructions and ignorance will naturally be eliminated and we will be filled with dharmic joy. Keep on such practice and our wisdom unfold. By then, everything will become crystal clear thus easily comprehensible.


The great patriarchs in history always kept a low profile and pursued no fame. As we know, those who desire less of worldly fame and gains are more apt to practice diligently. Too many secular concerns distract our minds and make us pretentious. Under these circumstances, no attainment is possible and our efforts of leaving home for practice will all be in vain.


Wisdom is much more powerful than supernatural capability, for the latter is but the ingenious application of the former. Wisdom is the inner light that enables us to discern and comprehend the essence of everything; it helps us eliminate all vexations generated by our ignorance and escape the cycle of birth and death. Therefore, if we covet supernatural capability rather than wisdom, we will have no hope of attaining buddhahood. Instead, we will remain in the three realms and be confined to the six paths of rebirth.

修行不是修给别人看的,表面功夫是不会有道行的,深浅别人一试便知晓。《金刚经》云:(若有我相、人相、众生相、寿者相,即非菩萨。) 所以修行是(密行),是修自己的心,向内观照自己的起心动念,不是向外攀缘追求得到的。然而即使自己真有功夫,也不必故意让别人感觉出来,这样才好真实办道。

The purpose of practice is not to show off. Ostentatious practice gains no strength and is lack of substance, which will be easily detected by others. As the Diamond Sutra puts it: "If someone still contains the appearances of self, of others, of sentient beings, and of life, he is not a true bodhisattva." Therefore, practice is a very "private" business. It is a training of our own mind to introspect the incipience and motivation of our each and every thought, which can never be attained through external pursuits. Even if we have attained certain skills, do not show off lest it should hamper your practice.


Genuine practitioners have firm "faith" and strong "resolve". The harder the situations become, the deeper their understanding of the Dharma  hence the stronger their perseverance in practice. That is why "no attainment is possible without hardship". Monastic practitioners should expect a lifestyle vastly different from that of laity, and realize that, the more arduous the circumstances are, the better for practice.


Unlike the laity, practitioners should not argue about right or wrong. Once there were two disciples practicing meditation. One sat in a very solemn and dignified manner, the other quite at ease, not even keeping his posture. However, the master hit the former with an incense ferule to test whether his mind was as solemn and dignified as his posture indicated. If he was not, he would resent the master and become vexed. On the other hand, if his mind were solemn and dignified, he would humbly request the instruction of the master to improve his practice. So, as you see, instead of quibbling over right and wrong, what we really should do is constantly introspecting whether we ourselves have gained genuine strength through practice. Here is a good measurement of strength: when others insist we are wrong even though we have done everything correctly, we can sincerely accept such criticism.


When leaving home for practice, be sure to select a large monastery. The experience of living together with more people provides ample opportunities to practice against diverse circumstances. When practitioners live in a small group without the restraint of monastic rules, they may easily indulge themselves hence forfeit the opportunities to discipline and train their minds.

——Translated from Analects of Master Kuang-chin(编译自《广钦老和尚开示录》)


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